[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [manpage_begin tcllib_sources n 1] [titledesc {Tcllib - How To Get The Sources}] [description] [include parts/welcome.inc] [para] The audience of this document is anyone wishing to either have just a look at Tcllib's source code, or build the packages, or to extend and modify them. [para] For builders and developers we additionally provide [list_begin enum] [enum] [term {Tcllib - The Installer's Guide}]. [enum] [term {Tcllib - The Developer's Guide}]. [list_end] respectively. [section {Source Location}] The official repository for Tcllib is found at [uri http://core.tcl-lang.org/tcllib]. This repository is managed by the [uri http://www.fossil-scm.org {Fossil SCM}]. [section {Get archives for head and releases}] This is done easiest by going to the [uri http://core.tcl-lang.org/tcllib {official repository}] and following the links in the [strong Releases] section at the top, immediately underneath the entry field for searching the package documentation. [section {Retrieval of arbitrary commits}] For anything beyond head state and releases the process is a bit more involved. [para] If the commit id (commit hash) [const ((ID))] of the revision of interest is already known then links to the desired archives can be constructed using the forms below: [example { https://core.tcl-lang.org/tcllib/tarball/((ID))/Tcl+Library+Source+Code.tar.gz https://core.tcl-lang.org/tcllib/zip/((ID))/Tcl+Library+Source+Code.zip }] Note that branch names can be used for the [const ((ID))] also, this returns archives containing the head revision of the named branch. [para] The part of of the url after the [const ((ID))] is the name of the file to return and can be modified to suit. [para] Without a known commit id the process is longer again: [list_begin enum] [enum] Go to the [uri http://core.tcl-lang.org/tcllib {official repository}]. [enum] Find the login link/button in the top right corner of the page. [enum] Log in as "anonymous", using the semi-random password in the captcha. [enum] Go to the "Timeline" following the link/button in the middle of the nav bar. [enum] Choose the revision you wish to have. [enum] Follow its link to its detailed information page. [enum] On that page, choose either the "ZIP" or "Tarball" link to get a copy of this revision in the format of your choice. [list_end] [section {Source Code Management}] The sources are managed with the [uri http://www.fossil-scm.org {Fossil SCM}]. Binaries for popular platforms can be found directly at its [uri http://www.fossil-scm.org/download.html {download page}]. [para] With that tool available the full history can be retrieved via: [example { fossil clone \ http://core.tcl-lang.org/tcllib \ tcllib.fossil }] followed by [example { mkdir tcllib cd tcllib fossil open ../tcllib.fossil }] to get a checkout of the head of the trunk. [manpage_end]