NAME Authen::Class::HtAuth - class-based authentication backend using Apache user and group files SYNOPSIS use Authen::Class::HtAuth; my $htauth = Authen::Class::HtAuth->new( htusers => "/path/to/users", htgroups => "/path/to/groups", ); if ($htauth->check($user, $pass)) { ... } if ($htauth->check($user, $pass, groups => [qw/foo bar baz/])) { ... } DESCRIPTION Authen::Class::HtAuth is an authentication backend for use with Apache passwd and group files. Authen::Class::HtAuth can be instantiated as an object or inherited into your own class. Class-based example: package MyAuth; use base 'Authen::Class::HtAuth'; MyAuth->htusers("/path/to/users"); MyAuth->htgroups("/path/to/groups"); # optional # elsewhere... use MyAuth; if (MyAuth->check("user", "pass", groups => ["foo"])) # groups is optional { ... } Object example: use Authen::Class::HtAuth; my $htauth = Authen::Class::HtAuth->new( htusers => "/path/to/users", # optional htgroups => "/path/to/groups", # optional ); # or you can load the user and group files after object creation $htauth->htusers("/path/to/users"); $htauth->htgroups("/path/to/groups"); # optional if ($htauth->check(qw/user pass/, groups => ['foo'])) # groups is optional { ... } Methods new Creates a Authen::Class::HtAuth object htusers Where $foo is a class name or an instance of Authen::Class::HtAuth $foo->htusers("/path/to/users"); This method loads an Apache style "users" file. htgroups Where $foo is a class name or an instance of Authen::Class::HtAuth $foo->htgroups("/path/to/groups"); This method loads an Apache style "groups" file. check Where $foo is a class name or an instance of Authen::Class::HtAuth $foo->check($username, $password, groups => \@groups); This method checks $username and $password against the current htusers file, and optionally checks whether the user is in all the groups specified in the list of scalars given in named parameter groups. Alternatively, groups may contain array refs, each with a first element of either "One" or "All", in which case, ->check determines that, in the case of "One", the user is in at least one of the groups, and in the case of "All", the user is in all the groups. There is no built-in limit to the depth of the logic. For example: $foo->check($u, $p, groups => [ [One => [One => qw/admin root/], # one of these [All => qw/foos editor/] # or all of these ], [Not => qw/crazy bastard invalid/], # but none of these ]) # must match groupcheck Where $foo is a class name or an instance of Authen::Class::HtAuth $foo->groupcheck($username, groups => \@groups); AUTHOR Ryan McGuigan, <> BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to <> SEE ALSO Apache::Htpasswd Apache::Htgroup Class::Data::Inheritable COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2005 Ryan McGuigan, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.