[comment { ASCII diagram of the dependencies between the doctools v2 idx packages ====================================================================== }][example { ~~~~~~~~~~~ doctools::idx ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ | ~~ doctools::idx::export ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ doctools::idx::import | | | +---------------+-------------------------+ | +------------------+---------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | | | | | | | | | struct::map = | | | = doctools::include struct::map fileutil::paths | | | | | doctools::idx::export::<*> | | | doctools::idx::import::<*> docidx | | | docidx, json json | | | | \\ html | | | doctools::idx::parse \\ nroff | | | | \\ wiki | | | +---------------+ json text | | | | | doctools::idx::structure | | +-------+---------------+ | | doctools::html doctools::html::cssdefaults doctools::tcl::parse doctools::msgcat | | doctools::text doctools::nroff::man_macros = | doctools::msgcat::idx::<*> c, en, de, fr (fr == en for now) ~~ Interoperable objects, without actual package dependencies -- Package dependency, higher requires lower package = Dynamic dependency through plugin system <*> Multiple packages following the given form of naming. }][comment { yaml export, import tmml export, import reStructured Text export latex export list, desc - old, not needed under new system, replaced by the nested-list serialization null - old, not needed, deserialize docidx alone provides validation of input. }]