% This version: ROME 14 June 1986 % An ampersand tells TeX to ignore the rest of the line so you % include comments. This "macro" file grew from Bill Press's macro file % at CFA Harvard and was modified to suit the needs of Bob Jantzen % dept of math sciences, villanova university, villanova, PA 19085 USA. % tel:(215)645-4850 % For PLAIN TeX margins of 1 inch on American size paper % you need the following commands: % \hoffset=1.0 true in % \voffset=1.0 true in % For centered PLAIN TeX output on the VAXROM QMS LASER PRINTER % (European size paper: A4) % one needs the following command: \hoffset=-.85truecm % For a 1 inch (2.54cm) left margin one needs instead: % \hoffset=-.6truein % This shifts to the right enough for stapling on the left. %Definitions to use math symbols even in text \let\Malpha=\alpha \def\alpha{\relax\ifmmode{\Malpha}\else{$\Malpha$}\fi} \let\Mbeta=\beta \def\beta{\relax\ifmmode{\Mbeta}\else{$\Mbeta$}\fi} \let\Mgamma=\gamma \def\gamma{\relax\ifmmode{\Mgamma}\else{$\Mgamma$}\fi} \let\Msection=\section \def\section{\relax\ifmmode{\Msection}\else{$\Msection$}\fi} \let\Mdollar=\$ \def\${\relax\ifmmode{\Mdollar}\else{$\Mdollar$}\fi} \let\Ldots=\ldots \def\ldots{\relax\ifmmode{\Ldots}\else{$\Ldots$}\fi} % Miscellaneous spacing macros \def\lft#1{#1\hfill} \def\ctr#1{\hfill#1\hfill} \def\rt#1{\hfill#1} \def\lftl#1{\leftline#1} \def\ctrl#1{\centerline#1} \def\rtl#1{\rightline#1} \def\lftb#1{\leftline{\bf#1}} \def\ctrlb#1{\centerline{\bf #1}} \def\newline{\hfil\break} \def\indent{\hbox to 20pt{}} \def\singlespace{\baselineskip 12 pt} \def\doublespace{\baselineskip 24 pt} \def\triplespace{\baselineskip 36 pt} \def\oneandahalfspace{\baselineskip 18pt} % scientific manuscripts which should % be doublespaced look much better at % one and a half space; also use % \magnification=\magstep1 \def\blankline{\par\vskip 12 pt\noindent} \def\thsp{\thinspace} % see p357 top of The TeXbook: \def\noarrowfill{$\mathsurround=0pt \mathord- \mkern-6mu \cleaders\hbox{$\mkern-2mu \mathord- \mkern-2mu$}\hfill \mkern-6mu \mathord-$} \def\clinefill{\noarrowfill} % Automatic list with count starting at 1 for bibliography (correct indenting). \newcount\listno \def\beginlist{\listno=0} \beginlist \def\list{\par\noindent\hangindent 20pt\advance\listno by 1 \hbox to 20pt{\hfil\relax\the\listno.\ }} % Automatic list with count starting at 1 for bibliography (correct indenting). % (superscript style numbering of references) \newcount\listsno \def\beginlists{\listsno=0} \beginlists \def\lists{\par\noindent\hangindent 20pt\advance\listsno by 1 $^{\relax\the\listsno}$} % For unnumbered bibliography just use `\ref'. \def\ref{\par\noindent\hangindent 20pt} % Title page or sectioning commands \def\nobreak{\penalty1000} \def\titl#1\endtitl{\par\vfil\eject \par\vbox to 2in {}{\bf #1}\par\vskip 1in\nobreak} \def\sect#1\endsect{\par\vfil\eject{\bf #1}\par\vskip 12pt\nobreak} \def\subsect#1\endsubsect{\par \vskip 0in plus 1in\penalty -5\vskip 12pt plus -1in {\bf #1}\par\nobreak} \def\Received{\par\vskip 12 pt \centerline{\it Received 1985 \vrule height -1 pt width 1.5 in depth 1.8 pt ; accepted \vrule height -1 pt width 1.5 in depth 1.8pt .