# -*- tcl -*- # doctoc.testsuite: tests for the doctoc management. # # Copyright (c) 2009 Andreas Kupries # All rights reserved. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: container,v 1.2 2009/11/15 05:50:03 andreas_kupries Exp $ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- set mytestdir data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # I. Handling regular serialization of indices, import and export. # Import serialization, then re-export. TestFilesProcess $mytestdir ok serial serial-print -> n label input data expected { test doctools-toc-${impl}-40.$n "doctools::toc deserialize serial, $label, ok" -setup { doctools::toc I } -body { I deserialize = $data I invalidate doctools::toc::structure print [I serialize] } -cleanup { I destroy } -result $expected } # Testing the errors thrown for invalid serializations, at the level # of toc objects. Underneath are the doctools::toc::structure # commands, so we can and are re-using the test cases which were # written for them. foreach {n badserial expected} { 0 {} {error in serialization: dictionary too short, expected exactly one key} 1 {FOO {}} {error in serialization: bad type tag "FOO"} 2 {doctools::toc {}} {error in serialization: dictionary too short, expected exactly three keys} 3 {doctools::toc {a . b . c .}} {error in serialization: missing expected key "label"} 4 {doctools::toc {label . b . c .}} {error in serialization: missing expected key "title"} 5 {doctools::toc {label . title . c .}} {error in serialization: missing expected key "items"} 7 {doctools::toc {items {{}} label . title .}} {error in serialization: element list wrong, need exactly 2} 8 {doctools::toc {items {{FOO {}}} label . title .}} {error in serialization: bad element tag "FOO"} 9 {doctools::toc {items {{reference {}}} label . title .}} {error in serialization: dictionary too short, expected exactly three keys} 10 {doctools::toc {items { {reference {a . b . c .}}} label . title .}} {error in serialization: missing expected key "id"} 11 {doctools::toc {items { {reference {id . b . c .}}} label . title .}} {error in serialization: missing expected key "label"} 12 {doctools::toc {items { {reference {id . label . c .}}} label . title .}} {error in serialization: missing expected key "desc"} 14 {doctools::toc {items { {division {}}} label . title .}} {error in serialization: dictionary too short, expected two or three keys} 15 {doctools::toc {items { {division {a . b .}}} label . title .}} {error in serialization: missing expected key "label"} 16 {doctools::toc {items { {division {label . b .}}} label . title .}} {error in serialization: missing expected key "items"} 19 {doctools::toc {items { {reference {desc . id . label .}} {reference {desc . id . label .}}} label . title .}} {error in serialization: duplicate labels} 20 {doctools::toc {items { {division {id . items {} label .}} {division {id . items {} label .}}} label . title .}} {error in serialization: duplicate labels} 21 {doctools::toc {items { {division {id . items {} label .}} {reference {desc . id . label .}}} label . title .}} {error in serialization: duplicate labels} } { test doctools-toc-${impl}-41.$n "doctools::toc deserialize, error" -setup { doctools::toc I } -body { I deserialize = $badserial } -cleanup { I destroy } -returnCodes error -result $expected } foreach {n noncanonserial expected} { 6 {doctools::toc {label . title . items {}}} {doctools::toc {items {} label . title .}} 13 {doctools::toc {items { {reference {id . label . desc .}}} label . title .}} {doctools::toc {items {{reference {desc . id . label .}}} label . title .}} 17 {doctools::toc {items { {division {label . items {}}}} label . title .}} {doctools::toc {items {{division {items {} label .}}} label . title .}} 18 {doctools::toc {items { {division {items {} label . id .}}} label . title .}} {doctools::toc {items {{division {id . items {} label .}}} label . title .}} } { test doctools-toc-${impl}-42.$n "doctools::toc deserialize, regular to canonical" -setup { doctools::toc I I deserialize = $noncanonserial } -body { I serialize } -cleanup { I destroy } -result $expected } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # II. Handling doctoc markup as serialization format, import and export. # Checking that the various forms of doctoc markup as generated by the # export plugin doctools::toc(::export::doctoc) are valid input for # the doctoc import plugin. Actually testing that using an import # manager from the toc is working. foreach {k section} { 0 {} 1 -ultracompact 2 -compact 3 -indented 4 -aligned 5 -indalign } { TestFilesProcess $mytestdir ok doctoc$section serial-print -> n label input data expected { test doctools-toc-${impl}-50.$k.$n "doctools::toc deserialize = doctoc, $label$section, ok" -setup { doctools::toc I doctools::toc::import IN I importer IN } -body { I deserialize = $data doctoc doctools::toc::structure print [I serialize] } -cleanup { I destroy IN destroy } -result $expected } } # We test the error messages and codes thrown during import for a # variety of failure possibilities TestFilesProcess $mytestdir fail doctoc emsg -> n label input data expected { test doctools-toc-${impl}-51.$n "doctools::toc deserialize = doctoc, $label, error message" -setup { # Basic variables and include search paths for use by the tests doctools::toc::import IN IN config set fox dog IN config set lazy jump IN include add [TestFilesGlob $mytestdir] doctools::toc I I importer IN } -body { I deserialize = $data doctoc } -cleanup { I destroy IN destroy } -returnCodes error -result $expected } TestFilesProcess $mytestdir fail doctoc ecode -> n label input data expected { test doctools-toc-${impl}-52.$n "doctools::toc deserialize = doctoc, $label, error code" -setup { # Basic variables and include search paths for use by the tests doctools::toc::import IN IN config set fox dog IN config set lazy jump IN include add [TestFilesGlob $mytestdir] doctools::toc I I importer IN } -body { catch { I deserialize = $data doctoc } set ::errorCode } -cleanup { I destroy IN destroy } -result $expected } # Testing the export of doctoc markup through attached exporter management, for all possible configurations. foreach {k nl in al section} { 0 0 0 0 -ultracompact 1 1 0 0 -compact 2 1 1 0 -indented 3 1 0 1 -aligned 4 1 1 1 -indalign 5 0 1 0 -indented 6 0 0 1 -aligned 7 0 1 1 -indalign } { TestFilesProcess $mytestdir ok serial doctoc$section -> n label input data expected { test doctools-toc-${impl}-53.$k.$n "doctools::toc serialize doctoc, ${label}$section, ok" -setup { doctools::toc::export OUT OUT config set newlines $nl OUT config set indented $in OUT config set aligned $al doctools::toc I I exporter OUT } -body { I deserialize = $data stripcomments [I serialize doctoc] } -cleanup { I destroy OUT destroy } -result $expected } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # III. Handling text markup as serialization format, export only TestFilesProcess $mytestdir ok serial text -> n label input data expected { test doctools-toc-${impl}-54.$n "doctools::toc serialize text, $label, ok" -setup { doctools::toc::export OUT doctools::toc I I exporter OUT } -body { I deserialize = $data I serialize text } -cleanup { I destroy OUT destroy } -result $expected } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IV. Handling json markup as serialization format, import and export. # We are checking that the various forms of json markup, as can be # generated by doctools::toc(::export(::json)) are valid input to the # json parser. # # section {} holds the non-canonical input we have to accept and make # canonical to higher layers. foreach {k section} { 0 {} 1 -ultracompact 2 -indented 3 -indalign } { TestFilesProcess $mytestdir ok json$section serial-print -> n label input data expected { test doctools-toc-${impl}-55.$k.$n "doctools::toc deserialize = json, $label$section, ok" -setup { doctools::toc::import IN doctools::toc I I importer IN } -body { I deserialize = $data json doctools::toc::structure print [I serialize] } -cleanup { I destroy IN destroy } -result $expected } } TestFilesProcess $mytestdir fail json json-emsg -> n label input data expected { test doctools-toc-${impl}-56.$n "doctools::toc deserialize = json, $label, error message" -setup { doctools::toc::import IN doctools::toc I I importer IN } -body { I deserialize = $data json } -cleanup { I destroy IN destroy } -returnCodes error -result $expected } foreach {k in al section} { 0 0 0 -ultracompact 1 1 0 -indented 2 0 1 -indalign 3 1 1 -indalign } { TestFilesProcess $mytestdir ok serial json$section -> n label input data expected { test doctools-toc-${impl}-57.$k.$n "doctools::toc serialize json, $label$section, ok" -setup { doctools::toc::export OUT OUT config set indented $in OUT config set aligned $al doctools::toc I I exporter OUT } -body { I deserialize = $data I serialize json } -cleanup { I destroy OUT destroy } -result $expected } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # V. Handling html markup as serialization format, export only foreach {k nl in section} { 0 0 0 -ultracompact 1 0 1 -indented 2 1 0 -compact 3 1 1 -indented } { TestFilesProcess $mytestdir ok serial html$section -> n label input data expected { test doctools-toc-${impl}-58.$k.$n "doctools::toc serialize html, $label$section, ok" -setup { doctools::toc::export OUT OUT config set newlines $nl OUT config set indented $in OUT config set user _dummy_ doctools::toc I I exporter OUT } -body { I deserialize = $data striphtmlcomments [I serialize html] 3 } -cleanup { I destroy OUT destroy } -result $expected } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # VI. Handling wiki markup as serialization format, export only TestFilesProcess $mytestdir ok serial wiki -> n label input data expected { test doctools-toc-${impl}-59.$n "doctools::toc serialize wiki, $label, ok" -setup { doctools::toc::export OUT doctools::toc I I exporter OUT } -body { I deserialize = $data I serialize wiki } -cleanup { I destroy OUT destroy } -result $expected } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # VII. Handling nroff markup as serialization format, export only foreach {k inline section} { 0 0 -external 1 1 -inlined } { TestFilesProcess $mytestdir ok serial nroff$section -> n label input data expected { test doctools-toc-${impl}-60.$k.$n "doctools::toc serialize nroff, $label$section, ok" -setup { doctools::toc::export OUT OUT config set inline $inline doctools::toc I I exporter OUT } -body { I deserialize = $data stripnroffcomments [stripmanmacros [I serialize nroff]] } -cleanup { I destroy OUT destroy } -result $expected } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- return # TODO :: Test the merging of indices (copy from toc_structure.test) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- return