*** ../Fame-2.0b/Fame.pod	Mon Oct 21 17:37:34 1996
--- Fame.pod	Tue May 20 17:36:12 1997
*** 373,379 ****
  =item @data = &Fame::HLI::fameread($dbkey,$objnam,$syear,$sprd,$eyear,$eprd);
! Read data for the given range of dates.
  =item @data = &Fame::HLI::famereadn($dbkey,$objnam,$numobs,@r,@m);
--- 373,381 ----
  =item @data = &Fame::HLI::fameread($dbkey,$objnam,$syear,$sprd,$eyear,$eprd);
! Read data for the given range of dates.  Returns undef if there's
! a problem (the $Fame::HLI:status variable should be set with the
! error code).
  =item @data = &Fame::HLI::famereadn($dbkey,$objnam,$numobs,@r,@m);
*** 393,399 ****
  =item &Fame::HLI::famewrite($dbkey,$objnam,$year,$prd,@list);
  Writes out all the elements of @list into the object staring with the
! given date.
--- 395,401 ----
  =item &Fame::HLI::famewrite($dbkey,$objnam,$year,$prd,@list);
  Writes out all the elements of @list into the object staring with the
! given date.  Returns error status if failed; 0 if sucessful.\n;
*** ../Fame-2.0b/HISTORY	Tue Apr  1 12:38:03 1997
--- HISTORY	Tue May 20 17:39:27 1997
*** 42,44 ****
--- 42,50 ----
  1/8/97   Fix bug in cfmsatt and famewrite with ND, NA, NC.
  1/14/97  Fix bug in LANG::exec.
  3/30/97  Remove PERL_SRC in Makefile.PL, add h2ph to dist.
+ 4/1/97   Add more Solaris-friendly support.
+ 2.0c 5/97
+ 5/18/97  Fix famewrite and fameread error status
+ 5/20/97  Fix problem with $Fame::HLI::status
*** ../Fame-2.0b/HLI/HLI.pm	Thu Jun 27 11:00:59 1996
--- HLI/HLI.pm	Tue May 20 16:13:11 1997
*** 47,55 ****
  bootstrap Fame::HLI;
! tie $status, Fame::HLI_var_status, "status";
! tie $version, Fame::HLI_var_version, "version";
  # HLI.pm version number
  sub version {2.0;}
--- 47,56 ----
  bootstrap Fame::HLI;
! tie $status, Fame::HLI::var_status, "status";
! tie $version, Fame::HLI::var_version, "version";
+ package Fame::HLI;
  # HLI.pm version number
  sub version {2.0;}
*** ../Fame-2.0b/HLI/cliperl	Tue Apr  1 10:12:20 1997
--- HLI/cliperl	Wed Apr 16 17:11:21 1997
*** 71,83 ****
  sub dovar {
      print INIT 
!       "newXS(\"${pg}_var_${alias}::TIESCALAR\",
      print INIT 
!       "newXS(\"${pg}_var_${alias}::FETCH\",
      print INIT 
!       "newXS(\"${pg}_var_${alias}::STORE\",
      # print INIT "\tMAGICVAR(\"$alias\",UV_$alias);\n";
      # print HDR "\tUV_$alias,\n";
--- 71,83 ----
  sub dovar {
      print INIT 
!       "newXS(\"${pg}::var_${alias}::TIESCALAR\",
      print INIT 
!       "newXS(\"${pg}::var_${alias}::FETCH\",
      print INIT 
!       "newXS(\"${pg}::var_${alias}::STORE\",
      # print INIT "\tMAGICVAR(\"$alias\",UV_$alias);\n";
      # print HDR "\tUV_$alias,\n";
*** ../Fame-2.0b/HLI/fame.c	Tue Jan  7 16:22:23 1997
--- HLI/fame.c	Tue May 20 17:22:42 1997
*** 22,28 ****
  #include "fame.xtra"
  int             f_status;
! char            *version="2.00";
  #include "fame.i"
--- 22,28 ----
  #include "fame.xtra"
  int             f_status;
! char            *version="2.01";
  #include "fame.i"
*** 436,442 ****
      case HUNDFT:
        sz = 0;
!   defalut:  sz = 0;
      if (sz == 0) {
        /* croak("Fame error: Invalid data type"); */
--- 436,442 ----
      case HUNDFT:
        sz = 0;
!     default:  sz = 0;
      if (sz == 0) {
        /* croak("Fame error: Invalid data type"); */
*** 449,454 ****
--- 449,455 ----
      if (status != HSUCC) {
        /* fprintf(stderr,"HLI(%d)",status); */
        /* croak("Fame error: Read failed"); */
+       free(valary);
*** 702,707 ****
--- 703,714 ----
      numobs = items - 4;
