#! /usr/bin/env tclsh # -*- tcl -*- # @@ Meta Begin # Application page 1.0 # Meta platform tcl # Meta summary Tool for general text transformation # Meta description While the name is an allusion to parser # Meta description generation, the modular plugin-based # Meta description nature of this application allows for # Meta description any type of text transformation which # Meta description can be put into a plugin. Still, the # Meta description plugins coming with Tcllib all deal # Meta description with parser generation. # Meta category Processing text files # Meta subject {parser generation} {text transformation} # Meta require page::pluginmgr # Meta require logger # Meta require struct::matrix # Meta author Andreas Kupries # Meta license BSD # @@ Meta End package provide page 1.0 lappend auto_path [file join [lindex $tcl_pkgPath end] page] lappend auto_path [file join [file dirname [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]] modules] #lappend auto_path [file join [file dirname [info script]] .. modules] #source [file join [file dirname [info script]] .. modules struct tree.tcl] # /= # $Id: page,v 1.3 2011/11/10 21:16:02 andreas_kupries Exp $ # \= # # PAGE - PArser GEnerator | GTT - General Text Transformation # ==== = ================ + === = =========================== # # Use cases # --------- # # (1) Read a grammar specification and write out code implementing a # parser for that grammar. # # (2) As (1), and additionally allow the user to select between a # number of different backends for writing the results. # Different forms for the same parser, pretty printing the # grammar, different parser types (LL vs LR vs ...). Etc. # # (3) As (1) and/or (2), and additionally allow the user to select # the frontend, i.e. the part reading the grammar. This allows # the use of different input grammars for the specification of # grammars, i.e. PEG, Yacc, Tyacc, Coco, etc. # # Note: For grammars it may be possible to write a unifying # frontend whose reader grammar is able to recognize many # different grammar formats without requiring the user to # specify which format the supplied input is in. # # (4) As (1) and/or (2), and/or (3), and additionally allow the user # to select the transformations to execute on the data provided # by the frontend before it is given to the backend. At this # point the parser generator has transformed into a general tool # for the reading, transformation, and writing of any type of # structured information. # # Note: For the use cases from (1) to (3) the representations returned # by the frontend, and taken by the backend have to be fully # specified to ensure that all the parts are working together. # For the use case (4) it becomes the responsibility of the user # of the tool to specify frontend, backed, and transformations # which work properly together. # Command syntax # -------------- # # Ad 1) page ?-rd peg|hb|ser? ?-gen tpcp|hb|ser|tree|peg|me|null? ?-min no|reach|use|all? [input|"-" [output|"-"]] # # The tool reads the grammar from the specified inputfile, # transforms it as needed and then writes the resulting parser # to the outputfile. Usage of "-" for the input signals that the # grammar should be read from stdin. Analoguously usage of "-" # for the output signals that the results should be written to # stdout. # # Unspecified parts of the command line default to "-". # # Ad 2) Not specified yet. # Ad 3) S.a. # Ad 4) S.a. # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Requisites package require page::pluginmgr ; # Management of the PAGE plugins. package require logger ; # Logging subsystem for debugging. package require struct::matrix ; # Matrices. For statistics report # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Internal data and status namespace eval ::page { # Path to where the output goes to. The name of a file, or "-" for # stdout. variable output "" # Path to where the input comes from. The name of a file, or "-" # for stdin. variable input "" # Boolean flag. Input processing is timed. variable timed 0 # Boolean flag. Input processing has progressbar. variable progress 0 # Reader plugin and options. variable rd {} # List of transforms and their options. variable tr {} # Writer plugin an options. variable wr {} # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### # Statistics. # The