\documentclass{article} \usepackage[polutonikogreek,english]{babel} \usepackage[iso-8859-7]{inputenc} \usepackage{txfontsb} \newcommand{\uishape}{\relax} \newcommand{\tabnums}{\relax} \newcommand{\textfrac}[2]{\ensuremath\frac{#1}{#2}} %%%%% Theorems and friends \newtheorem{theorem}{Θεώρημα}[section] \newtheorem{lemma}[theorem]{Λήμμα} \newtheorem{proposition}[theorem]{Πρόταση} \newtheorem{corollary}[theorem]{Πόρισμα} \newtheorem{definition}[theorem]{Ορισμός} \newtheorem{remark}[theorem]{Παρατήρηση} \newtheorem{axiom}[theorem]{Αξίωμα} \newtheorem{exercise}[theorem]{Άσκηση} %%%%% Environment ``proof'' \newenvironment{proof}[1]{{\textit{Απόδειξη:}}}{\ \hfill$\Box$} \newenvironment{hint}[1]{{\textit{Υπόδειξη:}}}{\ \hfill$\Box$} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \title{The \textsc{txfontsb} package} \author{Antonis Tsolomitis\\ Laboratory of Digital Typography\\ and Mathematical Applications\\ Department of Mathematics\\ University of the Aegean} \date {\textsc{20} December \textsc{2009}} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction} The txfontsb package is an extension of the txfonts package. Mainly it adds two things: \begin{itemize} \item true small caps and old style numbers for the OT1 encoding (through the \verb|\textsc| and \verb|\scshape| commands), and an oblique small caps shape (through the \verb|\textscsl| and \verb|\scslshape| commands). \item Greek support (LGR encoding) supporting monotonic and polytonic systems through the Babel package. This also includes true small caps for the Greek letters. \end{itemize} The greek shapes are based on the Free Font of \textsc{gnu}. However since Babel composes the Greek accented characters using the ligature mechanism, we had to modify the original GNU fonts, and this is the reason that they have been renamed as FreeSerifb (instead of FreeSerif). Moreover, kerning information has been added for Greek letters that was missing from the original FreeSerif font. The fonts are loaded with \verb|\usepackage{txfontsb}|. The package has two one option: \begin{itemize} \item the option \verb|Upsionalt| uses an alternative shape for the Greek capital and small capital Upsilon. \end{itemize} \newcommand{\textscy}[1]{{\fontfamily{txryc}\fontshape{sc}\selectfont#1}} \font\Ualt gtimesysc6a at 10 pt \greektext \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{c|cccc} \ &\textlatin{Kerned (default)} & \textlatin{Unkerned} &\textlatin{Kerned SC (default)} & \textlatin{Unkerned}\\\hline \ &\ &\ &\ &\ \\[-2ex] \textlatin{Default Upsilon} &ΑΫΛΟΣ &Α{Ϋ}ΛΟΣ &\textsc{Αϋλος} &\textsc{Α{ϋ}λος}\\ \textlatin{Upsilonalt} &{\Ualt ΑΫΛΟΣ} &{\Ualt Α{Ϋ}ΛΟΣ} &\textscy{Αϋλος} &\textscy{Α{ϋ}λος}\\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \latintext \section{Installation} Copy the contents of the subdirectory afm in texmf/fonts/afm/GNU/FreeFont/FreeSerifb/ \medskip \noindent Copy the contents of the subdirectory doc in texmf/doc/latex/GNU/FreeFont/FreeSerifb/ \medskip \noindent Copy the contents of the subdirectory enc in texmf/fonts/enc/dvips/GNU/FreeFont/FreeSerifb/ \medskip \noindent Copy the contents of the subdirectory map in texmf/fonts/map/dvips/GNU/FreeFont/FreeSerifb/ \medskip \noindent Copy the contents of the subdirectory tex in texmf/tex/latex/GNU/FreeFont/FreeSerifb/ \medskip \noindent Copy the contents of the subdirectory tfm in texmf/fonts/tfm/GNU/FreeFont/FreeSerifb/ \medskip \noindent Copy the contents of the subdirectory type1 in texmf/fonts/type1/GNU/FreeFont/FreeSerifb/ \medskip \noindent Copy the contents of the subdirectory vf in texmf/fonts/vf/GNU/FreeFont/FreeSerifb/ \medskip \noindent In your installations updmap.cfg file add the line \medskip \noindent Map gptimes.map \medskip Refresh your filename database and the map file database (for example, on Unix systems run mktexlsr and then run the updmap script as root). You are now ready to use the fonts provided that you have a relatively modern installation that includes txfonts. \section{Usage} As said in the introduction the package covers both english (txfonts) and greek. Greek covers polytonic too, through babel (read the documentation of the babel package and its greek option). For example, the preample \begin{verbatim} \documentclass{article} \usepackage[english,greek]{babel} \usepackage[iso-8859-7]{inputenc} \usepackage{txfontsb} \end{verbatim} will be the correct setup for articles in Greek. \bigskip \section{Old style numbers} Old style numbers are accesed with the \verb|\textsc| command: \medskip \noindent The command \verb|\textsc{0123456789}| gives \textsc{0123456789}. \section{Samples} The next two pages provide samples in english (just txfonts) and greek with math. \newpage Adding up these inequalities with respect to $i$, we get \begin{equation} \sum c_i d_i \leq \frac1{p} +\frac1{q} =1\label{10}\end{equation} since $\sum c_i^p =\sum d_i^q =1$.\hfill$\Box$ In the case $p=q=2$ the above inequality is also called the \textit{Cauchy-Schwartz inequality}. Notice, also, that by formally defining $\left( \sum |b_k|^q\right)^{1/q}$ to be $\sup |b_k|$ for $q=\infty$, we give sense to (9) for all $1\leq p\leq\infty$. A similar inequality is true for functions instead of sequences with the sums being substituted by integrals. \medskip \textbf{Theorem} {\itshape Let $1