Testsuites in Tcllib are based on Tcl's standard test package [package tcltest], plus utilities found in the directory [file modules/devtools] [para] Tcllib developers invoke the suites through the [cmd {test run}] method of the [file sak.tcl] tool, with other methods of [cmd test] providing management operations, for example setting a list of standard Tcl shells to use. [comment {===================================================================}] [subsection {Invoke the testsuites of a specific module}] Invoke either [example { ./sak.tcl test run foo }] or [example { ./sak.tcl test run modules/foo }] to invoke the testsuites found in a specific module [file foo]. [comment {===================================================================}] [subsection {Invoke the testsuites of all modules}] Invoke the tool without a module name, i.e. [example { ./sak.tcl test run }] to invoke the testsuites of all modules. [comment {===================================================================}] [subsection {Detailed Test Logs}] In all the previous examples the test runner will write a combination of progress display and testsuite log to the standard output, showing for each module only the tests that passed or failed and how many of each in a summary at the end. [para] To get a detailed log, it is necessary to invoke the test runner with additional options. [para] For one: [example { ./sak.tcl test run --log LOG foo }] While this shows the same short log on the terminal as before, it also writes a detailed log to the file [file LOG.log], and excerpts to other files ([file LOG.summary], [file LOG.failures], etc.). [para] For two: [example { ./sak.tcl test run -v foo }] This writes the detailed log to the standard output, instead of the short log. [para] Regardless of form, the detailed log contains a list of all test cases executed, which failed, and how they failed (expected versus actual results). [comment {===================================================================}] [subsection {Shell Selection}] By default the test runner will use all the Tcl shells specified via [cmd {test add}] to invoke the specified testsuites, if any. If no such are specified it will fall back to the Tcl shell used to run the tool itself. [para] Use option [option --shell] to explicitly specify the Tcl shell to use, like [example { ./sak.tcl test run --shell /path/to/tclsh ... }] [comment {===================================================================}] [subsection Help] Invoke the tool as [example { ./sak.tcl help test }] to see the detailed help for all methods of [cmd test], and the associated options.