number of characters read from the input. variable nread 0 # Progress # Counter for when to print progress notification. variable ncount 0 variable ndelta 100 # Collected statistical output. A matrix object, for proper # columnar formatting when generating the report. And the last # non-empty string in the first column, to prevent repetition. variable statistics {} variable slast {} # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## External data and status # This tool does not use external files to save and load status # information. It has no history. If history is required, or data # beyond the regular input see use cases (2-4). These may allow the # specification of options specific to the selected frontend, backend, # and transformations. # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Option processing. ## Validate command line. ## Full command line syntax. ## # page [input|"-" [output|"-"]] ## proc ::page::ProcessCmdline {} { global argv variable output variable input set logging 0 set n [ProcessArguments] # No options at all => Default -c peg. if {!$n} { set argv [linsert $argv 0 -c peg] ProcessArguments } # Additional validation, and extraction of the non-option # arguments. if {[llength $argv] > 2} Usage set input [lindex $argv 0] set output [lindex $argv 1] # Final validation across the whole configuration. if {$input eq ""} { set input - } elseif {$input ne "-"} { CheckInputFile $input {Input file} } if {$output eq ""} { set output - } elseif {$output ne "-"} { CheckTheOutput } CheckReader CheckWriter CheckTransforms if {$logging} { pluginmgr::log [::logger::init page] } else { pluginmgr::log {} } return } proc ::page::ProcessArguments {} { global argv upvar 1 logging logging variable rd {} variable tr {} variable wr {} variable timed 0 variable progress 0 # Process the options, perform basic validation. set type {} set name {} set options {} set mode {} set nextmode {} set noptions 0 while {[llength $argv]} { #puts ([join $argv ") ("]) set opt [lindex $argv 0] if {![string match "-*" $opt]} { # End of options reached. break } incr noptions Shift switch -exact -- $opt { --help - -h - -? {Usage} --version - -V {Version} -v - --verbose - --log {set logging 1} -q - --quiet - --nolog {set logging 0} -P {set progress 1} -T {set timed 1} -D { # Activate logging in the safe base for better debugging. ::safe::setLogCmd {puts stderr} } -r - -rd - --reader { Complete set type rd set name [Shift] set options {} } -w - -wr - --writer { Complete set type wr set name [Shift] set options {} } -t - -tr - --transform { Complete set type tr set name [Shift] if {$mode eq ""} {set mode tail} set options {} } -c - --config { set configfile [Shift] if {($configfile eq "") || [catch { set newargv [pluginmgr::configuration \ $configfile] } msg]} { set msg [string map { {Unable to locate} {Unable to locate configuration}} $msg] ArgError "Bad argument \"$configfile\".\n\t$msg" } if {[llength $newargv]} { if {![llength $argv]} { set argv $newargv } else { # linsert argv 0 {expanded}newargv # -------------- # linsert options 0 (linsert argv 0) set argv [eval [linsert $newargv 0 linsert $argv 0]] #set argv [linsert $argv 0 {expand}$options] } } } -p - --prepend {set nextmode head} -a - --append {set nextmode tail} --reset {Complete ; set tr {}} default { # All unknown options go into the # configuration of the last plugin # defined (-r, -w, -t) lappend options $opt [Shift] } } } Complete return $noptions } proc ::page::Shift {} { upvar 1 argv argv if {![llength $argv]} {return {}} set first [lindex $argv 0] set argv [lrange $argv 1 end] return $first } proc ::page::Complete {} { upvar 1 type type name name options options mode mode \ nextmode nextmode rd rd wr wr tr tr #puts "$type $name ($options) \[$mode/$nextmode\]" set currentmode $mode if {$nextmode ne $mode} { set mode $nextmode } if {$type eq ""} return switch -exact -- $type { rd {set rd [list $name $options]} wr {set wr [list $name $options]} tr { if {$currentmode eq "tail"} { lappend tr [list $name $options] } else { set tr [linsert $tr 0 [list $name $options]] } } } return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Option processing. ## Helpers: Generation of error messages. ## I. General usage/help message. ## II. Specific messages. # # Both write their messages to stderr