[vset IP_VERSION 1.4] [manpage_begin tcllib_ip n [vset IP_VERSION]] [see_also inet(3)] [see_also ip(7)] [see_also ipv6(7)] [keywords {internet address}] [keywords ip] [keywords ipv4] [keywords ipv6] [keywords {rfc 3513}] [copyright {2004, Pat Thoyts}] [copyright {2005 Aamer Akhter }] [moddesc {Domain Name Service}] [titledesc {IPv4 and IPv6 address manipulation}] [category Networking] [require Tcl 8.2] [require ip [opt [vset IP_VERSION]]] [description] [para] This package provides a set of commands to help in parsing, displaying and comparing internet addresses. The package can handle both IPv4 (1) and IPv6 (2) address types. [section COMMANDS] [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd ::ip::version] [arg address]] Returns the protocol version of the address ([const 4] or [const 6]), or [const -1] if the address is neither IPv4 or IPv6. [call [cmd ::ip::is] [arg class] [arg address]] Returns true if the address is a member of the given protocol class. The class parameter may be either [const ipv4] or [const ipv6] This is effectively a boolean equivalent of the [cmd version] command. The [arg class] argument may be shortened to [const 4] or [const 6]. [call [cmd ::ip::equal] [arg address] [arg address]] Compare two address specifications for equivalence. The arguments are normalized and the address prefix determined (if a mask is supplied). The normalized addresses are then compared bit-by-bit and the procedure returns true if they match. [call [cmd ::ip::normalize] [arg address]] Convert an IPv4 or IPv6 address into a fully expanded version. There are various shorthand ways to write internet addresses, missing out redundant parts or digits. This procedure is the opposite of [cmd contract]. [call [cmd ::ip::contract] [arg address]] Convert a [cmd normalize]d internet address into a more compact form suitable for displaying to users. [call [cmd ::ip::distance] [arg ipaddr1] [arg ipaddr2]] This command computes the (integer) distance from IPv4 address [arg ipaddr1] to IPv4 address [arg ipaddr2], i.e. "ipaddr2 - ipaddr1" [para] [example { % ::ip::distance 4 }] [call [cmd ::ip::nextIp] [arg ipaddr] [opt [arg offset]]] This command adds the integer [arg offset] to the IPv4 address [arg ipaddr] and returns the new IPv4 address. [para] [example { % ::ip::distance 4 }] [call [cmd ::ip::prefix] [arg address]] Returns the address prefix generated by masking the address part with the mask if provided. If there is no mask then it is equivalent to calling [cmd normalize] [call [cmd ::ip::type] [arg address]] [call [cmd ::ip::mask] [arg address]] If the address supplied includes a mask then this is returned otherwise returns an empty string. [call [cmd ::ip::prefixToNative] [arg prefix]] This command converts the string [arg prefix] from dotted form (/ format) to native (hex) form. Returns a list containing two elements, ipaddress and mask, in this order, in hexadecimal notation. [para] [example { % ip::prefixToNative 0x01010100 0xffffff00 }] [call [cmd ::ip::nativeToPrefix] [arg nativeList]|[arg native] \ [opt [option -ipv4]]] This command converts from native (hex) form to dotted form. It is the complement of [cmd ::ip::prefixToNative]. [para] [list_begin arguments] [arg_def list nativeList in] List of several ip addresses in native form. The native form is a list as returned by [cmd ::ip::prefixToNative]. [arg_def list native in] A list as returned by [cmd ::ip::prefixToNative]. [list_end] [para] The command returns a list of addresses in dotted form if it was called with a list of addresses. Otherwise a single address in dotted form is returned. [para] [example { % ip::nativeToPrefix {0x01010100 0xffffff00} -ipv4 }] [call [cmd ::ip::intToString] [arg number] [opt [option -ipv4]]] This command converts from an ip address specified as integer number to dotted form. [para] [example { ip::intToString 4294967295 }] [call [cmd ::ip::toInteger] [arg ipaddr]] This command converts a dotted form ip into an integer number. [para] [example { % ::ip::toInteger 16843008 }] [call [cmd ::ip::toHex] [arg ipaddr]] This command converts dotted form ip into a hexadecimal number. [para] [example { % ::ip::toHex 0x01010100 }] [call [cmd ::ip::maskToInt] [arg ipmask]] This command convert an ipmask in either dotted ( form or mask length form (24) into an integer number. [para] [example { ::ip::maskToInt 24 4294967040 }] [call [cmd ::ip::broadcastAddress] [arg prefix] [opt [option -ipv4]]] This commands returns a broadcast address in dotted form for the given route [arg prefix], either in the form "addr/mask", or in native form. The result is in dotted form. [para] [example { ::ip::broadcastAddress ::ip::broadcastAddress {0x01010100 0xffffff00} 0x010101ff }] [call [cmd ::ip::maskToLength] \ [arg dottedMask]|[arg integerMask]|[arg hexMask] \ [opt [option -ipv4]]] This command converts the dotted or integer form of an ipmask to the mask length form. [para] [example { ::ip::maskToLength 0xffffff00 -ipv4 24 % ::ip::maskToLength 24 }] [call [cmd ::ip::lengthToMask] [arg maskLength] \ [opt [option -ipv4]]] This command converts an ipmask in mask length form to its dotted form. [para] [example { ::ip::lengthToMask 24 }] [call [cmd ::ip::nextNet] [arg ipaddr] [arg ipmask] \ [opt [arg count]] \ [opt [option -ipv4]]] This command returns an ipaddress in the same position in the [arg count] next network. The default value for [arg count] is [const 1]. [para] The address can be specified as either integer number or in dotted form. The mask can be specified as either integer number, dotted form, or mask length form. [para] The result is in hex form. [call [cmd ::ip::isOverlap] [arg prefix] [arg prefix]...] This command checks if the given ip prefixes overlap. All arguments are in dotted "addr/mask" form. All arguments after the first prefix are compared against the first prefix. The result is a boolean value. It is true if an overlap was found for any of the prefixes. [para] [example { % ::ip::isOverlap 0 ::ip::isOverlap 1 }] [call [cmd ::ip::isOverlapNative] \ [opt [option -all]] \ [opt [option -inline]] \ [opt [option -ipv4]] \ [arg hexipaddr] [arg hexipmask] [arg hexiplist]] This command is similar to [cmd ::ip::isOverlap], however the arguments are in the native form, and the form of the result is under greater control of the caller. If the option [option -all] is specified it checks all addresses for overlap, not only until the first one is found. If the option [option -inline] is specified the command returns the overlapping prefix instead of index values. [para] The result of the command is, depending on the specified options, [list_begin definitions] [def {no options}] The index of the first overlap found, or 0 if there is none. [def -all] A list containing the indices of all overlaps found, or an empty list if there are none. [def -inline] The first overlapping prefix, or an empoty string if there is none. [def {-all -inline}] A list containing the prefixes of all overlaps found, or an empty list if there are none. [list_end] [para] [example { % ::ip::isOverlapNative 0x01010100 0xffffff00 {{0x02010001 0xffffffff}} 0 % ::ip::isOverlapNative 0x01010100 0xffffff00 {{0x02010001 0xffffffff} {0x01010101 0xffffffff}} 2 }] [call [cmd ::ip::ipToLayer2Multicast] [arg ipaddr]] This command an converts ipv4 address in dotted form into a layer 2 multicast address, also in dotted form. [para] [example { % ::ip::ipToLayer2Multicast 01.00.5e.00.00.02 }] [call [cmd ::ip::ipHostFromPrefix] [arg prefix] \ [opt "[option -exclude] [arg prefixExcludeList]"]] This command returns a host address from a prefix in the form "ipaddr/masklen", also making sure that the result is not an address found in the [arg prefixExcludeList]. The result is an ip address in dotted form. [para] [example { %::ip::ipHostFromPrefix %::ip::ipHostFromPrefix }] [call [cmd ::ip::reduceToAggregates] [arg prefixlist]] This command finds nets that overlap and filters out the more specific nets. The prefixes are in either addr/mask form or in native format. The result is a list containing the non-overlapping ip prefixes from the input. [para] [example { % ::ip::reduceToAggregates { } }] [call [cmd ::ip::longestPrefixMatch] [arg ipaddr] [arg prefixlist] \ [opt [option -ipv4]]] This command finds longest prefix match from set of prefixes, given a specific host address. The prefixes in the list are in either native or dotted form, whereas the host address is in either ipprefix format, dotted form, or integer form. The result is the prefix which is the most specific match to the host address. [para] [example { % ::ip::longestPrefixMatch { } }] [call [cmd ::ip::collapse] [arg prefixlist]] This commands takes a list of prefixes and returns a list prefixes with the largest possible subnet masks covering the input, in this manner collapsing adjacent prefixes into larger ranges. [para] This is different from [cmd ::ip::reduceToAggregates] in that the latter only removes specific nets from a list when they are covered by other elements of the input whereas this command actively merges nets into larger ranges when they are adjacent to each other. [para] [example { % ::ip::collapse {} }] [call [cmd ::ip::subtract] [arg prefixlist]] This command takes a list of prefixes, some of which are prefixed by a dash. These latter [term negative] prefixes are used to punch holes into the ranges described by the other, [term positive], prefixes. I.e. the negative prefixes are subtracted frrom the positive ones, resulting in a larger list of describes describing the covered ranges only as positives. [list_end] [comment { ----------------------------------------------------------- }] [section EXAMPLES] [para] [example { % ip::version ::1 6 % ip::version 4 }] [example { % ip::normalize 127/8 % ip::contract 192.168 % % ip::normalize fec0::1 fec0:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001 % ip::contract fec0:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001 fec0::1 }] [example { % ip::equal 1 % ip::equal fec0::1/10 fec0::fe01/10 1 }] [comment { ----------------------------------------------------------- }] [section {REFERENCES}] [list_begin enumerated] [enum] Postel, J. "Internet Protocol." RFC 791, September 1981, ([uri http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc791.txt]) [enum] Hinden, R. and Deering, S., "Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Addressing Architecture", RFC 3513, April 2003 ([uri http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3513.txt]) [list_end] [section AUTHORS] Pat Thoyts [vset CATEGORY dns] [include ../common-text/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]