; ; goldilocks.tex ; ; ; This is the Goldilocks example that uses the TeSLa package that is the ; subject of the paper entitled "An Example Special Purpose Input Language ; to LaTeX" that was (will be) presented to the TUG94 conference in ; Santa Barabara. ; ; Please see goldilocks.tex and tesla.sty for more details. ; ========================================================= ; ; ; Define the Knowledge Base variables to be documented ; [tvar | min | the minimum acceptable temperature ] [tvar | max | the maximum acceptable temperature ] [tvar | T | the temperature ] [tvar | too-cold | the porridge is too cold ] [tvar | too-hot | the porridge is too hot ] [tvar | just-right | the porridge is just right ] ; ; Now document the rules ; [tgroup | Goldilocks' | 2 ] [ttext | These are the rules that model Goldilocks' decision process. ] [trule | T < min | | too-cold _ _ ] [trule | _ | T > max | too-hot _ _ ] [trule | min <= T | T <= max | just-right _ _ ] [tgroup | Goldilocks' | e ]