Role::Markup::XML - Moo(se) role for bolt-on lazy XML markup

    Version 0.09

        package My::MarkupEnabled;

        use Moo;                  # or Moose, or something compatible
        with 'Role::Markup::XML'; # ...and this of course

        # write some other code...

        sub something_useful {
            my $self = shift;

            # put your XML-generating data structure here
            my %spec = (
                -name      => 'my:foo',              # element name
                -content   => { -name => 'my:bar' }, # element content
                hurr       => 'durr',                # attribute
                'my:derp'  => 'lulz',                # namespaced attribute
                'xmlns:my' => 'urn:x-bogus:foo',     # namespaces go inline

            # create a document object to hang on to
            my $doc  = $self->_DOC;

            # returns the last node generated, which is <my:bar/>
            my $stub = $self->_XML(
                doc  => $doc,
                spec => \%spec,

            my @contents = (
                # imagine a bunch of things in here

            # since these nodes will be appended to $stub, we aren't
            # interested in the output this time
                parent => $stub,          # owner document is derived
                spec   => \@contents,     # also accepts ARRAY refs
                args   => $self->cb_args, # some useful state data

            # the rest of the ops come from XML::LibXML
            return $doc->toString(1);

    This is indeed yet another module for lazy XML markup generation. It
    exists because it is different:

    *   It converses primarily in reusable, inspectable, and most
        importantly, *inert* Perl data structures,

    *   It also ingests existing XML::LibXML nodes,

    *   It enables you to generate markup *incrementally*, rather than all
        at once,

    *   It Does the Right Thingâ„¢ around a bunch of otherwise tedious
        boilerplate operations, such as namespaces, XHTML, or flattening
        token lists in attributes,

    *   It has a callback infrastructure to help you create modular
        templates, or otherwise override behaviour you don't like,

    *   It is implemented as a Role, to be more conducive to modern Perl

    I began by using XML::LibXML::LazyBuilder. It is pretty good, definitely
    preferable to typing out reams of XML::LibXML DOM-like API any time I
    wanted to make some (guaranteed well-formed) XML. I even submitted a
    patch to it to make it better. Nevertheless, I have reservations about
    the general approach to terse markup-generating libraries, in particular
    about the profligate use of anonymous subroutines. (You also see this in
    lxml.etree <> for Python, Builder::XmlMarkup
    <> for Ruby,

    The main issue is that these languages aren't Lisp: it costs something
    at runtime to gin up a stack of nested anonymous subroutines, run them
    once, and then immediately throw them away. It likewise costs in
    legibility to have to write a bunch of imperative code to do what is
    essentially data declaration. It also costs in sanity to have to write
    function-generating-function-generating functions just to get the mess
    under control. What you get for your trouble is an interim product that
    is impossible to inspect or manipulate. This ostensibly time-saving
    pattern quickly hits a wall in both development, and at runtime.

    The answer? Use (in this case) Perl's elementary data structures to
    convey the requisite information: data structures which can be built up
    from bits and pieces, referenced multiple times, sliced, diced, spliced,
    frozen, thawed, inspected, and otherwise operated on by ordinary Perl
    routines. Provide mix-and-match capability with vanilla XML::LibXML,
    callbacks, and make the whole thing an unobtrusive mix-in that you can
    bolt onto your existing code.

    Methods in this module are named such as to stay out of the way of
    *your* module's interface.

    Generate a document node. Shorthand for "new" in XML::LibXML::Document.

  _ELEM $TAG [, $DOC, \%NSMAP ]
    Generate a single XML element. Generates a new document unless $DOC is
    specified. Defaults to XHTML if no namespace map is provided.

  _XPC [ %NS | \%NS ]
    Return an XPath context with the given (optional) namespaces
    registered.The XHTML namespace is registered by default with the prefix
    "html". This context will persist if called from an instance.

    Generate an XML tree according to the specification format. Returns the
    *last node generated* by the process. Parameters are as follows:

        The node specification. Strictly speaking this is optional, but
        there isn't much of a point of running this method if there is no
        spec to run it over.

    doc The XML::LibXML::Document object intended to own the contents.
        Optional, however it is often desirable to supply a document object
        along with the initial call to this method, so as not to have to
        fish it out later.

