[comment {-*- tcl -*- --- !doctools ---}] [manpage_begin doctools::msgcat::toc::[vset PACKAGE] n 0.1] [copyright {2009 Andreas Kupries }] [moddesc {Documentation tools}] [titledesc "Message catalog for the doctoc parser ([vset NAME])"] [category {Documentation tools}] [require Tcl 8.4] [require msgcat] [require doctools::msgcat::toc::[vset PACKAGE] [opt 0.1]] [keywords doctools doctoc {message catalog}] [keywords localization l10n internationalization i18n] [keywords {catalog package} {message package}] [keywords [vset NAME]] [description] The package [package doctools::msgcat::toc::[vset PACKAGE]] is a support module providing the [vset LONGNAME] language message catalog for the doctoc parser in the doctools system version 2. As such it is an internal package a regular user (developer) should not be in direct contact with. [para] If you are such please go the documentation of either [list_begin enumerated] [enum] [package doctools::doc], [enum] [package doctools::toc], or [enum] [package doctools::idx] [list_end] [para] Within the system architecture this package resides under the package [package doctools::msgcat] providing the general message catalog management within the system. [emph Note] that there is [emph no] explicit dependency between the manager and catalog packages. The catalog is a plugin which is selected and loaded dynamically. [section API] This package has no exported API. [vset CATEGORY doctools] [include ../../common-text/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]