# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 name trace version 1 categories test maintainers pguyot@kallisys.net description Test port for -t homepage https://www.macports.org/ platforms darwin supported_archs noarch configure.cxx_stdlib long_description ${description} distfiles use_configure no build {} destroot { system "touch ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/${name}" } test { proc fails {operation} { if {![catch $operation]} { ui_error "Operation ${operation} succeeded although it should have failed!" error "test failure" } else { ui_info "${operation} failed as expected" } } # the port directory is outside of the sandbox; make sure files can't be # created, deleted or symlinked into place here fails {system "touch ../tracetesttmp/create-trace"} fails {system "rm ../tracetesttmp/delete-trace"} fails {system "ln -s /usr/share/ ../tracetesttmp/link-trace"} # we also don't want mkdir or rmdir here fails {system "mkdir ../tracetesttmp/mkdir-trace"} fails {system "rmdir ../tracetesttmp/rmdir-trace"} # renaming should also be prohibited fails {system "mv ../tracetesttmp/rename-trace ../tracetesttmp/rename-new-trace"} # test access to /tmp system "touch /tmp/hello-trace" system "rm /tmp/hello-trace" system "rm /tmp/link-trace2" # overwriting DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES should not allow escaping the sandbox (due to env restoring) fails {system "DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES= touch ../tracetesttmp/create-trace-modenv"} # if the directories already exist, mkdir -p should succeed. system "mkdir -p /usr/bin" }