and then # exit the application with status 1. ## proc ::page::Usage {} { global argv0 puts stderr "Expected $argv0 ?options? ?inputpath|- ?outputpath|-??" puts stderr " --help, -h, -? This help" puts stderr " --version, -V, Version information" puts stderr " -v, --verbose, --log Activate logging in all loaded plugins" puts stderr " -q, --quiet, --nolog Disable logging in all loaded plugins" puts stderr " -P Activate progress feedback" puts stderr " -T Activate collection of timings" puts stderr " -r reader Specify input plugin" puts stderr " -rd, --reader See above" puts stderr " -w writer Specify output plugin" puts stderr " -wr, --writer See above" puts stderr " -t transform Specify processing plugin" puts stderr " -tr, --transform See above" puts stderr " -p, --prepend Place processing at front" puts stderr " -a, --append Place processing at end" puts stderr " --reset Clear list of transforms" puts stderr " -c file Read configuration file" puts stderr " --configuration See above." puts stderr " " # --log, --nolog, -v, --verbose, -q, --quiet exit 1 } proc ::page::Version {} { puts stderr {$Id: page,v 1.3 2011/11/10 21:16:02 andreas_kupries Exp $} exit 1 } proc ::page::ArgError {text} { global argv0 puts stderr "$argv0: $text" exit 1 } proc in {list item} { expr {([lsearch -exact $list $item] >= 0)} } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Check existence and permissions of an input/output file proc ::page::CheckReader {} { variable rd if {![llength $rd]} { ArgError "Input processing module is missing" } foreach {name options} $rd break if {[catch { set po [pluginmgr::reader $name] } msg]} { set msg [string map { {Unable to locate} {Unable to locate reader}} $msg] ArgError "Bad argument \"$name\".\n\t$msg" } set opt {} foreach {k v} $options { if {![in $po $k]} { ArgError "Input plugin $name: Bad option $k" } lappend opt $k $v } pluginmgr::rconfigure $opt return } proc ::page::CheckWriter {} { variable wr if {![llength $wr]} { ArgError "Output module is missing" } foreach {name options} $wr break if {[catch { set po [pluginmgr::writer $name] } msg]} { set msg [string map { {Unable to locate} {Unable to locate writer}} $msg] ArgError "Bad argument \"$name\".\n\t$msg" } set opt {} foreach {k v} $options { if {![in $po $k]} { ArgError "Output plugin $name: Bad option $k" } lappend opt $k $v } pluginmgr::wconfigure $opt return } proc ::page::CheckTransforms {} { variable tr set idlist {} foreach t $tr { foreach {name options} $t break if {[catch { foreach {id po} \ [pluginmgr::transform $name] \ break } msg]} { set msg [string map { {Unable to locate} {Unable to locate transformation}} $msg] ArgError "Bad argument \"$name\".\n\t$msg" } set opt {} foreach {k v} $options { if {![in $po $k]} { ArgError "Processing plugin $name: Bad option $k" } lappend opt $k $v } pluginmgr::tconfigure $id $opt lappend idlist $id } set tr $idlist return } proc ::page::CheckInputFile {f label} { if {![file exists $f]} { ArgError "Unable to find $label \"$f\"" } elseif {![file isfile $f]} { ArgError "$label \"$f\" is not a file" } elseif {![file readable $f]} { ArgError "$label \"$f\" not readable (permission denied)" } return } proc ::page::CheckTheOutput {} { variable output set base [file dirname $output] if {$base eq ""} {set base [pwd]} if {![file exists $output]} { if {![file exists $base]} { ArgError "Output base path \"$base\" not found" } if {![file writable $base]} { ArgError "Output base path \"$base\" not writable (permission denied)" } } elseif {![file writable $output]} { ArgError "Output path \"$output\" not writable (permission denied)" } elseif {![file isfile $output]} { ArgError "Output path \"$output\" is not a file" } return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Commands implementing the main functionality. proc ::page::Read {} { variable input variable progress variable timed variable nread set label \[[pluginmgr::rlabel]\] set msg "" append msg $label " " if {$input eq "-"} { append msg {Reading grammar from stdin} set chan stdin } else { append msg {Reading grammar from file "} $input {"} set chan [open $input r] } pluginmgr::report info $msg if {!$timed && !