# NAME MessagePack::RPC::HTTP::Client - Perl version of msgpack-rpc-over-http (ruby) client. # SYNOPSIS use MessagePack::RPC::HTTP::Client; my $client = MessagePack::RPC::HTTP::Client->new("http://remote.server.local/"); my $result = $client->call("remoteMethodName", ["param1", "param2"]); # DESCRIPTION MessagePack::RPC::HTTP::Client is a version of 'msgpack-rpc-over-http' client in Perl. Current version of this module supports only sync call. Async call and streams are not supported now. # LICENSE Copyright (C) TAGOMORI Satoshi. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR TAGOMORI Satoshi <tagomoris@gmail.com>