% $Id: title-2col.tex,v 1.1 1995/08/04 00:08:01 schrod Exp $ %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % % Test for footnpag with title matter in twocolumn mode. % % [LaTeX] % This was an error report by Frank Mittelbach. % Repaired with revision 2.4. \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} \usepackage{footnpag} \begin{document} \title{Footnpag and Thanks test} \author{Joachim Schrod% \thanks{Affilation} \and B. Luser% \thanks{Who's that?} } \maketitle \begin{abstract} Abstracts with footnotes\footnote{as such} are garbage. \end{abstract} \section{Section} Text text text.% \footnote{first on first column} Text text text.% \footnote{second on first column} \newpage Text text text.% \footnote{first on second column} Text text text.% \footnote{second on 2nd column} \clearpage Text text text.% \footnote{first on first column} Text text text.% \footnote{second on first column} \newpage Text text text.% \footnote{first on second column} Text text text.% \footnote{second on 2nd column} \end{document}