        The XML::LibXML::Element (or, redundantly, Document) object which is
        intended to be the *parent node* of the spec. Optional; defaults to
        the document.

        Suppose we're doing surgery to an existing XML document. Instead of
        supplying a "parent", we can supply a node in said document which we
        want to *replace*. Note that this parameter is incompatible with
        "parent", is meaningless for some node types (e.g. "-doctype"), and
        may fail in some contexts (e.g. when the node to be replaced is the

    before, after
        Why stop at replacing nodes? Sometimes we need to snuggle a new set
        of nodes up to one side or the other of a sibling at the same level.
        Will fail if the sibling node has no parent. Will also fail if you
        do things like try to add a second root element. Optional of course.
        Once again, all these parameters, "parent", "replace", "before" and
        "after", are *mutually conflicting*.

        An "ARRAY" reference of arguments to be passed into "CODE"
        references embedded in the spec. Optional.

   Specification Format
    The building blocks of the spec are, unsurprisingly, "HASH" and "ARRAY"
    references. The former correspond to elements and other things, while
    the latter correspond to lists thereof. Literals become text nodes, and
    blessed objects will be treated like strings, so it helps if they have a
    string overload. "CODE" references may be used just about anywhere, and
    will be dereferenced recursively using the supplied "args" until there
    is nothing left to dereference. It is up to *you* to keep these data
    structures free of cycles.

        Special keys designate the name and content of an element spec.
        These are, unimaginitively, "-name" and "-content". They work like

            { -name => 'body', -content => 'hurr' }

            # produces <body>hurr</body>

        Note that "-content" can take any primitive: literal, "HASH",
        "ARRAY" or "CODE" reference, XML::LibXML::Node object, etc.

        Any key is not "-name" or "-content" will be interpreted as an

            { -name => 'body', -content => 'hurr', class => 'lolwut' }

            # produces <body class="lolwut">hurr</body>

        When references are values of attributes, they are flattened into

            { -name => 'body', -content => 'hurr', class => [qw(one two three)] }

            # produces <body class="one two three">hurr</body>

        If there is a colon in either the "-name" key value or any of the
        attribute keys, the processor will expect a namespace that
        corresponds to that prefix. These are specified exactly as one would
        with ordinary XML, with the use of an "xmlns:foo" attribute>.
        (Prefix-free "xmlns" attributes likewise work as expected.)

            { -name => 'svg',
              xmlns => '',
              'xmlns:xlink' => '',
              -content => [
                  { -name => 'a', 'xlink:href' => '' },

            # produces:
            # <svg xmlns=""
            #      xmlns:xlink="">
            #   <a xlink:href=""/>
            # </svg>

    Other Nodes

            Processing instructions are designated by the special key "-pi"
            and accept arbitrary pseudo-attributes:

                { -pi => 'xml-stylesheet', type => 'text/xsl', href => '/my.xsl' }

                # produces <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/my.xsl"?>

            Document type declarations are designated by the special key
            "-doctype" and accept values for the keys "public" and "system":

                { -doctype => 'html' }

                # produces <!DOCTYPE html>

            Comments are designated by the special key "-comment" and
            whatever is in the value of that key:

                { -comment => 'hey you guyyyys' }

                # produces <!-- hey you guyyyys -->

        Just about any part of a markup spec can be replaced by a "CODE"
        reference, which can return any single value, including another
        "CODE" reference. These are called in the context of $self, i.e., as
        if they were a method of the object that does the role. The "args"
        in the original method call form the subsequent input:

            sub callback {
                my ($self, @args) = @_;

                my %node = (-name => 'section', id => $self->generate_id);

                # things to %node, presumably involving @args...

                return \%node;

            sub make_xml {
                my $self = shift;

                my $doc = $self->_DOC;
                    doc  => $doc,
                    spec => { -name => 'p', -content => \&callback },

               return $doc;

        "CODE" references can appear in attribute values as well.

