[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [manpage_begin clock_iso8601 n 0.1] [moddesc {Date/Time Utilities}] [titledesc {Parsing ISO 8601 dates/times}] [category {Text processing}] [require Tcl 8.5] [require clock::iso8601 [opt 0.1]] [description] This package provides functionality to parse dates and times in ISO 8601 format. [para] [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd {::clock::iso8601 parse_date}] \ [arg date] [arg options...]] This command parses an ISO8601 date string in an unknown variant and returns the given date/time in seconds since epoch. [para] The acceptable options are [option -base], [option -gmt], [option -locale], and [option -timezone] of the builtin command [cmd {clock scan}]. [call [cmd {::clock::iso8601 parse_time}] \ [arg time] [arg options...]] This command parses a full ISO8601 timestamp string (date and time) in an unknown variant and returns the given time in seconds since epoch. [para] The acceptable options are [option -base], [option -gmt], [option -locale], and [option -timezone] of the builtin command [cmd {clock scan}]. [list_end] [section {Date formats}] The commands accept the following 23 date formats: [example_begin] (year)-(month)-(day) (year)(month)(day) (year)-(day in year) (year)(day in year) (year in century)-(month)-(day) (year)-(month) Day defaults to the 1st of the month (year in century)(month)(day) (year in century)-(day in year) (year in century)(day in year) --(month)-(day) Year defaults to the current year --(month)(day) Year defaults to the current year --(day in year) Year defaults to the current year ---(day) Year defaults to the current year, month to current month (fiscal year)-W(week)-(wday) (fiscal year)W(week)-(wday) (fiscal year in century)-W(week)-(wday) (fiscal year in century)W(week)(wday) (fiscal year)-W(week) Weekday defaults to monday (fiscal year)W(week) Weekday defaults to monday -W(week)-(wday) Year defaults to current fiscal year -W(week)(wday) Year defaults to current fiscal year (wday) Year defaults to current fiscal year, week to current week (year) Month defaults to january, day to 1st of the month [example_end] The possible parts/fields in the above, and their meanings, are: [list_begin definitions] [def year] Year with century, 4 digits [def month] Month in year, 2 digits [def day] Day in month, 2 digits. [def {year in century}] Year without century, 2 digits [def {day in year}] Day in year, 3 digits [def {fiscal year}] ISO 8601 fiscal year with century, 4 digits [def {fiscal year in century}] ISO 8601 fiscal year without century, 2 digits [def week] ISO 8601 week number [def wday] Week day, 1 digit, Monday (1) to Sunday (7,0) [list_end] [vset CATEGORY clock::iso8601] [include ../common-text/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]