App::Bondage - A featureful IRC bouncer based on POE::Component::IRC

     my $bouncer = App::Bondage->new(
         Debug    => $debug,
         Work_dir => $work_dir,

    Bondage is an IRC bouncer. It acts as a proxy between multiple IRC
    servers and multiple IRC clients. It makes it easy to stay permanently
    connected to IRC. It is mostly made up of reusable components. Very
    little is made from scratch here. If it is, it will be made modular and
    reusable, probably as a POE::Component::IRC plugin. This keeps the code
    short and (hopefully) well tested by others.

    I wrote Bondage because no other IRC bouncer out there fit my needs.
    Either they were missing essential features, or they were implemented in
    an undesirable (if not buggy) way. I've tried to make Bondage stay out
    of your way and be as transparent as possible. It's supposed to be a
    proxy, after all.

  Easy setup
    Bondage is easy to get up and running. In the configuration file, you
    just have to specify the port it will listen on, the password, and some
    IRC server(s) you want Bondage to connect to. Everything else has
    sensible defaults, though you might want to use a custom nickname and
    pick some channels to join on connect.

    Bondage can log both public and private messages for you. All log files
    are saved as UTF-8.

  Stays connected
    Bondage will reconnect to IRC when it gets disconnected or the IRC
    server stops responding.

  Recall messages
    Bondage can send you all the messages you missed since you detached, or
    it can send you all messages received since it connected to the IRC
    server, or neither. This feature is based on similar features found in
    miau, dircproxy, and ctrlproxy.

    Bondage will set your status to away when no clients are attached.

  Reclaim nickname
    Bondage will periodically try to change to your preferred nickname if it
    is taken.

  Flood protection
    Bondage utilizes POE::Component::IRC's flood protection to ensure that
    you never flood yourself off the IRC server.

  NickServ support
    Bondage can identify with NickServ for you when needed.

  Rejoins channels if kicked
    Bondage can try to rejoin a channel if you get kicked from it.

  Encrypted passwords
    Bondage supports encrypted passwords in its configuration file for added

  SSL support
    You can connect to SSL-enabled IRC servers, and make Bondage require SSL
    for client connections.

  IPv6 support
    Bondage can connect to IPv6 IRC servers, and also listen for client
    connections via IPv6.

  Cycles empty channels
    Bondage can cycle (part and rejoin) channels for you when they become
    empty in order to gain ops.

  CTCP replies
    Bondage will reply to CTCP VERSION requests when you are offline.

    The following options are recognized in the configuration file which is
    called ~/.bondage/config.yml.

  Global options
    (optional, default: *""*)

    The host that Bondage accepts connections from. This is the host you use
    to connect to Bondage.

    (required, no default)

    The port Bondage binds to.

    (optional, default: *false*)

    Set this to true if you want Bondage to require the use of SSL for
    client connections. You'll need to have ssl.crt and ssl.key files in
    Bondage's working directory. More information, see

    (required, no default)

    The password you use to connect to Bondage. If it is 32 characters, it
    is assumed to be encrypted (see "bondage -c");

    (required, no default)

    This should contain a list of network names, each pointing to a list of
    relevant options as described in the following section.

         option1: value
         option2: value
         option1: value
         option2: value

  Network-specific options
    (optional, default: *""*)

    The host that Bondage binds to and connects to IRC from. Useful if you
    have multiple IPs and want to choose which one to IRC from.

    (required, no default)

    The IRC server you want Bondage to connect to.

    (optional, default: *6667*)

    The port on the IRC server you want to use.

    (optional, no default)

    The IRC server password, if there is one.

    (optional, default: *false*)

    Set this to true if you want to use SSL to communicate with the IRC

    (optional, no default)

    Your NickServ password on the IRC network, if you have one. Bondage will
    identify with NickServ with this password on connect, and whenever you
    switch to your original nickname.

    (optional, default: your UNIX user name)

    Your IRC nick name.

    (optional, default: your UNIX user name)

    Your IRC user name.

    (optional, default: your UNIX real name, if any)

    Your IRC real name, or email, or whatever.

    (optional, default: *false*)

    Set to a true value to allow flooding (disables flood protection).

    (optional, no default)

    A list of all your channels and their passwords.

       "chan1" : ""
       "chan2" : "password"
       "chan3" : ""

    (optional, default: *"missed"*)

    How many channel messages you want Bondage to remember, and then send to
    you when you attach.

    "missed": Bondage will only recall the channel messages you missed since
    the last time you detached from Bondage.

    "none": Bondage will not recall any channel messages.

    "all": Bondage will recall all channel messages.

    Note: Bondage will always recall private messages that you missed while
    you were away, regardless of this option.

    (optional, default: *false*)

    Set to true if you want Bondage to log all your public messages. They
    will be saved as ~/.bondage/logs/some_network/#some_channel.log unless
    you set "log_sortbydate" to true.

    (optional, default: *false*)

    Set to true if you want Bondage to log all private messages. They will
    be saved as ~/.bondage/logs/some_network/some_nickname.log unless you
    set "log_sortbydate" to true.

    (optional, default: *false*)

    Set to true if you want Bondage to rotate your logs. E.g. a channel log
    file might look like

    (optional, default: *false*)

    Set this to true if you want Bondage to restrict the read permissions on
    created log files/directories so other users won't be able to access

    (optional, default: *false*)

    Set this to true if you want Bondage to log DCC transactions.

    (optional, default: *false*)

    Set this to true if you want Bondage to log NOTICEs in addition to

    (optional, default: *false*)

    Set to true if you want Bondage to cycle (part and rejoin) opless
    channels if they become empty.

    (optional, default: *false*)

    Set to true if you want Bondage to try to rejoin a channel (once) if you
    get kicked from it.

    (optional, default: *false*)

    The interval, in seconds, in which to update information on channel
    members' away status.

    Some IRC clients (e.g. xchat) periodically issue a "WHO #channel" to
    update the away status of channel members. Since Bondage caches this
    information and replies to such requests without contacting the IRC
    server, clients like xchat will not get up-to-date information about the
    away status. On the other hand, this saves lots of traffic if you don't
    care about that functionality. But if you do make use of it, set this
    value to, say, 300 (which is what xchat uses).


    'Work_dir', the working directory for the bouncer. Should include the
    config file. This option is required.

    'Debug', set to 1 to enable debugging. Default is 0.

    The following CPAN distributions are required:

    POE-Component-SSLify (if you need SSL support)
    Socket6 (if you need ipv6 support)

    Report all bugs, feature requests, etc, here:

    Look into using POE::Component::Server::IRC as an intermediary for
    multiple clients.

    Keep recall messages away from prying eyes, instead of in /tmp.

    Generate QuakeNet-specific WHO replies without contacting the IRC

    Add proper tests.

    Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson,

    Copyright 2008-2009 Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson

    This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    Other useful IRC bouncers:
