\magnification=1728 \parindent=0.0in \special{down=0,right=0} \font\big=amssmc40 at 48truept \font\med=amssmc40 at 32truept \font\prog=amtt10 at 14.4truept \font\vbig=aminch at 1truein \nopagenumbers \hsize=7.9truein \vsize=10.4truein \voffset=0.3truein \hoffset=0.3truein \vfill \centerline{\big Texas A\&M} \medskip \centerline{\big MicroComputer Club} \vfill \centerline{\med YES Computers} \medskip \centerline{\med will be demonstrating} \medskip \centerline{\med the new Apple} \medskip \centerline{\vbig MACINTOSH} \vfill \centerline{\sl Members bringing systems to All-Nite-Fair:} \centerline{\sl Know what extra equipment you will need} \centerline{\sl and exactly what software you plan to exhibit.} \vfill \hbox to\hsize{2 February 1984\hfil Room 105C} \hbox to\hsize{7:30-9:30\hfil Zachry} \bigskip \centerline{\tt BRUN ALL-NITE-FAIR} \eject\end