Class::StructTemplate and Class::Persistent::StructTemplate

Class::StructTemplate and Class::Persistent::StructTemplate define interfaces
which allow the user to create a class in a similar way to Class::Struct which
is serializable to a database using a plugin module. Currently, a plugin for
MySQL is included in this distribution, but this will change in a short time.

Class::StructTemplate extends Class::Struct and Class::DBI in the sense that
it works correctly with data-items that are references to other
Class::StructTemplate derived classes. Those aren't Data::Dumper-ed into the
table that the original class uses, but are saved to their respective
positions. A reference to the class is saved. Loading an entry takes these
references into account, meaning that database structures can easily be
mapped to memory. The delete operator does internal housekeeping (in the sense
of garbage-collection), so that referenced entries that aren't referenced by
any other module are deleted automatically.

This module is currently version 0.01 (at the time of writing), and as such
still alpha software. The author makes absolutely no claim as to the
workability or the usability of this module (yes, that's a disclaimer!!!).
If you feel like contributing or patching this code, please contact

There is currently no (I mean none) documentation of the interface; if you
like, look at and to see how it's done or stick with me
for another week, in which I hope I'll have the time to write some pod... :)

Copyright (C) 2000 by Heiko Wundram (

Written on: 26.12.2000 (12/26/2000 if you like... :))