      freq = famegetfreq(dbkey, series);
+     if (f_status != HSUCC) {
+       /* croak("Fame error: unsupported data type"); */
+       ST(0)=sv_newmortal();
+       sv_setiv(ST(0), f_status);
+       XSRETURN(1);
+     }
      typ = famegettype(dbkey, series);
      cfmsrng(&status, freq, &year, &prd, &eyear, &eprd, range, &numobs);
      f_status = status;
*** 722,727 ****
--- 729,736 ----
      if (sz == 0) {
        /* croak("Fame error: unsupported data type"); */
+       ST(0)=sv_newmortal();
+       sv_setiv(ST(0), HBOBJT);
      valary = (float *) malloc(numobs * sz);
*** 783,793 ****
      cfmwrng(&status, dbkey, series, range, valary, HNTMIS, mistt);
      f_status = status;
!     if (status != HSUCC) {
        /* fprintf(stderr,"HLI(%d)",status); */
        /* croak("Fame error: Write failed"); */
!     }
      sv_setiv(ST(0), status);
--- 792,802 ----
      cfmwrng(&status, dbkey, series, range, valary, HNTMIS, mistt);
      f_status = status;
!     /*if (status != HSUCC) {*/
        /* fprintf(stderr,"HLI(%d)",status); */
        /* croak("Fame error: Write failed"); */
!       /* XSRETURN_UNDEF; */
!     /*}*/
      sv_setiv(ST(0), status);
*** ../Fame-2.0b/Makefile.PL	Tue Apr  1 12:25:14 1997
--- Makefile.PL	Thu May 15 09:49:24 1997
*** 4,10 ****
                 "NAME" => "Fame",
! 	       "VERSION" => "2.0b"
  sub MY::test {'
--- 4,10 ----
                 "NAME" => "Fame",
! 	       "VERSION" => "2.0c"
  sub MY::test {'
*** 12,27 ****
  	$(FULLPERL) fame.test
! 	mv $(FULLPERL) $(FILLPERL).old
  	$(FULLPERL).old -p -e s/_Error/_ErroX/g $(FULLPERL).old \
  	> $(FULLPERL)
  	chmod +x $(FULLPERL)
  	mv $(FULLPERL) $(FULLPERL).old
  	$(FULLPERL).old -p -e s/Error/ErroX/g $(FULLPERL).old \
  	> $(FULLPERL)
  	chmod +x $(FULLPERL)
  maildist: dist
  	uncompress Fame-$(VERSION).tar.Z
--- 12,29 ----
  	$(FULLPERL) fame.test
! 	mv $(FULLPERL) $(FULLPERL).old
  	$(FULLPERL).old -p -e s/_Error/_ErroX/g $(FULLPERL).old \
  	> $(FULLPERL)
  	chmod +x $(FULLPERL)
+ 	touch patch.log
  	mv $(FULLPERL) $(FULLPERL).old
  	$(FULLPERL).old -p -e s/Error/ErroX/g $(FULLPERL).old \
  	> $(FULLPERL)
  	chmod +x $(FULLPERL)
+ 	touch patch.log
  maildist: dist
  	uncompress Fame-$(VERSION).tar.Z
*** ../Fame-2.0b/README	Tue Apr  1 12:17:03 1997
--- README	Fri Apr  4 11:22:44 1997
*** 1,11 ****
!                             Fame Perl Extension
!                             -------------------
                                Fernando Trias
              Parts of this software are in the public domain.
!             Changes and additions are Copyright 1995, 1996 by 
              Fernando Trias. All rights reserved.
--- 1,11 ----
!                          Fame Perl Extension 2.0c
!                          ------------------------
                                Fernando Trias
              Parts of this software are in the public domain.
!             Changes and additions are Copyright 1995-1997 by 
              Fernando Trias. All rights reserved.
*** 50,59 ****
  3. Extract the Makefile by running "perl Makefile.PL".
! 4. Run "make".
! 5. If everything builds OK, run "make test" to perform rudimentary
!    tests.
     a) IMPORTANT:  If you have problems running the test, particularly if
        you get an "Illegal Instruction" or "Bus Error" message, then you
--- 50,59 ----
  3. Extract the Makefile by running "perl Makefile.PL".
! 4. Run "make".  HLI/Makefile.PL uses cppstdin, which perl installs. 
!    If you don't have it, try "cc -E" or "/usr/lib/cpp" instead.
