Widget Creation Library Version 2.7 Distribution ------------------------------------------------ The distribution contains files which make up the Widget Creation Library (Wcl or libWc.a), and resource interpreters and utility libraries (which include Table widgets) for each of the following widget sets: Athena, Motif, and OpenLook. Wcl is completely widget set independent. It provides mechanisms to allow an entire user interface to be specified in resource files. Basically, this amounts to providing new resources for specifying the types of the widgets and the widget heirarchy. In addition, Wcl provides several callbacks and action functions which many programs need. See README20 for general information about Wcl version 2, and README22 for additional features introduced in Wcl version 2.2 and version 2.1, and README23 for new features in Wcl 2.3, README24 for new features in Wcl 2.4, README25 for new features in Wcl 2.5, and README26 for new features in Wcl 2.6. New Features of Wcl 2.7 ------------------------ New Platform Support -------------------- Bug Fixes --------- WcTemplateInit() Sometimes would dump core on some platforms due to passing (Widget)0 to WcLoadResourceFileIntoDatabase. Bug identified by Sunjay Talele (set@eng.ufl.edu) R6 Athena Widgets Fixed XpAthena.h, XpAthenaP.h, and Xp.c to only use Logo, Clock, and Mailbox in appropriate releases: none of these exist in R6. Thanks to Klaus Elsbernd <elsbernd@dfki.uni-kl.de> WcInvokeAction Did not always handle null clientData properly. WcLateBinder Did not always pass registered client data thru. This caused problems for people porting from 1.06. Bug reported by Jon Reid <jreid@cs.uiuc.edu> Table Border widths not always handled correctly. Bug reported by john@panic.harvard.edu (John Roll) _____________________________________________________________________ | David E. Smyth David.E.Smyth@jpl.nasa.gov |_ |_____________________________________________________________________| | | Project: Mars Pathfinder -- Low Cost Lander with "Rocky IV" Rover | | | Team: Flight Software -- Object-Oriented Software for Mars | | |_____________________________________________________________________| | | Voice: (818) 393-7944 | | | FAX: (818) 393-0530 | | | Office: Space Flight Operations Facility 230/207a | | | Snail: JPL, MS 230-200, 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA 91109 | | |_____________________________________________________________________| | |_____________________________________________________________________| The following changes were made by Joe Buehler (jhpb@sarto.gaithersburg.md.us). Changes in Wcl-2.7.1 -------------------- This is a patch to Wcl-2.7. It does the following: - Changes some of the defaults in Wc.tmpl so they are correct for redhat linux, including a fix to workaround some problems in the section that was not intended to be edited. Non-linux machines should be unaffected, I used #ifdefs. - Adds a routine to the library to allow a user-supplied substitution for XrmGetFileDatabase(). I needed this for the X11:Wcl PERL module, so I can use PERL strings, instead of files. - Fixes a couple minor #include bugs. - Some very minor changes to support X11R6. - Initial attempt at Motif 2.0 support. Changes in Wcl-2.7.2 -------------------- - Added the ListTree widget. Changes in Wcl-2.7.3 -------------------- - Ported to Swim Motif 2.1 and RedHat 5.0. - Removed files generated by the build. - Added RedHat 5.0 build script. - Updated this README file. - Wcl-2.7.3 has been tested under RedHat 5.0 linux, AIX 3.2.5, AIX 4.2 and HPUX 10.