% This is the instructions for authors for IJCAI'89. \documentstyle[ijcai89,named]{article} % The file ijcai89.sty is the style file for IJCAI'89. % The file named.sty contains macros for named citations as produced % by named.bst. \title{IJCAI'89 Format Instructions for Authors \\ (Computer-Typeset Papers)} \author{Shirley Jowell\thanks{Acknowledgments to sponsoring agencies appear here as a footnote.}\\ Morgan Kaufmann Publishers \\ 2929 Campus Drive, Suite 260 \\ San Mateo, California \hspace{1em} 94403 \And Peter F. Patel-Schneider \\ AT\&T Bell Laboratories \\ 600 Mountain Avenue \\ Murray Hill, New Jersey \hspace{1em} 07974 } \newcommand{\usa}[2]{#1} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} The {\it IJCAI'89 Proceedings} will be printed using the photo-offset print process directly from camera-ready copy furnished by the authors. To ensure that all papers in the {\it Proceedings} have a uniform appearance, authors are asked to adhere to the following instructions. \end{abstract} \section{Introduction} Papers produced for IJCAI'89 using computer typesetting systems (such as \LaTeX{} or Scribe) will be printed directly from {\bf $8$-$1/2 \times 11''$} masters. Print your paper using a laser or other letter-quality printer in good condition. (If you have a ``write-white'' laser printer you must use fonts specifically designed for it---not fonts for ``write-black'' printers.) {\em Do not use line printers or dot matrix printers.} Papers with poor quality output, e.g., light or gray type, and papers that significantly deviate from these instructions, e.g., by using 8-point fonts, will not be included in the proceedings. Print your paper on heavy bond white paper. Do not fold or crease your paper. \subsection{Typewritten Papers} If you do not have access to a typesetting system, you can type your paper on special, oversize forms (``large mats'') that will be reduced before printing by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. \usa{If you must type your paper, please contact Shirley Jowell at Morgan Kaufmann for a supply of mats and a separate set of instructions for typing your paper. {\em Discard these instructions\/ {\em (which are for computer-typeset papers only)} if you are typing your paper on large mats.}}{Included in this mailing is a set of large mats that should be adequate to handle your paper; also included is a separate set of instructions for using the mats. If you type your paper, {\em please discard these instructio