/* Copyright Dave Bone 1998 - 2014 All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without written consent from the author. File: yacco2_T_enumeration.lex Date: 10 July 00 Author: Dave Bone Purpose: Supplies emitted enumeration file name and namespace. The lr1 compiler/compiler generates the "enum" type for the 4 classes of terminals: 1) lr1 constants 2) raw characters 3) errors 4) terminals Note: The enumerated type is emitted which is referenced in the other emitted grammars via the "#include" directive having a symbol ordering: 0 <= Lr1_K < raw chars < error terminals < Terminals < grammar's Rules The subrules of a grammar's rule are locally enumerated within the grammar starting from 1. This order is per emitted grammar. That is to say, each parallel grammar has its own generated lr1 table using the enumerated terminal class symbols with its enumerated rules starting 1 after the high bound of the enumerated terminal classes. After the parameters, a { k-body } can follow. This k-body is used for global definitions of contants: { constant-defs C++ syntax directed code for constant definitions *** } */ T-enumeration (file-name yacco2_T_enumeration ,name-space NS_yacco2_T_enum) { }