%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Contents: Main Input File of the LaTeX2e Introduction % $Id: lshort-base.tex 447 2010-12-14 14:32:00Z oetiker $ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % lshort.tex - The not so short introduction to LaTeX % by Tobias Oetiker % oetiker@ee.ethz.ch % % based on LKURTZ.TEX Uni Graz & TU Wien, 1987 %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % % To compile lshort, you need TeX 3.x, LaTeX and makeindex % % The sources files of the Intro are: % lshort.tex (this file), % titel.tex, contrib.tex, biblio.tex % things.tex, typeset.tex, math.tex, lssym.tex, spec.tex, % lshort.sty, fancyheadings.sty % % Further the verbatim.sty and the layout.sty % from the LaTeX Tools distribution is % required. % % % To print the AMS symbols you need the AMS fonts and the packages % amsfonts, eufrak and eucal from (AMS LaTeX 1.2) % % --------------------------------------------------------------------- \include{contrib} \include{overview} \tableofcontents \listoffigures \listoftables \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mainmatter \include{things} \include{typeset} \include{math} \include{lssym} \include{spec} \include{graphic} \include{custom} \include{appendix} \backmatter \include{biblio} \refstepcounter{chapter} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Aineregister} \printindex \end{document} % % Local Variables: % TeX-master: "lshort2e" % mode: latex % mode: flyspell % End: