# -*- tcl -*- # Engine to convert a docidx document into nroff. # # Copyright (c) 2003 Andreas Kupries # Freely redistributable. # ###################################################################### dt_source _idx_common.tcl dt_source _nroff.tcl ###################################################################### # Conversion specification. # # One-pass processing. proc idx_postprocess {nroff} { # Postprocessing after generation ... # Strip empty lines out of the generated nroff source # and trim leading blanks, except in code samples. set lines [list] foreach line [split $nroff "\n"] { set line [string trim $line] if {0 == [string length $line]} { continue } lappend lines $line } return [nroff_postprocess [join $lines \n]] } #proc fmt_plain_text {text} {if {$text != {}} {return \n} else {return {}}} proc fmt_plain_text {text} {return {}} ################################################################ ## Backend for NROFF markup global map ; array set map {} global key ; set key {} global max ; set max 0 global prec ok haskey set prec "" set ok 0 set haskey 0 proc fmt_index_begin {label title} { global prec ok set ok 1 set hdr [nr_comment {}]\n if {$prec != {}} { set hdr [nr_comment $prec]\n } append hdr [nr_comment [c_provenance]]\n append hdr [nr_title "\"[string trimleft $label :]\" n"]\n append hdr [nr_read man.macros]\n append hdr [nr_bolds]\n append hdr [nr_section INDEX]\n append hdr $title[nr_in]\n return $hdr } proc fmt_index_end {} { global map foreach key [lsort [array names map]] { append r $key [nr_in] \n foreach ref $map($key) { foreach {file label} $ref break append r [Man $file $label] } append r [nr_out] \n } append r [nr_out] return $r } proc fmt_key {text} { global key ; set key $text ; return } proc fmt_manpage {file label} { global map key ; lappend map($key) [list $file $label] ; return } proc fmt_url {url label} { global map key ; lappend map($key) [list $url $label] ; return } proc Key {text} { global haskey set res "" if {$haskey} {append res [nr_out]\n} append res $text[nr_in]\n set haskey 1 return $res } proc Man {file label} {return [nr_blt [nr_bld]$file[nr_rst]]\n$label\n} proc fmt_comment {text} { global prec ok if {$ok} { return [nr_comment $text] } append prec $text \n return } ################################################################