% file : hstest.tex (tests histyle.tex) % author : Here is a sample document that uses (in stupid ways) most of the features of this set of macros. The only thing missing here is the 'startup.tex' file. This file relies on a special font so I haven't bothered to include it. You will have to redefine the \@bullpt macros in HISTYLE.TEX in order to use the \begin{bullets} environment. Something like the following will do just fine for a start: \ifcase\bulldepth \or % level=0, do nothing (won't happen) \def\@bullpt{*}\or % level=1 \def\@bullpt{o}\or % level=2 \def\@bullpt{x}\or % level=3 \def\@bullpt{-}\or % level=4 \def\@bullpt{>}\or % level=5 \def\@bullpt{=}\or % level=6 \errmessage{Bullets are nested too deep!}% \fi % level>3, error message... Flavor to taste, obviously. Here's the test file: %HSTEST.TEX \input histyle \parskip=\baselineskip %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Here goes... \accept\yourname \yourname, the absolute value of -4 is \abs{-4}, the absolute value of 4 is \abs{4}. You can't ask for the absolute value of real numbers with this macro, at least not yet. Here's a one inch blank: \blank{1in}. This is {\bo bold faced} and \q{Quoted Text}. \begin{boldtext} Here's (potentially) a lot of boldfaced text. \end{boldtext} \vskip1in \begin{inboth}{1in} \begin{box} \setboxthickness{0.1in} This text is in a box! \end{box} \end{inboth} \in{3in} This text will be indented 3 inches \in{-3in} This text will be back to normal \center{this text is centered} \begin{points}width=1in just=f text=i \p{this is point 1} This some text describing point 1 This some text describing point 1 This some text describing point 1 This some text describing point 1 This some text describing point 1 This some text describing point 1 This some text describing point 1 \p{this is point number 2} This is some text describing point 2 This is some text describing point 2 This is some text describing point 2 This is some text describing point 2 This is some text describing point 2 This is some text describing point 2 This is some text describing point 2 This is some text describing point 2 This is some text describing point 2 \end{points} \setboxthickness{0.4pt} \begin{inboth}{0.25in} \begin{box} {\par\vskip\parskip\parskip=0pt\parindent=0pt\obeylines \begin{bullets} this is first level this is first level \begin{bullets} this is second level \begin{bullets} this is third level \begin{bullets} this is fourth level \begin{bullets} this is fifth level \begin{bullets} this is sixth level \end{bullets} \end{bullets} \end{bullets} \end{bullets} \end{bullets} this is first level \end{bullets} } \end{box} \end{inboth} \vfill\supereject {\par\vskip\parskip\parskip=0pt\parindent=0pt\obeylines \pointgutter=.1in \begin{list} Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 \begin{list} Item a Item b Item c \end{list} Item 4 \begin{list} Item a \begin{list} Item i Item ii Item iii Item iv \end{list} Item b \end{list} Item 5 Item 6 \end{list} } This is some normal paragraph text. This is some normal paragraph text. This is some normal paragraph text. This is some normal paragraph text. This is some normal paragraph text. This is some normal paragraph text. This is some normal paragraph text. \bye % eof % HSTEST.TEX %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%