% Written by Sebastian Pipping , 2014-09-16 \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} \usepackage[margin=2cm]{geometry} \setlength{\columnsep}{1cm} \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} \usepackage{xq-0-3} \newcommand{\EM}[1]{\underline{#1}} \newcommand{\AUTHORS}[2]{% Reported by: #1\\% Fixed by: #2\\[\baselineskip]% } \begin{document} \noindent This document demonstrates bugs of xq version 0.3 that were fixed in release 0.4. \tableofcontents %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newpage \section{Bug: Red piece already gone} \AUTHORS{Wolfgang Reher}{Sebastian Pipping} % Consider this artifical setup. \mylanguage english \resetboard \piece Rc9 \piece Rc8 \piece rb9 \piece cb8 \showboard % Now for "\texttt{\textbackslash{}move c9d9 b9d9}" Black is capturing the Red piece at its new position, output "Rc9-d9 Rb9xd9" is expected (and produced by xq 0.3): % \cb \quad. \move c9d9 b9d9 \noindent In contrast, with "\texttt{\textbackslash{}move c8e8 b8c8}" black moves to where Red just left before, non-capturing output "Rc8-e8 \EM{Rb8-c8}" is expected, xq 0.3 yields \EM{Rb8xc8} instead. \cb \quad. \move c8e8 b8c8 \noindent The situation after these moves: \showboard %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newpage \section{Bug: a0 wired to b0} \AUTHORS{Wolfgang Reher}{Sebastian Pipping} % Consider this artifical setup. \mylanguage english \resetboard \movecount=0 \piece Ra9 \piece Rc0 \piece rb0 \piece rd0 \showboard \noindent Now "\texttt{\textbackslash{}move a9a0 xxxx}" is a non-capturing move so "\EM{Ra9-a0}" is expected; xq 0.3 is showing "\EM{Ra9xa0}" since it checks b0 for occupation rather than a0: \cr \quad. \move a9a0 xxxx \noindent Next, we move the middle rooks out of the way: \move xxxx b0b9 \cr \quad. \move c0c9 xxxx \noindent Since b0 is no longer occupied, xq 0.3 renders "\texttt{\textbackslash{}move xxxx d0a0}" as "\EM{Rd0-a0}" while "\EM{Rd0xa0}" would be correct: \cb \quad. \move xxxx d0a0 \noindent The situation after these moves: \showboard %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newpage \section{Bug: Bad align in move listing} \AUTHORS{Sebastian Pipping}{Sebastian Pipping} % Consider this artifical setup. \mylanguage english \resetboard \movecount=0 \piece Rc9 \piece Rf9 \piece rh9 \piece ri9 \showboard \noindent Now the reduced width of some letters (e.g. "f" and "i") results in bad alignment with xq 0.3: \move c9c5 h9h5 \cb \quad. \move f9f5 i9i5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newpage \section{Bug: Start marker at \texttt{i4} missing} \AUTHORS{Wolfgang Reher}{Wolfgang Reher} All four board display commands fail to produce start markers at \texttt{i4} in xq 0.3.\\ \resetboard \piece Ch4 \noindent \texttt{\textbackslash{}showboard}\showboard \texttt{\textbackslash{}showwesternboard}\showwesternboard \onecolumn \texttt{\textbackslash{}showlargeboard}\showlargeboard \newpage \texttt{\textbackslash{}showlargewesternboard}\showlargewesternboard \end{document}