[comment {-*- tcl -*- --- !doctools ---}] [vset VERSION 0.2.1] [manpage_begin doctools::toc::import::[vset PACKAGE] n [vset VERSION]] [copyright {2009-2019 Andreas Kupries }] [moddesc {Documentation tools}] [titledesc "[vset NAME] import plugin"] [category {Text formatter plugin}] [require Tcl 8.5] [require doctools::toc::import::[vset PACKAGE] [opt [vset VERSION]]] [include format/[vset REQUIRE].inc] [keywords doctools toc {table of contents} deserialization import [vset NAME]] [description] This package implements the doctools table of contents import plugin for the parsing of [vset NAME] markup. [para] This is an internal package of doctools, for use by the higher level management packages handling tables of contents, especially [package \ doctools::toc::import], the import manager. [para] Using it from a regular interpreter is possible, however only with contortions, and is not recommended. The proper way to use this functionality is through the package [package doctools::toc::import] and the import manager objects it provides. [section API] The API provided by this package satisfies the specification of the doctoc import plugin API version 2. [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd import] [arg string] [arg configuration]] This command takes the [arg string] and parses it as [vset NAME] markup encoding a table of contents, in the context of the specified [arg configuration] (a dictionary). The result of the command is the canonical serialization of that table of contents, in the form specified in section [sectref {ToC serialization format}]. [list_end] [include config/[vset CONFIG].inc] [include ../serialization.inc] [vset CATEGORY doctools] [include ../../../common-text/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]