In Tcllib all changes to a package have to come with an increment of its version number. What part is incremented (patchlevel, minor, major version) depends on the kind of change made. With multiple changes in a commit the highest "wins". [para] When working in a development branch the version change can be deferred until it is time to merge, and then has to cover all the changes in the branch. [para] Below a list of the kinds of changes and their associated version increments: [list_begin definitions] [def [term {D - documentation}]] No increment [def [term {T - testsuite}]] No increment [def [term {B - bugfix}]] Patchlevel [def [term {I - implementation tweak}]] Patchlevel [def [term {P - performance tweak}]] Patchlevel [def [term {E - backward-compatible extension}]] Minor [def [term {API - incompatible change}]] Major [list_end] [para] Note that a commit containing a version increment has to mention the new version number in its commit message, as well as the kind of change which caused it. [para] Note further that the version number of a package currently exists in three places. An increment has to update all of them: [list_begin enumerated] [enum] The package implementation. [enum] The package index ([file pkgIndex.tcl]) [enum] The package documentation. [list_end] [para] The [file sak.tcl] command [cmd {validate version}] helps finding discrepancies between the first two. All the other [cmd validate] methods are also of interest to any developer. Invoke it with [example { sak.tcl help validate }] to see their documentation.