#!/usr/bin/env tclsh ## -*- tcl -*- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # A small script to test the update/modify/delete capabilites of # pure-Tcl LDAP package. # # This has been used against OpenLDAP test suite # (pause at step 'test003-search' Waiting 5 secods for slapd to start ...' # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package require ldap #source ./ldap.tcl #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Query # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc Query {handle} { set results [ldap::search $handle \ "o=University of Michigan,c=US" \ "(cn=Tes*)" {}] foreach result $results { foreach {object attributes} $result break #------------------------------------------ # calculate optimal width #------------------------------------------ set width 0 set Attribs {} foreach {type values} $attributes { if {[string length $type] > $width} { set width [string length $type] } lappend Attribs [list $type $values] } puts "object='$object'" foreach sortedAttrib [lsort -index 0 $Attribs] { foreach {type values} $sortedAttrib break foreach value $values { regsub -all "\[\x01-\x1f\]" $value ? value puts [format " %-${width}s %s" $type $value] } } puts "" } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # begin of M A I N part #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------- # connect to the local LDAP server using a non standard port # (here OpenLDAP test suite) # #--------------------------------------------------------------- set handle [ldap::connect localhost 9009] #--------------------------------------------------------------- # bind to the manager user (which was update/insert rights) # ie. login into LDAP server # #--------------------------------------------------------------- set dn "cn=Manager, o=University of Michigan, c=US" set pw secret ldap::bind $handle $dn $pw #--------------------------------------------------------------- # create a new object (DN) with a couple of attrbitues # #--------------------------------------------------------------- set dn "cn=Test User,ou=People,o=University of Michigan,c=US" ldap::add $handle $dn { objectClass OpenLDAPperson cn "Test User" mail "test.user@google.com" uid "testuid" sn User } puts "after DN creation:" Query $handle #--------------------------------------------------------------- # replace some attributes (overwrite or create new one!) # #--------------------------------------------------------------- ldap::modify $handle $dn [list drink icetea uid JOLO] puts "after replacing some attrbitues:" Query $handle #--------------------------------------------------------------- # add some attributes (even multiple times!) # #--------------------------------------------------------------- ldap::modify $handle $dn {} {} [list drink water \ drink orangeJuice pager "+1 313 555 7671"] puts "after adding multiple attrbitues:" Query $handle #---------------------------------------------------------------- # delete some attributes ( delete the whole attribute or only # matching ones) # #---------------------------------------------------------------- ldap::modify $handle $dn {} [list drink water \ pager ""] puts "after delete some attrbitues:" Query $handle #---------------------------------------------------------------- # move object (DN) to different place in LDAP tree, # here: basically rename it # #---------------------------------------------------------------- ldap::modifyDN $handle $dn "cn=Tester" puts "after moving/renaming DN:" Query $handle #--------------------------------------------------------------- # delete the whole object plus all its attrbutes # #--------------------------------------------------------------- set dn "cn=Tester,ou=People,o=University of Michigan,c=US" ldap::delete $handle $dn puts "after deleting the whole DN:" Query $handle #--------------------------------------------------------------- # unbind and disconnect from the LDAP server # #--------------------------------------------------------------- ldap::unbind $handle ldap::disconnect $handle #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # end of M A I N part #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------