}\par} \def\ABSTRACT{\par\vfil\eject\vskip 1 in \centerline{\bf ABSTRACT } \par\vskip .5in } \def\REFERENCES{\par\vfil\eject\vskip 1 in \centerline{\bf REFERENCES} \par\vskip .5in } % bob's useful definitions % old version of \textunderline: %\def\textunderline#1{\setbox0=\hbox{#1}\hbox % {\vrule height -1pt depth 1.8pt width \wd0 \hskip -1\wd0 \box0}} % new version: \def\textunderline#1{$\underline{\smash{\hbox{#1}}}$} % This only works if the underlined text is on a single line. \def\boxit#1{\vbox{\hrule height .8pt\hbox{\vrule width .8pt\hskip 3pt \vbox{\vskip 3pt #1 \vskip 3pt}\hskip 3pt\vrule width .8pt} \hrule height .8pt}} % This puts a slightly larger ruled box around the box which is the argument. \newdimen\boxmarg \def\boxitto#1#2{\relax\boxmarg=#1 \vbox{\hrule height .8pt\hbox{\vrule width .8pt\hskip \boxmarg \vbox{\vskip \boxmarg #2 \vskip \boxmarg}\hskip \boxmarg\vrule width .8pt} \hrule height .8pt}} % This accepts a margin dimension parameter. The following is a useful test % sample of \boxitto: % $$\vcenter{\boxitto{10pt}{\halign{#\cr ONE\cr TWO\cr THREE\cr}}} \rightarrow % \vcenter{\boxitto{12pt}{\halign{#\cr FOUR\cr FIVE\cr}}}$$ % This defines a version of \matrix with options for horizontal and vertical % lines separating some rows and columns; just use a \vline in a column to get % a vertical line and replace a whole row by \hline for a horizontal line. \def\vline{\hbox{\strut\vrule}} \def\hline{\noalign{\hrule}} \def\matrixtable#1{\,\vcenter{\normalbaselines\mathsurround=0pt \tabskip=2.5pt\offinterlineskip \halign{\hfil$##$\hfil &&\hfil$##$\hfil\crcr \mathstrut\crcr\noalign{\kern-12pt} #1\crcr\mathstrut\crcr\noalign{\kern-12pt}}}\,} % This is an example: % $$\left(\matrixtable{A&\vline&B\cr \hline C&\vline&D\cr}\right)$$ \def\bivec#1{\vbox{\ialign{##\crcr $\leftrightarrow$\crcr\noalign{ \kern-1pt \nointerlineskip}$\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr}}} % This puts a double arrow over a symbol. \def\dal{\rlap{\sqcap}\sqcup} % the relativistic d'Alembertian operator \let\ovl=\overline \def\ut#1{\mathop{\vtop{\ialign{##\crcr $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr\noalign {\kern1pt\nointerlineskip}\hbox{$\hfil\sim\hfil$}\crcr \noalign{\kern1pt}}}}} \def\undersim{\ut} % This puts a \sim under a symbol. % This is the model for putting a symbol under another symbol % without shrinkage: \def\undersymbol#1#2{\mathop{\vtop{\ialign{##\crcr $\hfil\displaystyle{#2}\hfil$\crcr\noalign {\kern1pt\nointerlineskip}\hbox{$\hfil#1\hfil$}\crcr \noalign{\kern1pt}}}}} \def\expo#1{e^{\hbox{$#1$}}} % This