    Generate an XHTML+RDFa stub. Return the "<body>" and the document when
    called in list context, otherwise return just the "<body>" in scalar
    context (which can be used in subsequent calls to "_XML").

      my ($body, $doc) = $self->_XHTML(%p);

      # or

      my $body = $self->_XHTML(%p);

    uri The "href" attribute of the "<base>" element.

    ns  A mapping of namespace prefixes to URIs, which by default will
        appear as *both* XML namespaces *and* the "prefix" attribute. If
        this element is present but false, all namespaces (including the
        default XHTML namespace and any "xml:lang" attribute) will be left

        Also a mapping of namespace prefixes to URIs. This will occupy the
        "prefix" attribute in the root element. This element can be used to
        specify RDF prefixes distinct from XML namespaces of the actual
        document. If this element is not specified, then the contents of
        "ns" will be duplicated into the "prefix" attribute. If it is
        present but false, the "prefix" attribute will be left off.

        This will specify a default "vocab" attribute in the "<html>"
        element, like <>.

        This sets a default language via the "lang" or "xml:lang"
        attributes, depending on whether namespaces are set.

        This can either be a literal title string, or "CODE" reference, or
        "HASH" reference assumed to encompass the whole "<title>" element,
        or an "ARRAY" reference where the first element is the title and
        subsequent elements are predicates.

        This can either be an "ARRAY" reference of ordinary markup specs, or
        a "HASH" reference where the keys are the "rel" attribute and the
        values are one or more (via "ARRAY" ref) URIs. In the latter form
        the following behaviour holds:

        *   Predicates are grouped by "href", folded, and sorted

        *   "<link>" elements are sorted first lexically by the sorted
            "rel", then by sorted "rev", then by "href".

        *   A special empty "" hash key can be used to pass in another
            similar structure whose keys represent "rev", or reverse

        *   A special "-about" key can be used to specify another "HASH"
            reference where the keys are subjects and the values are similar
            structures to the one described.

            # ordinary links
            'rel:prop' => [qw(urn:x-target:1 urn:x-target:2)],

            # special case for reverse links
            '' => { 'rev:prop' => 'urn:x-demo-subject:id' },

            # special case for alternate subject
            -about => {
              'urn:x-demo-subject:id' => { 'some:property' => 'urn:x-target' } },

        The "ARRAY" reference form is passed along as-is.

        Behaves similarly to the "link" parameter, with the following

        *   No "" or "-about" pseudo-keys, as they are meaningless for

        *   Literal values can be expressed as an "ARRAY" reference of the
            form "[$val, $lang, $type]" with either the second or third
            element "undef". They may also be represented as a "HASH"
            reference where the keys are the language (denoted by a leading
            "@") or datatype (everything else), and the values are the
            literal values.

            'prop:id' => ['foo', [2.3, undef, 'xsd:decimal']],
            'exotic'  => { '@en' => ['yo dawg', 'derp'] }

        This is an optional "ARRAY" reference of "<head>" elements that are
        neither "<link>" nor "<meta>" (or, if you want, additional
        unmolested "<link>" and "<meta>" elements).

        These attributes (including "-content") will be passed into the
        "<body>" element.

        This parameter enables us to isolate the "<body>" content without
        additional attributes.

        Note that setting this parameter will cause the method to return the
        innermost, last node that is specified, rather than the "<body>".

        This is the URI of a (e.g. XSLT) transform which will be included in
        a processing instruction if supplied.

        Same as "args" in "_XML".

    This is just a convenience method for "load_xml" in XML::LibXML. All
    parameters get passed straight through without any modification.

    Dorian Taylor, "<dorian at>"

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-role-markup-xml at", or through the web interface at
    <>. I will
    be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
    your bug as I make changes.

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc Role::Markup::XML

    You can also look for information at:

    *   RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)


    *   AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


    *   CPAN Ratings


    *   Search CPAN


    *   XML::LibXML::LazyBuilder

    *   XML::LibXML

    *   Moo

    Copyright 2016 Dorian Taylor.

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
    a copy of the License at <>.

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.