! 5. Run "make patchperl" (or "make patchsolaris" for Solaris)
     a) IMPORTANT:  If you have problems running the test, particularly if
        you get an "Illegal Instruction" or "Bus Error" message, then you
*** 67,73 ****
        SOLARIS: "Error" does not have a "_" in front of it.  You will have
        to run "make patchsolaris".
! 6. To install everything into production, you may run "make install".
--- 67,76 ----
        SOLARIS: "Error" does not have a "_" in front of it.  You will have
        to run "make patchsolaris".
! 6. If everything builds OK, run "make test" to perform rudimentary
!    tests.
! 7. To install everything into production, you may run "make install".
*** ../Fame-2.0b/fame.test	Tue May  7 10:12:33 1996
--- fame.test	Tue May 20 17:24:19 1997
*** 1,6 ****
--- 1,7 ----
  # FT 9/22/95
  use Fame;
  # change packages to avoid having to write long package names
*** 8,13 ****
--- 9,38 ----
  package Fame::HLI;
+ use Config;
+ # print "p=",$Config{perlpath}, "\n";
+ if (-M "patch.log" > -M $Config{perlpath}) {
+     print "Warning:  You may have rebuilt the PERL executable\n";
+     print "          since the last time you patched it.\n";
+     print "$Config{perlpath} is ", -M $Config{perlpath}, " days old\n";
+     print "patch.log is ", -M "patch.log", " days old\n";
+     $patch=1;
+ }
+ if (! -f "patch.log") {
+     print "Warning:  You have not patched the PERL executable.\n";
+     $patch=1;
+ }
+ if ($patch) {
+   print "If you continue you may get a segmentation fault.\n";
+   print "See the README file for patching instructions.\n";
+   print "Do you wish to continue? ";
+   $y = <STDIN>;
+   if ($y !~ /^[Yy]/) {
+     die "Run 'make patchperl' or 'make patchsolaris'\n";
+   }
+ }
  # unbuffered output
*** 25,31 ****
  # create a new object
! &cfmnwob($status,$k,$name,&HSERIE,&HDAILY,
  # get the objects information
--- 50,56 ----
  # create a new object
! &cfmnwob($stat,$k,$name,&HSERIE,&HDAILY,
  # get the objects information
*** 38,49 ****
  print "HLILIB extensions not loaded\n" if $@;
  # test dates
! &cfmddat($status,&HDAILY,$date,1993,5,2);
! die "DATE FAILED date prob 1" if $status != &HSUCC;
! &cfmdatd($status,&HDAILY,$date,$y,$m,$d);
! die "DATE FAILED date prob 2" if $status != &HSUCC;
! &cfmddat($status,&HDAILY,$date2,$y,$m,$d);
! die "DATE FAILED date prob 3" if $status != &HSUCC;
  die "DATE FAILED date prob 4" if $date2!=$date;
  print "DATE OK\n";
--- 63,74 ----
  print "HLILIB extensions not loaded\n" if $@;
  # test dates
! &cfmddat($stat,&HDAILY,$date,1993,5,2);
! die "DATE FAILED date prob 1" if $stat != &HSUCC;
! &cfmdatd($stat,&HDAILY,$date,$y,$m,$d);
! die "DATE FAILED date prob 2" if $stat != &HSUCC;
! &cfmddat($stat,&HDAILY,$date2,$y,$m,$d);
! die "DATE FAILED date prob 3" if $stat != &HSUCC;
  die "DATE FAILED date prob 4" if $date2!=$date;
  print "DATE OK\n";
*** 51,63 ****
  print "writing. . . ";
! $status=&famewrite($k,$name,1990,1,@data);
! if ($status) {
!   print "WRITE FAILED ($status) !!!\n";
  # post
! &cfmpodb($status,$k);
  # get the object's information
--- 76,88 ----
  print "writing. . . ";
! $stat = &famewrite($k,$name,1990,1,@data);
! if ($stat) {
!   print "WRITE FAILED ($stat) !!!\n";
  # post
! &cfmpodb($stat,$k);
  # get the object's information
*** 80,85 ****
--- 105,116 ----
    print "READ/WRITE OK\n";
+ $s = &cfmcpob($stat, $k, $k, "abcdefg", "testxyz");
+ if ($s==0 || $stat==0 || $stat != $s) {
+   print "ERROR returning correct status\n";
+   $errors++;
+ }
  # close
  if (! &fameclose($k)) {
    print "ERROR closing test database [$Fame::HLI::status]\n";
*** 155,159 ****
  print "ALL TESTS OK\n";
! system("rm test.db");
--- 186,190 ----
  print "ALL TESTS OK\n";
! #system("rm test.db");