is for exponentiating an expression without shrinkage. \def\leftcontract{\hbox{\vrule height0.7pt width6pt \vrule width0.7pt height4.5pt}\hskip 2pt} % This is for contraction of a vector against a covariant tensor in % index free notation. % These are various subscript and superscript abbreviations. \def\p{^{\prime}\null} \def\pp{^{\prime\prime}\null} \def\pprime{\prime\prime} \def\ps{_{\bot}} \def\sast{^{\ast}} % These are definitions for textstyle fractions in display mode. \def\half{\textstyle {1\over2}\displaystyle} \def\fraction#1#2{\textstyle{#1\over#2}\displaystyle} \def\hhalf{1/2} % These are roman abbreviations for math mode. \def\Tr{\mathop{\rm Tr}\nolimits} \def\diag{\mathop{\rm diag}\nolimits} \def\sgn{\mathop{\rm sgn}\nolimits} \def\ad{\mathop{\rm ad}\nolimits} \def\Ad{\mathop{\rm Ad}\nolimits} \def\aut{\mathop{\it aut}\nolimits} \def\Aut{\mathop{\rm Aut}\nolimits} \def\SAut{\mathop{\rm SAut}\nolimits} \def\span{\mathop{\rm span}\nolimits} \def\ker{\mathop{\rm ker}\nolimits} \def\rank{\mathop{\rm rank}\nolimits} \def\sech{\mathop{\rm sech}\nolimits} % style abbreviations \def\ds{\dispstyle} \def\st{\scriptstyle} \def\sst{\scriptscriptstyle} % BOLDFACE Definitions % From the TeXbook, a poor man's boldface in math mode: \def\pmb#1{\setbox0=\hbox{$#1$}% \kern-.025em\copy0\kern-\wd0 \kern.05em\copy0\kern-\wd0 \kern-.025em\raise.0433em\box0} % and reducing by a factor of .7 for \scriptstyle: \def\pmbs#1{\setbox0=\hbox{$\st #1$}% \kern-.0175em\copy0\kern-\wd0 \kern.035em\copy0\kern-\wd0 \kern-.0175em\raise.0303em\box0} %\def\bff#1{\hbox to .00385in{$#1$\hss}\hbox to .00385in{$#1$\hss}#1} \def\bfs#1{\hbox to .0035in{$\st#1$\hss}\hbox to .0035in{$\st#1$\hss}\st#1} %\def\bfk#1{\hbox to .00385in{$#1$\hss}\textstyle #1} %These are old definitions for boldface Greek displaystyle, scriptstyle % and kappa (which doesn't look good the first way). % boldface greek \def\bfalpha{\pmb{\alpha}} \def\bfsalpha{\pmbs{\alpha}} \def\bfbeta{\pmb{\beta}} \def\bfsbeta{\pmbs{\beta}} \def\bfdelta{\pmb{\delta}} \def\bfkappa{\pmb{\kappa}} \def\bfskappa{\pmbs{\kappa}} \def\bfomega{\pmb{\omega}} \def\bfrho{\pmb{\rho}} \def\bfsigma{\pmb{\sigma}} \def\bfpi{\pmb{\pi}} % miscellaneous boldface \def\bfone{\hbox{\bf 1}} \def\bfsone{\pmbs{1}} \def\bfg{\hbox{\bf g}} \def\bfn{\hbox{\bf n}} \def\bfA{\hbox{\bf A}} \def\bfB{\hbox{\bf B}} \def\bfH{\hbox{\bf H}} \def\bfS{\hbox{\bf S}} \def\bfI{\hbox{\bf I}} \def\bfk{\hbox{\bf k}} \def\bfK{\hbox{\bf K}} \def\bfe{\hbox{\bf e}} % Italic Greek Capitals \def\Gammait{{\mit\Gamma}} \def\Deltait{{\mit\Delta}} \def\Thetait{{\mit\Theta}} \def\Lambdait{{\mit\Lambda}} \def\Xiit{{\mit\Xi}} \def\Piit{{\mit\Pi}} \def\Sigmait{{\mit\Sigma}} \def\Upsilonit{{\mit\Upsilon}} \def\Phiit{{\mit\Phi}} \def\Psiit{{\mit\Psi}} \def\Omegait{{\mit\Omega}} % Script Capital Macros \def\Ascr{{\cal A}} \def\Bscr{{\cal