#! /usr/bin/env tclsh # -*- tcl -*- # @@ Meta Begin # Application tcldocstrip 1.0.1 # Meta platform tcl # Meta summary TeX's docstrip written in Tcl # Meta description This application is an implementation # Meta description of TeX's docstrip application in Tcl. # Meta description It provides commands to convert a docstrip # Meta description weave according to a set of guards, to # Meta description assemble an output based on several sets # Meta description guards and input files, i.e. of a document # Meta description spread over several inputs and/or guards, # Meta description and to extract and list all unique guard # Meta description expressions found in a document. # Meta category Processing docstrip documents # Meta subject docstrip TeX LaTeX # Meta require docstrip # Meta author Andreas Kupries # Meta license BSD # @@ Meta End package provide tcldocstrip 1.0.1 # TODO __________________________ # Add handling of pre- and postambles. # tcldocstrip - Docstrip written in Tcl # =========== = ======================= # # Use cases # --------- # # (-) Providing access to the functionality of the tcllib/docstrip # package from within shell and other scripts which are not Tcl. # # (1) Conversion of a single input file according to the listed # guards into the stripped output. # # This handles the most simple case of a set of guards # specifying a single document found in a single input file. # # (2) Stitching, or the assembly of an output from several sets of # guards, in a specific order, and possibly from different # files. This is the second common case. One document spread # over several inputs, and/or spread over different guard sets. # # (3) Extraction and listing of all the unique guard expressions and # guards used within a document to help a person which did not # author the document in question in familiarizing itself with # it. # # Command syntax # -------------- # # Ad 1) tcldocstrip output|"-" ?options? input ?guards? # # Converts the input file according to the specified guards and # options. The result is written to the named output. Usage of # the string "-" as output signals that the result should be # written to stdout. The guards are document-specific and have # to be known to the caller. The options are the same as # accepted by docstrip::extract. # # -metaprefix string # -onerror mode {ignore,puts,throw} # -trimlines bool # # Additional options understood are # # -premamble text # -postamble text # -nopremamble # -nopostamble # # These are processed by the application itself. The -no*amble # options deactivate pre- and postambles altogether, whereas the # -*amble specify the _user_ part of pre- and postambles. This # part can be empty, in that case only the standard parts are # shown. This is the default. # # Ad 2) tcldocstrip ?options? output|"-" (?options? input|"." guards)... # # Extracts data from the various input files, according to the # specified options and guards, and writes the result to the # given output, in the order of their specification on the # command line. Options specified before the output are global # settings, whereas the options specified before each input are # valid only just for this input file. Unspecified values are # taken from the global settings. As in (1) "-" as output causes # the application to write to stdout. Using "." for an input # file signals that the last input file should be used # again. This enables the assembly of the output from one input # file using multiple and different sets of guards. # # Ad 3) tcldocstrip -guards input # # Determines the guards, and unique guard expressions used # within the input document. The found strings are written to # stdout, one string per line. # lappend auto_path [file join [file dirname [file dirname [info script]]] modules] package require docstrip # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Internal data and status namespace eval ::tcldocstrip { # List of global options and their arguments found in the command # line. No checking was done on them, they are simply passed to # the extraction command. variable options {} # List of input specifications. Each element is a list specifying # the extraction options, input file, and guard set, in this # order. variable stitch {} # Name of the file to write to. "-" signals that output has to be # written to stdout. variable output {} # Mode of operation: Conversion, or guard retrieval variable mode Extract # The input file for guard retrieval mode. variable input {} # Standard preamble to preambles variable preamble {} append preamble \n append preamble "This is file `@output@'," \n append preamble "generated with the tcldocstrip utility." \n append preamble \n append preamble "The original source files were:" \n append preamble \n append preamble "@input@ (with options: `@guards@')" \n append preamble \n # Standard postamble to postambles variable postamble {} append postamble \n append postamble \n append postamble "End of file `@output@'." # Default values for the options which are relevant to the # application itself and thus have to be defined always. # They are processed as global options, as part of argv. variable defaults {-metaprefix {%} -preamble {} -postamble {}} } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## External data and status # ## This tool does not depend on external data and/or status. # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Option processing. ## Validate command line. ## Full command line syntax. ## # tcldocstrip ?