$progress} { # Regular run set data [pluginmgr::read \ [list read $chan] [list eof $chan]] } elseif {$timed && $progress} { # Timed, with feedback if {[pluginmgr::rtimeable]} { pluginmgr::rtime set data [pluginmgr::read \ [list ::page::ReadPT $chan] [list eof $chan] \ ::page::ReadComplete] set usec [pluginmgr::rgettime] } else { set usec [lindex [time { set data [pluginmgr::read \ [list ::page::ReadPT $chan] [list eof $chan] \ ::page::ReadComplete] }] 0] ; # {} } } elseif {$timed} { # Timed only if {[pluginmgr::rtimeable]} { pluginmgr::rtime set data [pluginmgr::read \ [list ::page::ReadT $chan] [list eof $chan]] set usec [pluginmgr::rgettime] } else { set usec [lindex [time { set data [pluginmgr::read \ [list ::page::ReadT $chan] [list eof $chan]] }] 0] ; # {} } } else { # Feedback only ... set data [pluginmgr::read \ [list ::page::ReadPT $chan] [list eof $chan] \ ::page::ReadComplete] } if {$input ne "-"} { close $chan } if {$timed} { Statistics $label "Characters:" $nread Statistics $label "Seconds:" [expr {double($usec)/1000000}] Statistics $label "Char/Seconds:" [expr {1000000*double($nread)/$usec}] Statistics $label "Microseconds:" $usec Statistics $label "Microsec/Char:" [expr {$usec/double($nread)}] } elseif {$progress} { pluginmgr::report info " Read $nread [expr {$nread == 1 ? "character" : "characters"}]" } return $data } proc ::page::Transform {data} { variable timed variable tr if {$data eq ""} {return $data} if 0 { pluginmgr::report info ---------------------------- foreach tid $tr { set label "\[[pluginmgr::tlabel $tid]\]" pluginmgr::report info $label } pluginmgr::report info ---------------------------- } #puts /($data)/ foreach tid $tr { set label "\[[pluginmgr::tlabel $tid]\]" pluginmgr::report info $label if {!$timed} { set data [pluginmgr::transform_do $tid $data] } else { if {[pluginmgr::ttimeable $tid]} { pluginmgr::ttime $tid set data [pluginmgr::transform_do $tid $data] set usec [pluginmgr::tgettime $tid] } else { set usec [lindex [time { set data [pluginmgr::transform_do $tid $data] }] 0]; #{} } Statistics $label Seconds: [expr {double($usec)/1000000}] } } return $data } proc ::page::Write {data} { variable timed variable output if {$data eq ""} {return $data} set label \[[pluginmgr::wlabel]\] set msg "" append msg $label " " if {$output eq "-"} { append msg {Writing to stdout} set chan stdout } else { append msg {Writing to file "} $output {"} set chan [open $output w] } pluginmgr::report info $msg if {!$timed} { pluginmgr::write $chan $data } else { if {[pluginmgr::wtimeable]} { pluginmgr::wtime pluginmgr::write $chan $data set usec [pluginmgr::wgettime] } else { set usec [lindex [time { pluginmgr::write $chan $data }] 0]; #{} } Statistics $label Seconds: [expr {double($usec)/1000000}] } if {$output ne "-"} { close $chan } return } proc ::page::StatisticsBegin {} { variable timed variable statistics if {!$timed} return set statistics [struct::matrix ::page::STAT] Statistics _Statistics_________ return } proc ::page::Statistics {module args} { variable statistics variable slast set n [expr {1+[llength $args]}] if {[$statistics columns] < $n} { $statistics add columns [expr { $n - [$statistics columns] }] ; # {} } if {$module eq $slast} { set prefix "" } else { set prefix $module set slast $module } $statistics add row [linsert $args 0 $prefix] return } proc ::page::StatisticsComplete {} { variable timed variable statistics if {!$timed} return pluginmgr::report info "" foreach line [split [$statistics \ format 2string] \n] { pluginmgr::report info $line } return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Helper commands. proc ::page::ReadPT {chan {n {}}} { variable nread variable ncount variable ndelta if {$n eq ""} { set data [read $chan] } else { set data [read $chan $n] } set n [string length $data] incr nread $n while {$ncount < $nread} { puts -nonewline stderr . flush stderr incr ncount $ndelta } return $data } proc ::page::ReadComplete {} { puts stderr "" flush stderr return } proc ::page::ReadT {chan {n {}}} { variable nread if {$n eq ""} { set data [read $chan] } else { set data [read $chan $n] } set n [string length $data] incr nread $n return $data } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Invoking the functionality. if {[catch { ::page::ProcessCmdline ::page::StatisticsBegin ::page::Write [::page::Transform [::page::Read]] ::page::StatisticsComplete } msg]} { puts $::errorInfo #::page::ArgError $msg } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### exit