% % dutch-tt.tex % ---------------- % A plain TeX torture test for the chess.sty style in combination with % dutch.sty. % Author : Piet Tutelaers (internet: rcpt@urc.tue.nl) % Version: 1.2 (June 1991) % \input dutch.sty \input chess.sty \tracinglostchars=1 {\bf Torture test for {\tt chess.sty}} Check if language support for Dutch is working: \board{tpldklpt} {iiiiiiii} { * * * *} {* * * * } { * * * *} {* * * * } {IIIIIIII} {TPLDKLPT} $$\showboard$$ Let's define a position: \position \White(Ke1,Th1,h7,b2) \Black(Ke8,Ta8,a5,c2) \global\movecount=50 \global\Whitefalse \endposition $$\showboard$$ The castling test: \ply e8c8!? \ply e1g1 Both players have castled. \ply c8e8? \ply g1e1? They move back their kings... Chess.sty does not check the validity of moves. \ply e8c8 \ply e1g1?? But now these moves are not typeset as castling moves because the kings have moved. And now the `en passant' test: \ply a5a4 \move b2b4+ a4b3ep A short analysis test: |54. b3+ a*b3| and White looses his pawn. Better seems |54.Pf7 but not 54.Pg6 because then 54:Tg8!|. And the promotion test (comment thanks to Jaap Sprey!): \move h7h8 c2c1L!? $$\showboard$$ Activation of analysis mode does not work inside arguments of macros but you can group them around the macro! |\centerline{55.Pf3 Pc6}| Sometimes you want to use the {\tt \char124} character for other purposes than to trigger the analysis mode. Use then the {\tt nochess} environment. Within this environment you can reactivate the analysis mode with the {\tt chess} environment. \nochess |55.Pf3 Pc6| \chess \centerline{55.Pf3 Pc6} \endchess |55.Pf3 Pc6| \endnochess |KRQDRTBLFPCS| that's it! \bye