1.5.2 o default palettes: use .onLoad instead of .onAttach o tests: - extra test for default color palette - add grDevices to Suggests 1.5.1 o add extra config files: - discontinuation: summary table and listing - summary barplot of visits - laboratory: error bar and shift plots - efficacy: error bar o skeleton: - fix: absolute path for logo (if nCores > 1) o tests: - render report in parallel: fix with upper-case 'class.output' (knitr 1.46) - moveXpt: update for extra datasets (clinUtils 0.1.5) 1.5.0 o scatterplot: - support non character axis transformation - support 'colour' (UK English spelling) - new highlight box for id variable (idHighlightBox) o doc: remove description-like items in itemize (R-devel 11/10/2023) o tests - selection variable: fix for crosstalk 1.2.1 1.4.0 o option to convert reports to .aspx reports to facilitate deployment on sharepoint o timeProfileInterval fix no error when duplicate columns are included 1.3.1 o fix for CRAN suggests packages: - remove pander, reshape2 dependency - use inTextSummaryTable conditionally in examples 1.3.0 o render clinical data review report: - new implementation to support: parallelization ('nCores' and 'parallel'), and 'split_by' by config file - internal functions: convertMdToHTML and checkReportTitles - a warning is returned when report fails and inputDir is different than working dir - Rmd -> Md output is printed during chapter run, not at the end - new 'verbose' parameter o merge session infos: fix when session infos have different elements o skeleton report: update tutorial section and screenshots o template reports: - support multiple dataFileName - plot template: no failure if data is empty and tableParams is specified o config file: - check: use 'ajv' engine to fix note meta schema version - check: add configDir parameter for consistency with other fcts - get parameters: warning instead of message when parameters in general and specific config o filter data: - post-processing function (postFct) - grouping variable: - remove rownames with groups & improve message - one single warning instead of one warning per group - fix issue in case of multiple filters and a grouping variable o filter and annotate data: - valueFct: support primitive function for verbose message o process data: add examples in doc o plots: - scatterplot: - include smoothing layer - include passing additional parameters via pointPars, linePars and smoothPars - time profile, scatterplot, barplot and errorbar plots: selection button - time profile plot: add colorVar to default hoverVars 1.2.3 o clean exports: no exports of: - addReferenceLinesClinDataPlot - countNLines - formatDataForPlotClinData - getFctTypeReferenceLines o checkConfigFile: update test 1.2.2 o remove space before start chunk sessionInfo.Rmd o 'data visualization' vignette: include patient profiles only in interactive mode o run less examples (to reduce time R CMD check) 1.2.1 o fix unit tests R < 4.0.0 1.2.0 o annotate data: - fix when filters specified for current dataset - remove var by in check of variables already in data - fix functional groups annotation when code variable is a factor o transform data: fix extraction labels for multiple transformations o plot: add caption & subtitle o plot dimensions: - consistent size policy across visualizations - reduce default height to fit in screen window - width not adjusted if height is specified - automatic margins adjustments o new error bar plot o scatterplot: - variables for labels for x-axis & plot template: table params - track warning 'Ignoring unknown aesthetics: text' for hover o time profile plot: include color lab o barplot: fix position legend o summary table template: - new type of comparison: 'table-combine' - fix for extraction total data from old batch - tableParams/stats: support !r-lazy & by loop var - patient profiles after specified stats (when stats var not specified) o listing, plot & summary table templates: fix processData from dataset & old batch o template listing, summary plot/table: fix looping var with '.' o report rendering: - copy extra directories only if they exist - quiet now remove any pandoc output o conversion Md to HTML: parameters can be passed to rmarkdown::render o skeleton: - fix issue creation comparisonData folder in Windows - listing: button show/hide colums & export landscape pdf o vignette: fix for Pandoc (CRAN Solaris) - interactive vis o unit tests: updates based on independent review 1.1.0 o new boxplotClinData functionality o barplotClinData: textVar o support non syntactical variable name o plotCountClinData: display counts for parents & grand total o listing template: export to docx with listingDocx o summary table template: comparison type 'newData-diff' available o count template: remove bar variable by default in table o unit tests/doc: fix for Pandoc (CRAN Solaris) + SystemRequirements 1.0.0 o new 'startup' config param for all visualizations template o remove color specification for collapsible button o new 'reportSkeleton' functionality o change name to "clinDataReview" o patient profiles template: support '!r' spec for colorPalette/shapePalette o render report: new parameter inputDir o remove visual tests + write_svg_plotly 0.9.2 o fix for highlight_key -> crosstalk::SharedData o barplotMonitoring: fix link legend <-> x-axis in case color/x variables are nested 0.9.1 o listing template: format columns as factor for table comparison interactive 0.9.0 o get metadata functionality o unit tests o add 'zipMedicalMonitoring' function o getPlotTableVars: - fix issues vars label scatterplot, time profile interval plot - extract lab from tableLab + labelVars if tableVars is specified - extra doc, tests o Js FileSaver library: remove reference to FileSaver.min.js.map o help page 'medicalMonitoring-templates' properly created in pkg built + tests o fix issue DT header not aligned upon first click on shared plot o include metadata MeMo ADs in report o scatterplotMonitoring: scale params o config params import extension: - standard evaluation with '!r' - lazy evaluation with '!r-lazy' + use for 'plotParams' in plot/patient profile template 0.8.0 o fix extraction of labels for 'getPlotTableVars' when 'valueVar' not in 'tableVars' o remove 'settings' argument in 'getMdHeader' o filterData: fix for returnAll <-> varNew o scrapeHtml: minor changes in extracting the path o countsVisualizationTemplate: fix when colorVar not specified for all parent vars o patient profiles template: Windows shape palette: u25C0 -> u25C4, u25B6 -> u25BA, u271A -> +, u2605 (star) -> u2666 (diamond) o patient profiles template: shape palette for aesthetic: u25AA -> u25A0, u25CF -> u25CB o unit tests o comparison table functionality based on data.table 0.7.0 o fix MOMP -> report in vignette o fix createTemplateDoc o add space in 'getParamsFromConfig' in two error messages o fix in 'render_medicalMonitoringReport' when calling 'checkReportTitles': add configDir as argument o add unit tests o formatToHierarchicalData: fix for more than two vars (multiple parentVars) o timeProfileIntervalPlot: fix overlap x-axis title and legend when few y elements o timeProfileIntervalPlot: fix overlap top plot and modebar (no hover issue) o barplotMonitoring: fix link legend <-> x-axis selection, legend on top o minify/update JS dep: FileSaver, JSZip, JSZipUtils o updates for compareTable data.table implementation o getPlotTableVars: fixes o scatterplotMonitoring: fix in case x/y/aesVar are not standard R names (e.g. contain space) 0.6.0 o checkReportTitles: write error when config file does not exist o listingTemplate: add labelVars in sapply call to extract the labelVars even when no dataProcessing exists o countsVisualizationTemplate/plotCountMonitoring: fix in case no parent variable o annotateData: export filter dataset in xpt format o tableMonitoring: pathVar/idVar optional + warning o countsVisualization json: allow multiple typePlot o scatterplotMonitoring(Static): fix to extract labels for aes var o checkTemplateNames/checkReportTitles/render_medicalMonitoringReport: include warning if import failed o patientProfilesTemplate: extend to xpt o countsVisualizationTemplate JSON sch: fix for typePlot of length 1 o plotTemplate/summaryTableTemplate/summaryPlotTemplate: use labels in comparison table o render_medicalMonitoringReport: copy extraDirs before report rendering 0.5.0 o knitPrintListMedicalMonitoring: fix inclusion list with empty element o tableMonitoring: keep order idVar in tableVars if specified o listingTemplate: fix when loopingVar and comparisonType are specified, comparison type as first col table o if comparisonTableType and no previous dataset available: warning + no comparison o barplotMonitoring: colorPalette and barmode o move spec of tableVars for all plot fct in getPlotTableVars, plotTemplate: comparisonTableType o patient profile template: fix to use labels in columns table 0.4.0 o render_medicalMonitoringReport: logFile, runFctInNewSession, export combined sessionInfo o scrape html files o include template reports in the package o document templates with JSON schema + utility functions to convert to Rd 0.3.0 o collapseHtmlContent: custom 'hideshow' button o alertData function o render med mon: modular approach (convertMdToHtml, getParamsFromConfig), render in new R session o timeProfileIntervalPlot: fix height plot + fix in case start and end value are the same o filterData: filter of missing values only, valueFct can be string o scatterplotMonitoring: pathExpand, lineInclude o processData: group all data processing step in one param 0.2.0 o formatToHierarchicalData: fix in case same values in different vars o annotateData: varFct o new 'transformData' function o staticScatterplotMonitoring: [x/y]LimExpandData o includeInButton -> collapseHtmlContent, remove bootstrap/jquery dep o plotCountMonitoring: colorVar o getPathHyperlink: works for input factor o annotateData: function can be specified as string via varFct o timeProfileIntervalPlot o patientProfiles.js: fix for one selected ID o render_medicalMonitoringReport 0.1.0 o initial commit