%% scmac.tex %% TeX macros for typesetting scripts version 2.00 %% Copyright (C) 1989 by Na Choon Piaw %% This file may be freely used, distributed, and modified provided %% credit is given to the original author. You can even try to sell it, %% assuming someone's willing to pay for this, of course. %% This is a major rewrite --- hence, no change update is given. %% For more information see the user's documentation. %% tell user what version \immediate\write16{Loading scmac version 2.00 Beta release ...} %% fonts --- Use Computer Modern. Substitute these with local %% equivalents if no Computer Modern. \font\bigtenrm=cmr10 scaled\magstep2 %% big font for title \font\rm=cmr10 %% standard roman text \font\bf=cmbx10 %% for bold \font\sl=cmsl10 %% slanted text \font\it=cmti10 %% italics %% variable declarations \newcount\fnotecnt \newcount\FootNoteStyle \newcount\Style \newwrite\auxfile \fnotecnt=1 \FootNoteStyle=1 %% "true" footnotes \Style=1 %% preamble handling \def\Title{} \def\transl{} \def\oth{} \def\cpmessage{} \def\heading#1{\global\headline={\bf #1 \hfil Page \folio}} \def\translator#1{\edef\transl{\noindent\it Translation by #1.\hfil}} \def\others#1{\edef\oth{\noindent\it #1.\hfil}} \footline={\hfil} %% open auxilary file. \immediate\openout\auxfile=\jobname.aux %% Environments \def\beginscript{ \Title \cpmessage \transl \oth %% Open output file for footnotes %% Can your wordprocessor do this? } \def\endscript{ \immediate\closeout\auxfile \ifnum\FootNoteStyle=1 \relax \else %% read in from aux file. \bigskip \filbreak \line{\bf Footnotes\hfil} \openin 1 = \jobname.aux \readfootnotes \fi } %% songs \def\beginsong{\bigskip\begingroup\obeylines\narrower} \def\endsong{\par\endgroup\bigskip} \def\readfootnotes{ %% recursive TeX macro! Can WordPerfect do this? \def\temp{} \ifeof 1 \relax \else \read 1 to \temp \ifeof 1 \relax \else \item{[\temp]} \read 1 to \temp \temp \readfootnotes \fi \fi } %% describe and desc are unchanged. \def\describe#1{\sl #1 \medskip\goodbreak} \def\desc#1{\it (#1\/)\rm} %% footnoting \def\fnote#1{\ifnum\FootNoteStyle=1 %% footnotes at bottom of page \footnote{$^{\the\fnotecnt}$}{\rm #1} \else %% new-style typeinto aux file for readback %% remember to change the \hskip value for different fonts! $^{\the\fnotecnt}$ \hskip -0.15in \immediate\write\auxfile{\the\fnotecnt} \immediate\write\auxfile{#1} \fi \global\advance\fnotecnt by 1 } %% unavoidable processing \ifnum\Style=1 %% old style: version 1.xx \gdef\say#1#2{ \centerline{\bf #1} { \parindent=1in \rm\narrower\raggedright\noindent #2 \par } \bigskip\goodbreak } \else %% version 2.xx \gdef\say#1:#2\par{ \centerline{\bf #1} { \parindent=1in \rm\narrower\raggedright\noindent #2 \par } \bigskip\goodbreak } \fi