# -*- tcl -*- # toc_export.testsuite: Tests for the management of toc export plugins. # # Copyright (c) 2009 Andreas Kupries # All rights reserved. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: export,v 1.2 2009/11/15 05:50:03 andreas_kupries Exp $ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests are run for all formats we have an export plugin for. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- set mytestdir data set mytestconfig {fox dog lazy jump} set mytestincludes [TestFilesGlob $mytestdir] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # doctoc markup # Testing the export of doctoc markup through an exporter manager, for # all possible configurations. foreach {k nl in al section} { 0 0 0 0 -ultracompact 1 1 0 0 -compact 2 1 1 0 -indented 3 1 0 1 -aligned 4 1 1 1 -indalign 5 0 1 0 -indented 6 0 0 1 -aligned 7 0 1 1 -indalign } { TestFilesProcess $mytestdir ok serial doctoc$section -> n label input data expected { test doctools-toc-export-plugin-doctoc-20.$k.$n "doctools::toc::export /doctoc, $label$section, ok" -setup { doctools::toc::export OUT OUT config set newlines $nl OUT config set indented $in OUT config set aligned $al } -body { stripcomments [OUT export serial $data doctoc] } -cleanup { OUT destroy } -result $expected } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # text markup TestFilesProcess $mytestdir ok serial text -> n label input data expected { test doctools-toc-export-plugin-text-21.$n "doctools::toc::export /text, $label, ok" -setup { doctools::toc::export OUT } -body { OUT export serial $data text } -cleanup { OUT destroy } -result $expected } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # json markup foreach {k in al section} { 0 0 0 -ultracompact 1 1 0 -indented 2 0 1 -indalign 3 1 1 -indalign } { TestFilesProcess $mytestdir ok serial json$section -> n label input data expected { test doctools-toc-export-plugin-json-22.$k.$n "doctools::toc::export /json, $label$section, ok" -setup { doctools::toc::export OUT OUT config set indented $in OUT config set aligned $al } -body { OUT export serial $data json } -cleanup { OUT destroy } -result $expected } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # html markup foreach {k nl in section} { 0 0 0 -ultracompact 1 0 1 -indented 2 1 0 -compact 3 1 1 -indented } { TestFilesProcess $mytestdir ok serial html$section -> n label input data expected { test doctools-toc-export-plugin-html-23.$k.$n "doctools::toc::export /html, $label$section, ok" -setup { doctools::toc::export OUT OUT config set newlines $nl OUT config set indented $in OUT config set user _dummy_ } -body { striphtmlcomments [OUT export serial $data html] 3 } -cleanup { OUT destroy } -result $expected } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # wiki markup TestFilesProcess $mytestdir ok serial wiki -> n label input data expected { test doctools-toc-export-plugin-wiki-23.$n "doctools::toc::export /wiki, $label, ok" -setup { doctools::toc::export OUT } -body { OUT export serial $data wiki } -cleanup { OUT destroy } -result $expected } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # nroff markup foreach {k inline section} { 0 0 -external 1 1 -inlined } { TestFilesProcess $mytestdir ok serial nroff$section -> n label input data expected { test doctools-toc-export-plugin-nroff-24.$k.$n "doctools::toc::export /nroff, $label$section, ok" -setup { doctools::toc::export OUT OUT config set inline $inline } -body { stripnroffcomments [stripmanmacros [OUT export serial $data nroff]] } -cleanup { OUT destroy } -result $expected } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- unset mytestdir n label input data expected return