B}} \def\Cscr{{\cal C}} \def\Dscr{{\cal D}} \def\Escr{{\cal E}} \def\Fscr{{\cal F}} \def\Gscr{{\cal G}} \def\Hscr{{\cal H}} \def\Iscr{{\cal I}} \def\Jscr{{\cal J}} \def\Kscr{{\cal K}} \def\Lscr{{\cal L}} \def\Mscr{{\cal M}} \def\Nscr{{\cal N}} \def\Oscr{{\cal O}} \def\Pscr{{\cal P}} \def\Qscr{{\cal Q}} \def\Rscr{{\cal R}} \def\Sscr{{\cal S}} \def\Tscr{{\cal T}} \def\Uscr{{\cal U}} \def\Vscr{{\cal V}} \def\Wscr{{\cal W}} \def\Xscr{{\cal X}} \def\Yscr{{\cal Y}} \def\Zscr{{\cal Z}} % Miscellaneous \def\xc{\hbox{\rlap{\hskip 1.5pt\raise .75pt\hbox{--}}$\Xscr$}} %This is the symbol used for the space of vector fields on a manifold. \def\partialslash{\rlap{\hbox{/}}\partial} \def\deltaslash{\rlap{\hbox{/}}\delta} % These are slashed symbols for divergences and variational derivatives % in a frame. \def\del{\nabla} \def\ketl{\langle} \def\ketr{\rangle} \def\larrow{\leftarrow} \def\rarrow{\rightarrow} \def\relv{\bigm|} \def\Lie{\hbox{\it\char'44}} \def\Lied#1{\Lie_{\hbox{$#1$}}\thsp} \def\sterling{\hbox{\it\char'44}} \def\tb{\overline{t}\null} \def\inm{\rlap{$\hskip 1.3pt -$}\supset} \def\inr{\rlap{$\hskip 2.55pt\scriptstyle{\vert}\displaystyle$}\cap} \let\hold=\null \def\fcaption#1{\parshape=1 .75cm 12.2cm {#1} \parshape=0} \def\twov#1#2{\pmatrix{#1\cr#2\cr}} \def\threev#1#2#3{\pmatrix{#1\cr#2\cr#3\cr}} \let\mtx=\pmatrix \def\et{\tilde{e}\null} \def\zd{_{(0)}} % These are old definitions for raised dots: \def\du{\rlap{\raise 6.75pt\hbox{\hskip 3pt$\cdot$}}} \def\dl{\rlap{\raise 4.5pt\hbox{\hskip 2pt$\cdot$}}} \def\odu{\rlap{\raise 4pt\hbox{\hskip 3pt$^{\circ}$}}} \def\odl{\rlap{\raise 1.75pt\hbox{\hskip 2pt$^{\circ}$}}} \def\dott#1{\vbox{\baselineskip-1pt\lineskip 1pt\halign{\ctr{##}\cr .\cr $#1$\cr}}} \def\ddott#1{\vbox{\baselineskip-1pt\lineskip 1pt\halign{\ctr{##}\cr ..\cr/$#1$\cr}}} \def\Wd{\dot{\tilde{W}}\null} \def\wedget{\scriptstyle{\wedge}\displaystyle} \def\A#1{\hat{#1}} %\def\As#1{\rlap{\raise 1pt\hbox{\hskip 1pt\char'017}}#1} \def\As#1{\hat#1} \def\bfbbeta{\bfs{\beta}} % some journal abbreviations \def\jmp{{\it J. Math. Phys.}\ } \def\pr{{\it Phys. Rev.}\ } \def\prl{{\it Phys. Rev. Lett.}\ } \def\pl{{\it Phys. Lett.}\ } \def\cmp{{\it Commun. Math. Phys.}\ } \def\cqg{{\it Class. Quantum Grav.}\ } \def\ap{{\it Ann. Phys. (N.Y.)}\ } \def\spj{{\it Sov. Phys. JETP}\ } \def\grg{{\it Gen. Relativ. Grav.}\ } \def\nat{{\it Nature}\ } \def\apj{{\it Ap. J.}\ } \def\aaa{{\it Astron. Astrophys.}\ } \def\ncim{{\it Nuovo Cim.}\ } \def\ptp{{\it Prog. Theor. Phys.}\ } \def\aip{{\it Adv. Phys.}\ } \def\jpamg{{\it J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.}\ } \def\mnras{{\it Mon. Not. R. ast. Soc.}\ } \def\prep{{\it Phys. Rep.}\ } \def\ncb{{\it Il Nuovo Cimento ``B''}} \def\ssr{{\it Space Sci. Rev.}\ } \def\pasp{{\it Pub. A. S. P.}\ } \def\araa{{\it Ann. Rev. Astr. Ap.}\ } \def\asr{{\it Adv. Space Res.}\ }