-option value...? input ?guard...? ## proc ::tcldocstrip::processCmdline {} { global argv variable defaults variable preamble variable postamble variable options variable stitch variable output variable input variable mode # Process the options, perform basic validation. set optbuf {} set stitchbuf {} set get output if {![llength $argv]} { set argv $defaults } else { set argv [eval [linsert $argv 0 linsert $defaults end]] } while {[llength $argv]} { set opt [lindex $argv 0] if {($opt eq "-") || ![string match "-*" $opt]} { # Non option state machine. Output first. Then input and # guards alternating. set argv [lrange $argv 1 end] switch -exact -- $get { output { set output $opt set get input } input { lappend stitchbuf $optbuf $opt set optbuf {} set get guards } guards { lappend stitchbuf $opt set get input lappend stitch $stitchbuf set stitchbuf {} } } continue } switch -exact -- $opt { -guards { if { ($get ne "output") || ([llength $argv] != 2) } Usage set mode Guards set input [lindex $argv 1] break } -nopreamble - -nopostamble { set o -[string range $opt 3 end] if {$get eq "output"} { lappend options $o "" } else { lappend optbuf $o "" } } -preamble { set val $preamble[lindex $argv 1] if {$get eq "output"} { lappend options $opt $val } else { lappend optbuf $opt $val } set argv [lrange $argv 2 end] } -postamble { set val [lindex $argv 1]$postamble if {$get eq "output"} { lappend options $opt $val } else { lappend optbuf $opt $val } set argv [lrange $argv 2 end] } default { set val [lindex $argv 1] if {$get eq "output"} { lappend options $opt $val } else { lappend optbuf $opt $val } set argv [lrange $argv 2 end] } } } if {$get eq "guards"} { # Complete last input spec, may have no guards. lappend stitchbuf {} lappend stitch $stitchbuf set stitchbuf {} } # Additional validation. if {$mode eq "Guards"} { CheckInput $input {Input path} return } if {![llength $stitch]} { Usage } set first 1 foreach in $stitch { foreach {o i g} $in break if {$first || ($i ne ".")} { # First input file must not be ".". CheckInput $i {Input path} } set first 0 } CheckTheOutput return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Option processing. ## Helpers: Generation of error messages. ## I. General usage/help message. ## II. Specific messages. # # Both write their messages to stderr and then # exit the application with status 1. ## proc ::tcldocstrip::Usage {} { global argv0 puts stderr "$argv0: ?options? output (?options? input guards)..." puts stderr "$argv0: -guards input" exit 1 } proc ::tcldocstrip::ArgError {text} { global argv0 puts stderr "$argv0: $text" exit 1 } proc in {list item} { expr {([lsearch -exact $list $item] >= 0)} } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Check existence and permissions of an input/output file or ## directory. proc ::tcldocstrip::CheckInput {f label} { if {![file exists $f]} { ArgError "Unable to find $label \"$f\"" } elseif {![file readable $f]} { ArgError "$label \"$f\" not readable (permission denied)" } elseif {![file isfile $f]} { ArgError "$label \"$f\" is not a file" } return } proc ::tcldocstrip::CheckTheOutput {} { variable output if {$output eq ""} { ArgError "No output path specified" } elseif {$output eq "-"} { # Stdout. This is ok. return } set base [file dirname $output] if {[string equal $base ""]} {set base [pwd]} if {![file exists $output]} { if {![file exists $base]} { ArgError "Output base path \"$base\" not found" } if {![file writable $base]} { ArgError "Output base path \"$base\" not writable (permission denied)" } } elseif {![file writable $output]} { ArgError "Output path \"$output\" not writable (permission denied)" } elseif {![file isfile $output]} { ArgError "Output path \"$output\" is not a file" } return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Helper commands. File reading and writing. proc ::tcldocstrip::Get {f} { variable data if {[info exists data($f)]} {return $data($f)} return [set data($f) [read [set in [open $f r]]][close $in]] } proc ::tcldocstrip::Write {f data} { puts -nonewline [set out [open $f w]] $data close $out return } proc ::tcldocstrip::WriteStdout {data} { puts -nonewline stdout $data return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Helper commands. Guard extraction. proc ::tcldocstrip::Guards {text} { array set g {} set verbatim 0 set verbtag {} foreach line [split $text \n] { if {$verbatim} { # End of verbatim mode if {$line eq $verbtag} {set verbatim 0} continue } switch -glob -- $line { %<<* { # Start of verbatim mode. set verbatim 1 set verbtag %[string range $line 3 end] continue } %<* { if {![regexp -- {^%<([*/+-]?)([^>]*)>(.*)$} \ $line --> modifier expression line]} { # Malformed guard. FUTURE Handle via -onerror. For now: ignore. continue } # Remember the guard. Hashtable ensures that # duplicates are removed automatically. set g($expression) . } default {continue} } } return [array names g] } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Configuation phase, validate command line. ::tcldocstrip::processCmdline # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Commands implementing the main functionality. proc ::tcldocstrip::Do.Extract {} { variable stitch variable output variable options set text "" foreach in $stitch { foreach {opt input guards} $in break # Merge defaults, global and local options, then filch the # options handled in the application. unset -nocomplain o array set o $options array set o $opt set pre "" if {[info exists o(-preamble)]} { set pre $o(-preamble) unset o(-preamble) } set post "" if {[info exists o(-postamble)]} { set post $o(-postamble) unset o(-postamble) } set opt [array get o] set c $o(-metaprefix) set pmap [list \ @output@ $output \ @input@ $input \ @guards@ $guards \ ] if {$pre ne ""} { append text $c $c " " [join [split [string map $pmap $pre] \n] "\n$c$c "] } append text [eval [linsert $opt 0 docstrip::extract [Get $input] $guards]] if {$post ne ""} { append text $c $c " " [join [split [string map $pmap $post] \n] "\n$c$c "] } } if {$output eq "-"} { WriteStdout $text } else { Write $output $text } return } proc ::tcldocstrip::Do.Guards {} { variable input WriteStdout [join [lsort [Guards [Get $input]]] \n] return } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ## Invoking the functionality. if {[catch { set mode $::tcldocstrip::mode ::tcldocstrip::Do.$mode } msg]} { ## puts $::errorInfo ::tcldocstrip::ArgError $msg } # ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### exit # Generic internal command for error handling. Factored out of the # implementation of extract into its own command. proc HandleError {text attr lineno} { variable O switch -- [string tolower $O(-onerror)] "puts" { puts stderr "docstrip: $text on line $lineno." } "ignore" {} default { return \ -code error \ -errorinfo "" \ -errorcode [linsert $attr end $lineno] \ $text } }