% the big problem with pdflatex is that pst-uml make use of pstricks % package which use special TeX command to output directly postscript code. % So pst-uml doesn't work with pdftex :-( % sorry about that. % % However, as I'm switching from LaTeX to ConTeXt % (another more modern macro set TeX package) % I also have the problem to port old pstricks figures % of mine to be used with ConTeXt (which use pdfetex) % So instead of using inline pstrick command in LaTeX, % I make each figure independant in a separate LaTeX file. % Then I make eps, then pdf file that I include % in my main xTeX document. % % This "figure only" latex file can be compile by : % % latex fig.tex % dvips -E fig.dvi -o fig.eps % epstopdf fig.eps % rm fig.log fig.aux fig.dvi fig.eps % rm fig.pdf \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{times}% xxxxxxxxxx IMPORTANT \usepackage{pst-eps}% xxxxxxxxxx IMPORTANT \thispagestyle{empty}% xxxxxxxxxx IMPORTANT \usepackage{pst-uml} \begin{document} \TeXtoEPS% % put your own figure stuff here \umlActor[umlActorLineWidth=1mm]{Client} \endTeXtoEPS% \end{document} %./