%% Save file as: LSLIDE.TEX Source: FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET % by Young U. Ryu % % o There is a sample below. All original header material follows % \end{document} % LaTeX (or AmSLaTeX) it at least twice and print. % ^^^^^ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentstyle[12pt,lslide]{article} %\documentstyle[12pt,amssymbols,lslide]{article} % <- if amssymbols.sty is available %\documentstyle[12pt,amstex,amssymb,lslide]{article} % <- if you use AmSLaTeX %\landscape % <- if your driver can rotate 90 degrees. % e.x. in emTeX derivers: % hp filename /tr2 % \portrait is default. % Addjust page dimenstions here if necessary. For example: %\addtolength{\textwidth}{-.3in} %\addtolength{\textheight}{.5in} %\addtolength{\topmargin}{.02in} %\addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{-.03in} %\addtolength{\evensidemargin}{-.03in} %\verttop % compare it with \vertcenter that is the default %\doubleboxframe % or \ovalframe % compare them with \shadowframe that is the default %\boxsecframe % compare it with \shadowsecframe that is the default \begin{document} \title[Sample Slides with {\tt lslide.sty}]% {Sample Slides \\ with {\tt lslide.sty}} \author{Thomas Magnum} \organization{Private Investigator's Association} \date{March 1992} \titlepage \slidecontents \sectioncontents \section{Introduction} \begin{slide} \subsection{Problems of Truth-Functional Logic} \Underbar{Case 1} \begin{enumerate} \item $\neg A$ \\ Therefore $A \rightarrow B$ \item The Padre beach is not poluted. \\ Therefore, if the Padre beach is poluted, it is good for surfing. \end{enumerate} \vspace*{\fill} \Underbar{Case 2} \begin{enumerate} \item $B$ \\ Therefore $A \rightarrow B$ \item The Padre beach is good for surfing. \\ Therefore, if the Padre beach is poluted, it is good for surfing. \end{enumerate} \end{slide} \begin{slide}[.5in] \Underbar{Case 3} \begin{enumerate} \item $A \rightarrow B$ \\ $C \rightarrow \neg B$ \\ $C \rightarrow A$ \\ $C$ \\ Therefore $B \wedge \neg B$ \item If it is a bird, then it can fly. \\ If it is penguin, then it cannot fly. \\ If it is penguin, then it is a bird. \\ It is a bird \\ Therefore, it cannot fly. \end{enumerate} \end{slide} \sectioncontents \section{Next Section} \begin{slide}[1in] Whatever it is. What ever it is. Whatever it is. What ever it is. \vspace*{1.5em} \begin{enumerate} \item Item 1 with Normalsize. \begin{enumerate}\Smallsize \item Item 1.1 with Smallsize. \item Item 1.2 with Smallsize. \end{enumerate} \item Item 2 with Normalsize. \end{enumerate} \end{slide} \end{document} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% End of the sample file%%% % % Noted modifications by Keith Farkas posted % to comp.text.tex on 21 Apr 92 15:43:52 GMT: % I have added a new vertical centering option to the slide style file % writen by Yong Ryu. The new option is \vertgroup and is like \vertcenter % with the exception that \vspace{2em} is placed after \subsection % rather than \vspace{\vfill}. % % o lslide.sty is a LaTeX/AmSLaTeX style file for % presentation slide typesetting. % It was developed for my personal use. That is, % it is a prototype. It may be improved in the future. % See Final Notes, Bugs, Comments, etc. % % o It generates a title page, tables of contents, % separate section heading pages, and slides % with heads and foots inside a nice frame. % % o No hyphenations: % Hyphenated words are not easily readable % in presentation slides, in my opinion. % No right-justifications % Right justifications may place too big spaces % between words, when hyphenations are turned off. % % If you want hyphenations and/or right-justifications % go to the "defaults" section in the end of this style file % and comment commands to make them. % % o A postscript driver is NOT required. % ^^^ % % o Version 2.0.1 Update % A. added a third vertical centering option \vertgroup. \vertgroup % is like \vertcenter with the exception that \vspace{2em} is % placed after \subsection rather than \vspace{\vfill}. % Keith Farkas (farkas@eecg.toronto.edu April 21 1992) % % o Version 2.0 Update % A. Frame macros are simplified and redundant macros are removed. % B. A bug in \slidecontents & \sectioncontents is fixed. % Bug: When filename.toc exists but is empty, the previous % version reports `\item ...' missing error. % C. Thanks to Tomoki Shiratori, an oval frame is added. % D. \typeA & \typeB are renamed to \vertcenter & \verttop. % E. \pframeA & \pframeB are renamed to \doubleboxframe & \shadowframe. % F. \sframeA & \sframeB are renamed to \boxsecframe & \shadowsecframe. % % o Version 1.2 Update % A. A shadow page frame added. % B. \SFbox changed. % C. \vertcenter and \verttop def. changed. % D. Extra spaces following page no. in tables of contents are removed. % % o Version 1.1 Update % A. Default page dimensions changed. % B. \leftmargini of itemize env.: \leftskip is always added. % The left skip of itemize env. is (almost) same as % that of enumerate env. % C. \SFbox added - places a shadow box. % % o How to use it: % A. \documentstyle[12pt,lslide]{article} % <- Minimal Req. % \documentstyle[12pt,amssymbols,lslide]{article} % % <- use amssymbols.sty for LaTeX if available % \documentstyle[12pt,amstex,amssymb,lslide]{article} % % <- may be used with AmSLaTeX % % Personally, I prefer it because it can % % easily handle various shapes/styles of fonts. % % Or you may use art11.sty to make the whole slide fonts smaller. % \documentstyle[11pt,lslide]{article} % \documentstyle[11pt,amssymbols,lslide]{article} % \documentstyle[11pt,amstex,amssymb,lslide]{article} % (To make fonts smaller, you may also use \smallerfonts. See B.) % Note: There is no font size difference between art10.sty % and art11.sty, when fonts >= \large are used. % If you use art10.sty, head and foot fonts of slides % become too small. % % B. \portrait (default) % \landscape % (Should be placed before \begin{document}) % If your print driver allows the 90 degree rotation of the % output pages: % e.g., emTeX drivers - /tr1 or /tr3 % e.x., hp myslide /tr1 % e.g., dvi2ps - -elandscape (???) % or your printer has a sideway printing mode, % you may use \landscape. % % Probably, you must modify the page dimensions. % Place those modifications after \portrait or % \landscape. If you use the default (i.e., do not % use \portrait or \landscape), place them just after % \documentstyle[...]{...}. % e.g., \addtolength{\textwidth}{...in} % \addtolength{\textheight}{...in} % \addtolength{\topmargin}{...in} % \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{...in} % \addtolength{\evensidemargin}{...in} % % \defaultskip=...in or ...pt or ...em or ...... % horizontal spaces at the left and the right of slide % bodies (within the slide frame) % The default is: % \defaultskip=1em % % \vertcenter (default) % \verttop % (Should be placed before \begin{document}) % \vertcenter option places \vspace*{\fill} on the top and bottom % of each slide page and after \subsection. (Vertical centering) % \verttop option places \vspace*{.5em} before \subsection and % \vspace*{1em} after \subsection; not \vspace on the top % or bottom of each slide page. % \vertgroup is like \vertcenter but places \vspace{2em} after % \subsection % % \doubleboxframe % \shadowframe (default) % (Should be placed before \begin{document}) % \doubleboxframe option places double boxes around each page. % \shadowframe option places a shadow box around each page. % \ovalframe option places an oval around each page. % % \boxsecframe % \shadowsecframe (default) % (Should be placed before \begin{document}) % \boxsecframe option places a single box around subsection title. % \shadowsecframe option places a shadow box around subsection title. % % \contentsname{...} % (Placed before or after \begin{document}) % Heading of tables of contents. Default is: % \contentsname{CONTENTS} % % \smallerfonts % (Placed before \begin{document}) % Make fonts smaller thoughout the whole file. % If you think the default fonts are too big, % use this command. % Or, you may use art11.sty to make fonts smaller. (See A.) % % \smallcontentsfonts % (Placed before or after \begin{document}) % Makes fonts for tables of contents smaller. % Use when the table of content occupies more than one page. % If it is used with \smallerfonts, it must placed after % \smallerfonts. % % C. \title{T} or \title[T1]{T2} % (Placed before or after \begin{document}) % T or T2 goes to the title page. % T or T1 goes to the left head of each page. % \author{A} % (Placed before or after \begin{document}) % A goes to the title page and left foot of each page. % \organization{O} % (Placed before or after \begin{document}) % O goes to the title page. % \date{D} % (Placed before or after \begin{document}) % D goes to the title page. % \titlepage % (Placed after \begin{document}) % Generates the title page. % % From now on, everything should be placed after \begin{document} % % D. \slidecontents or \slidecontents* % (Placed outside \begin{slide} ... \end{slide}) % Generates a Table of Contents that Consists of Section Headings. % Usually placed after \titlepage % If * is placed, no page numbers will appear. % % \sectioncontents or sectioncontents* % (Placed outside \begin{slide} ... \end{slide}) % Generates a Table of Contents that Consists of Section Headings % and Subsection Heading of the Following Section. % Usually placed before \section{...