\documentclass[10pt]{mugsthesis} % type size may be between 10-12 pt; default 12pt % load any additional packages you require \usepackage{mathpazo} % fonts; many alternatives here \usepackage{lipsum} % for blind sample text (testing only) \usepackage{graphicx} % for including graphics % input macros (for example, write your own personal macros in a % file called 'mymacros.tex' and uncomment the next line) %\include{mymacros} % place your title here, using `\\' to break the lines % of the title into the requested inverted pyramid layout % the title must not exceed 120 characters \title{ % thesis title in inverted pyramid layout A STUDY OF THE SOCIOLOGICAL IMPACT OF THE\\ 1984 OLYMPICS ON THE POVERTY\\ LEVEL OF CITIZENS OF\\ LOS ANGELES } % note: \\ are line breaks in the title \author{John J. Smith, B.A.} % your name and credentials \degree{Master of Science} % the degree \degreemo{December} % the degree month (always May, August, or December) \degreeyr{2013} % the degree year % set the smallest sectional units that are numbered and appear in the contents %\maxsecnumdepth{subsubsection} % default: subsection %\settocdepth{subsubsection} % default: subsection % end the preamble and begin the document \begin{document} \maketitle % create a title page from the preamble info \frontmatter \include{abstract} % include the abstract.tex file; not to exceed 350 words \include{acknowledgments} % include an acknowledgments.tex file, OPTIONAL \include{dedication} % include a dedication.tex file, OPTIONAL \tableofcontents % generate and include a table of contents \listoftables % use this if you have tables \listoffigures % use this if you have figures (AFTER LoT if you have both) \mainmatter % include .tex files containing the text of each individual chapter \include{ch01} \include{ch02} \nocite{*} % dump all references for testing purposes % uncomment next line to change bibliography name to references (depends on style guide used) %\renewcommand{\bibname}{REFERENCES} \bibliography{refs} % use a bibtex bibliography file refs.bib \bibliographystyle{plain} % use the plain bibliography style (many options here) % switch to appendix chapter numbering and include appendices \appendix \include{appendix1} \end{document}