# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 package require tcltest 2 namespace import tcltest::* set pwd [file dirname [file normalize $argv0]] source ../port_test_autoconf.tcl package require macports 1.0 array set ui_options {} #set ui_options(ports_debug) yes #set ui_options(ports_verbose) yes mportinit ui_options package require portpatch source ../port_autoconf.tcl source ./library.tcl macports_worker_init test build_getpatchtype { Get patch type unit test. } -body { set res [portpatch::build_getpatchtype] if {$res != $portutil::autoconf::patch_path} { return "FAIL: wrong path" } return "Get patch type successful." } -result "Get patch type successful." test patch_main { Patch main unit test. } -constraints { root } -setup { set macos_version 11.0.1 set subport emptyport set filespath $pwd/files set distpath $pwd/dist set workpath $pwd/work set worksrcpath $workpath/src set compiler.cpath /usr/bin/gcc set compiler.library_path /usr/lib set macosx_deployment_target $pwd/deploy_target file mkdir $filespath set fd [open $filespath/file.diff w+] puts $fd "first line should get to the workpath" close $fd set mport [mportopen file://.] set workername [ditem_key $mport workername] $workername eval [list set patchfiles file.diff] } -body { if {[$workername eval [list eval_targets patch]]} { return "FAIL: cannot run patch" } if {![file exists $pwd/work/emptyport-0.2/test_patch]} { return "FAIL: missing patched file" } return "Patch successful." } -cleanup { file delete -force $filespath file delete -force $pwd/work } -result "Patch successful." cleanupTests