\long\def\ifbeamer#1#2{#2} \ifbeamer{\documentclass{beamer}}{\documentclass[a5paper]{article}} %navigation symbols and the title collide if %beamerwithheadline is set \ifbeamer{ \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} }{} %patchenumerate is the deafault \usepackage[patchenumerate=true,beamerwithheadline, %when directly messing with page breaks %and the sheet start page actio (as we do below) %using exercisesheets' page numer redefinitions per %sheet do not make much sense patchpagenumbers=false, beamerwithfootline, beamercompatibility, exercisespath=exercises]% {exercisesheets} \usepackage{varioref} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{xcolor} \exshset{solutions=true, task restate font={\color{black!60}}, only={1-3,5-}, } %solutions may be printed out on paper -> a4 %exercises are read on (smartphone) screen -> a5 \ifsolutions{ \usepackage[left=1cm,right=1cm,top=1cm,bottom=1.5cm,a4paper]{geometry} }{ \usepackage[left=0.7cm,right=0.7cm,top=1cm,bottom=1.5cm]{geometry} } %Usually the person responsible for the entire course: \author{Exampleauthor} \date{Example term/semester} \title{Introduction to Exercise Sheets Creation} \subject{Introduction to Exercise Sheets Creation} %Only used for beamer at the moment: \exshset{exauthor={Author of exercises}} \ifbeamer{\exshset{beameruseblocks=false}}{} \begin{document} %1 \begin{sheet}[note={Learn how to create nice exercise sheets.}, date={Novanuar 42, -2022},title={First Sheet}] \includeexercise*{exshexample-ex1} \includeLexercise*{exshexample-ex2} \begin{exercise}[points={many, many},firstline={Read the manual.}] \end{exercise} \begin{exercise}[points={sum},firstline={After you read the manual:}] Play around with this example. You might want to read further manuals like: \begin{enumerate} %pointsfloatright should be usually set globally \item\points[pointsfloatright]{2}pgf (for pgfkeys) \item enumitem and similar \points[abbrev,bonus]{1} \begin{enumerate} \item paralist \thesubex \item \begin{enumerate} \item varioref \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} \item all the others \points[inplace]{3} (why not?) \label{subex:man2} \end{enumerate} \end{exercise} \end{sheet} \begingroup \ifbeamer{}{ \exshset{ %default is \clearpage sheet start page action={\pagebreak[3]\hrule}, sheet end page action={\vspace{4mm}\hrule\vspace{2cm}}, } } %2 \begin{sheet}[date={Novanuar 35, -2022}] \begin{exercise}[points={many, many}, firstline={Read the manual.}] \end{exercise} \begin{solution}[framed,fragile] Oh no, it's quite long. \newframe Really long, but please \verb|\relax|. Ok, but my brain feels like: \begin{verbatim} % x $ t & \ # \end{verbatim} And yours? \end{solution} \end{sheet} %3 \begin{sheet}[date={Novanuar 28, -2022},title={Third Sheet}, number within sheet] \begin{exercise}[points={many, many}, firstline={Read the manual.}] \begin{solution} OK, done. \newpage still done. \end{solution} \end{exercise} \end{sheet} \endgroup %4 \begin{sheet} \begin{Lexercise} task = [[ This exercise will be skipped. ]], \end{Lexercise} \begin{Lexercise} task = [[ \label{ex:skiplex}% This exercise will be skipped, but it has a reference. ]], subexercises = {[[\label{subex:skiplexOne} first]]}, \end{Lexercise} \begin{exercise}[points={many, many},%savetasks, main task font={\tiny},subtask font={\itshape} ] \begin{maintask} \label{ex:skipex} This exercise will be skipped. Furt \end{maintask} \begin{subtasks} \item {first \label{subex:skipexOneOne}} This is an \string\item\space inside a subtasks environment. If \verb|subtask environment| is set to enumerate/itemize etc., this works with some caveats (font settings for substaks are not used). \subtask{second} \end{subtasks} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{2} \subtask {first \label{subex:skipexOne}} This is a \string\subtask{} without the susbtasks environment, which is unsupported and a bad example! \item {\label{subex:skipexTwo}} {12345} \end{enumerate} \end{exercise} \end{sheet} %5 \begin{sheet}[date={Novanuar 21, -2022}] \begin{exercise}[points={many, many}, firstline={Read the manual.}] \begin{solution}[framed] OK, done (again). \newframe Otherwise, I wouldn't know \textbackslash newframe now which does not exist in beamer. \end{solution} \end{exercise} Loading varioref enables you to refer to sub-exercises, like this: Did you do \ref{subex:man2}? It is the subexercise \subexnref{subex:man2} and has label \subexlref{subex:man2}. \begin{exercise}[points={many, many}, firstline={Play around with the options.}] Some exercise, there are far too few. \begin{solution}[defersolutiontitle] \begin{frame} This is a dual-use solution with explicit beamer frames (and no framed). \solutiontitle Note, that we can freely place the title, because of defersolutiontitle. \end{frame} \end{solution} \end{exercise} \begin{exercise}[points={many, many},beamersolution, firstline={Play around with the options.}] \begin{solution} This solution is only shown if using the non-beamer version, because the option beamersolution was used. Otherwise both solutions would be shown. You can set the option beamersolution for individual (normal) solutions to ignore some but not all solutions of an exercise. \end{solution} \begin{beamersolution}[defersolutiontitle] \begin{frame}[t] \solutiontitle This beamersolution is only shown if using the beamer version. \end{frame} \end{beamersolution} \end{exercise} \begin{exercise}[points={many, many},savetasks, main task font={\tiny},subtask font={\itshape} ] \begin{maintask} The exercise task can be saved and restated. \end{maintask} \begin{subtasks} \subtask{first} \begin{solution}[framed] None (yet). \end{solution} \subtask{second} \end{subtasks} I forgot all the tasks! \restatetask Yeah, but what about the subtasks? I forgot the \restatetask[1] and the \restatetask[2] one. Or did I? \end{exercise} \begin{Lexercise} --use [[]] if you need \ or escape it: "\\" firstline = [[Assume $\pi=4$.]], points=10, name="Pragmatic", options=[[main task font={\itshape}]], task = [[ This is the main task specified via the Lua interface, like subexercise \ref{subex:skiplexOne} in \ref{ex:skiplex}, whereas \ref{subex:skipexOne} and \ref{subex:skipexTwo} in \ref{ex:skipex} use the \LaTeX~interface. ]], solution=[[ This is a solution for the main task. ]], altsolutions={ { name="Alternative Solution", text="This is also a solution." },{ idea=true, text="This is also a solution." } }, \end{Lexercise} \begin{Lexercise} firstline = "Assume $e=3$.", points="sum", task = [[ This exercise has some subexercises. The Lua interface computes point sums in a single pass. ]], subexercises = { { task = "First things first.", bonuspoints = 4, pointoptions = "abbrev",--passed to LaTeX interface solution = [[None.]], },{ task = "Second things afterwards.", points = 16, altsolutions = { [[None.]],[[Yet.]] }, } } \end{Lexercise} \end{sheet} \end{document}