% Generated from file '.FILE.' by tcllib/doctools with format 'latex' % Copyright (c) **Copyright** % ALL.a \documentclass{article} \usepackage{alltt} \begin{document} \author{@USR@} \title{.MODULE. / ALL -- ..THE\_MODULE.. : ..THE\_TITLE..} \maketitle \section{Synopsis}\label{synopsis} \begin{flushleft} package require {\bf AAA} package require {\bf BBB VVV} package require {\bf CCC ?VVV?} \end{flushleft} \begin{itemize} \item[] CMDNAME ... \item[] CMDNAME ... \item[] CMDNAME ... \end{itemize} \section{Description}\label{section1} \begin{itemize} % \item[] {\bf NAME} % DESCRIPTION ::{\bf Command}:: % \item[] {\bf NAME} % DESCRIPTION :::: % \item[] {\bf NAME} % DESCRIPTION ::{\bf Constant}:: \end{itemize} \section{API}\label{section2} \begin{itemize} % \item[] TERM % DESCRIPTION ::{\it Emphasis}:: % \item[] TERM % DESCRIPTION ::"{\it File/Path}":: \begin{itemize} % \item[] Command-Line Switch: {\bf NAME}\\ Database Name: {\bf DBNAME}\\ Database Class: {\bf CLASS}\\ % DESCRIPTION {\bf NARGLE (\ref{subsection1})} % \item[] Command-Line Switch: {\bf NAME}\\ Database Name: {\bf DBNAME}\\ Database Class: {\bf CLASS}\\ % DESCRIPTION ::{\bf Function}:: % \item[] Command-Line Switch: {\bf NAME}\\ Database Name: {\bf DBNAME}\\ Database Class: {\bf CLASS}\\ % DESCRIPTION ::{\bf Method}:: \end{itemize} % \item[] TERM % DESCRIPTION % \item[] CMDNAME ... % DESCRIPTION ::{\bf Namespace]}:: \begin{itemize} % \item[] \underline{NAME} TYPE % DESCRIPTION ::\underline{Argument}:: % \item[] \underline{NAME} TYPE % DESCRIPTION ::{\bf Option}:: % \item[] \underline{NAME} TYPE (MODE) % DESCRIPTION ::?Optional?:: \begin{alltt} THE ARGUMENT IS USED IN THIS AND/OR THAT MANNER \end{alltt} \end{itemize} % \item[] CMDNAME ... % DESCRIPTION ::{\bf Package}:: % \item[] CMDNAME ... % DESCRIPTION ::{\bf SystemCommand}:: \begin{itemize} % \item[] {\bf NAME} % DESCRIPTION ::{\it Term}:: % \item[] {\bf NAME} % DESCRIPTION ::{\bf Type}:: % \item[] {\bf NAME} ARGUMENT % DESCRIPTION ::\underline{Uri}:: \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \subsection{NARGLE}\label{subsection1} \begin{enumerate} % \item % PARAGRAPH ::\underline{UriLabel} \footnote{Uri}:: % \item % PARAGRAPH ::{\bf Variable}:: % \item % PARAGRAPH ::{\bf Widget}:: \begin{itemize} % \item % PARAGRAPH ::{\bf Class}:: % \item % PARAGRAPH % \item % PARAGRAPH \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \section{See Also}\label{see-also} ELSE, OTHER \section{Keywords}\label{keywords} KEYA, KEYZ \section{Copyright}\label{copyright} \begin{flushleft} Copyright (c) **Copyright**\linebreak \end{flushleft} \end{document}