} % If * is placed, no page numbers will appear. % % E. \section{A} or \section[A1]{A2} % (Placed outside \begin{slide} ... \end{slide}) % A or A2 goes to a separate page of section heading % A or A1 goes to a table of contents and the right head of each page. % % F. \subsection{A} % (Placed inside \begin{slide} ... \end{slide}) % A frame box surrounds A. % A goes to a table of contents for the section. % % G. \begin{slide} ... \end{slide} % Generates a page of slide. % Your slide bodies are to be placed here. % ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ % \begin{slide}[dimension] ... \end{slide} % Adds horizontal spaces by "dimension (e.g. 1in, 3em, etc.)" % at the left and the right of the text body (within % the frame). % Only for that page of slide. % cf. \defaultskip = dimension % for all pages of slide % % H. \Underbar{...} and \Underline{...} % Same as \underbar and \underline except that the rule % is thicker. % % I. Font size (Notice that all start with a capital letter) % \Hugesize % \Largesize % \Normalsize - default for slides % \Smallsize % % J. Slide head and foot % \lhead{...} default: \lhead{\slidetitle} % \chead{...} default: \chead{\relax} % empty % \rhead{...} default: \rhead{\sectiontitle} % \lfoot{...} default: \lfoot{\slideauthor} % \cfoot{...} default: \cfoot{\relax} % empty % \rfoot{...} default: \rfoot{\thepage} % % K. Miscellaneous % \slidetitle - prints slide title (default: \hspace*{1pt}) % \slideauthor - prints author name (default: \hspace*{1pt}) % \authororga - prints organization (default: \hspace*{1pt}) % \slidedate - prints date (default: \today) % \sectiontitle - prints section heading % % \pagestyle{slide} is default for slides % note: \ps@slide is defined in this style file % \pagestyle{empty} is default for the title page, % tables of contents, and section heading pages. % % \Fbox{box sep}{rule thickness}{...} % Places a box around ... % box sep = spaces between ... and box rules % rule thickness = as you can guess % e.x., \Fbox{3pt}{1pt}{Box Me} % % \SFbox{box sep}{rule thickness}{shade thickness}{...} % Places a shadow box around ... % box sep = spaces between ... and box rules % e.x., \SFbox{3pt}{1pt}{2pt}{Box Me} % % L. Final Notes, Bugs, Comments, etc. % This is a prototype. It will be extended in the future: % - Various types of slide frames are desirable. % Users may select. % - \begin{note} ... \end{note} is useful. % - Top-bottom centering (vertical centering) can be done by \vertcenter. % Left-right centering (horizontal centering) may be implemented. % - Postscript specific features ??? % With postscript, lots of things can be done easily (?!). % But, I personally discourage postscript specific features, % because I myself use non-postscript printers more often. % - Probably, new font definitions are needed, instead of % using those (i.e. defaults) of LaTeX/AmSLaTeX, 'cause % many of them are not used at all and we may need % big fonts with various shapes. % % How to get (bold) sans serif fonts instead of roman fonts: % - If you use AmSLaTeX (with the new font scheme), it's simple: % \begin{document}\sf % \begin{document}\sf\bf % Or something more ... (especially to get bold math) % - If you use LaTeX, it's not simple. % ``\begin{document}\sf\Normalsize'' or % ``\begin{document}\sf\Normalsize\bf'' % handles many (but not all) cases. % The best way is to define a style file (or using % one if available) which sets \sf (or \sf\bf) as default. % Or you may create a .fmt file after modifying % lfonts.sty. % - Personally, I modified a font file (fontdef.max) for AmSLaTeX % and created a lslide.fmt file so that bold sans serif % is default for text and bold symbol fonts are % default for math. % However, unfortunately, not all AmS bold fonts % are available!!! % % Bugs % - Probably a few (or many???). % - I can't locate them. I need your help... % % E-mail bugs and comments to % young@emx.utexas.edu % youngryu@bongo.cc.utexas.edu % %