# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 package require tcltest 2 namespace import tcltest::* set pwd [file dirname [file normalize $argv0]] source ../package_test_autoconf.tcl package require macports 1.0 array set ui_options {} #set ui_options(ports_debug) yes #set ui_options(ports_verbose) yes mportinit ui_options package require portmpkg 1.0 package require portpkg 1.0 source ./library.tcl macports_worker_init # mock getportresourcepath, tests should be able to operate without a ports tree proc getportresourcepath {url {path {}} {fallback yes}} { global pwd return [file join $pwd $path] } test mpkg_main { Port mpkg main unit test. } -constraints { darwin } -setup { global os.platform os.major os.arch destpath package.destpath configure.build_arch \ subport version revision package.flat maintainers description categories \ supported_archs porturl pwd env_init file mkdir $destpath close [open $destpath/fondu-060102_1.pkg w+] file mkdir ${pwd}/port1.0/package close [open ${pwd}/port1.0/package/background.tiff w+] } -body { if {[portmpkg::mpkg_main] != 0} { return "FAIL: cannot create pkg" } if {![file exists $destpath/fondu-060102_1.mpkg/Contents/PkgInfo]} { return "FAIL: missing PkgInfo file" } if {![file exists $destpath/fondu-060102_1.mpkg/Contents/Info.plist]} { return "FAIL: missing Info.plist file" } if {![file exists $destpath/fondu-060102_1.mpkg/Contents/Resources]} { return "FAIL: missing Resources dir" } if {![file exists $destpath/fondu-060102_1.mpkg/Contents/Packages/fondu-060102_1.pkg]} { return "FAIL: missing pkg file" } return "Package mpkg successful." } -cleanup { file delete -force $destpath global pwd file delete -force ${pwd}/port1.0 } -result "Package mpkg successful." test make_dependency_list { Make dependency list unit test. } -setup { global os.platform os.major os.arch destpath package.destpath configure.build_arch \ subport version revision package.flat maintainers description categories \ supported_archs porturl env_init set destination $pwd/destination } -body { set res [portmpkg::make_dependency_list $subport $destination] if {[llength $res] != 1} { return "FAIL: unexpectedly long dependency list: $res" } # indices: # 0 name # 1 version # 2 revision # 3 mport set res [lindex $res 0] if {[llength $res] != 4 || [lindex $res 0] != $subport || [lindex $res 1] != 060102 || [lindex $res 2] != 1} { return "FAIL: incorrect dependency list entry: $res" } return "Dependency list successful." } -result "Dependency list successful." # Covered by mpkg_main # test make_one_package # test package_mpkg cleanupTests