source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.6 testsNeedTcltest 2.0 package require TclOO support { use virtchannel_core/events.tcl tcl::chan::events use virtchannel_base/variable.tcl tcl::chan::variable } testing { useLocal picoirc.tcl picoirc } proc contextReset {{data {}}} { array set ::picoirc::irc $::picoirc::defaults set ::picoirc::irc(callback) callback set ::picoirc::irc(nick) anonymous set ::picoirc::irc(data) "$data\n" set ::picoirc::irc(socket) [tcl::chan::variable ::picoirc::irc(data)] chan configure $::picoirc::irc(socket) -buffering line foreach _ [split $data \n] { ::picoirc::Read ::picoirc::irc } return } proc send {channel msg} { ::picoirc::post ::picoirc::irc $channel $msg return } proc contextResult {} { close $::picoirc::irc(socket) return [lindex [split $::picoirc::irc(data) \n] end-1] } proc contextItemResult {key} { close $::picoirc::irc(socket) return $::picoirc::irc($key) } proc callback {_ args} { global data set data $args if {$args == "version"} { return "PicoIRC:1.0:Tcl 8.6 tls 1.7.22" } return } proc callbackResult {} { global data return $data } test picoirc-1.0 {irc:// schema} -body { ::picoirc::Splituri irc:// } -result [list 6667 {} 0] test picoirc-1.1 {irc:// schema with port} -body { ::picoirc::Splituri irc:// } -result [list 6654 {} 0] test picoirc-1.2 {irc:// schema with channel} -body { ::picoirc::Splituri irc:// } -result [list 6667 #tcl 0] test picoirc-1.3 {irc:// schema with channel and port} -body { ::picoirc::Splituri irc:// } -result [list 5347 #go-nuts 0] test picoirc-1.4 {ircs:// schema} -body { ::picoirc::Splituri ircs:// } -result [list 6697 {} 1] test picoirc-1.5 {ircs:// schema with port} -body { ::picoirc::Splituri ircs:// } -result [list 69654 {} 1] test picoirc-1.6 {ircs:// schema with channel} -body { ::picoirc::Splituri ircs:// } -result [list 6697 #tcl 1] test picoirc-1.7 {ircs:// schema with channel and port} -body { ::picoirc::Splituri ircs:// } -result [list 76556 #go-nuts 1] test picoirc-1.8 {address} -body { ::picoirc::Splituri } -result [list 6667 {} 0] test picoirc-1.9 {address with port} -body { ::picoirc::Splituri } -result [list 8697 {} 0] test picoirc-1.10 {address with channel} -body { ::picoirc::Splituri } -result [list 6667 #tcl 0] test picoirc-1.11 {address with channel and port} -body { ::picoirc::Splituri } -result [list 765 #go-nuts 0] test picoirc-1.12 {irc:// schema with multiple channels} -body { ::picoirc::Splituri irc://,#go-nuts,#twtxt } -result [list 6667 {{#tcl} #go-nuts #twtxt} 0] test picoirc-1.13 {irc:// schema with channel and special params} -body { ::picoirc::Splituri irc://,needkey,needpass } -result [list 6667 #tcl 0] test picoirc-1.14 {address with multiple channels} -body { ::picoirc::Splituri #tcl,#go-nuts, } -result [list 6667 {{#tcl} #go-nuts #twtxt} 0] test picoirc-1.15 {address with channel and special params} -body { ::picoirc::Splituri #tcl,needkey, } -result [list 6667 #tcl 0] test picoirc-2.0 {channel message} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@ PRIVMSG #tcl :hello #tcl" callbackResult } -result [list chat #tcl tcler {hello #tcl} {}] test picoirc-2.1 {channel message with action} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@ PRIVMSG #tcl :\001ACTION fixing scripts\001" callbackResult } -result [list chat #tcl tcler {fixing scripts} ACTION] test picoirc-2.2 {channel message with version} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@ PRIVMSG #tcl :\001VERSION\001" contextResult } -result "NOTICE tcler :\001VERSION PicoIRC:1.0:Tcl 8.6 tls 1.7.22\001" test picoirc-2.3 {private message} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@ PRIVMSG anonymous :hey there" callbackResult } -result [list chat anonymous tcler {hey there} {}] test picoirc-2.4 {private message with action} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@ PRIVMSG anonymous :\001ACTION feels good\001" callbackResult } -result [list chat anonymous tcler {feels good} ACTION] test picoirc-2.5 {private message with version} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@ PRIVMSG anonymous :\001VERSION\001" contextResult } -result "NOTICE tcler :\001VERSION PicoIRC:1.0:Tcl 8.6 tls 1.7.22\001" test picoirc-2.6 {user list} -body { contextReset [join [list \ " 353 tcler @ #tcl :tcler +aku +curiousgay +kbk +rkeene +sebres" \ " 366 tcler #tcl :End of /NAMES list." \ ] "\n"] callbackResult } -result [list userlist #tcl {tcler +aku +curiousgay +kbk +rkeene +sebres}] test picoirc-2.7 {whois} -body { contextReset [join [list \ " 311 tcler anonymous ~anon * :PicoIRC 1.0 user" \ " 319 tcler anonymous :+#go-nuts #haskell #tcl " \ " 312 tcler anonymous :DE" \ " 671 tcler anonymous :is using a secure connection" \ " 330 tcler anonymous anonymous :is logged in as" \ " 318 tcler anonymous :End of /WHOIS list." \ ] "\n"] callbackResult } -result [list userinfo anonymous \ [list name ~anon \ host \ userinfo {PicoIRC 1.0 user} \ channels {+#go-nuts #haskell #tcl }]] test picoirc-2.8 {join channel} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@ JOIN #tcl" callbackResult } -result [list traffic entered #tcl tcler] test picoirc-2.9 {change nick} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@ NICK :gopher" callbackResult } -result [list traffic nickchange {} tcler gopher] test picoirc-2.10 {quit channel} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@ PART #tcl" callbackResult } -result [list traffic left #tcl tcler] test picoirc-2.11 {quit server} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@ QUIT" callbackResult } -result [list traffic left {} tcler] test picoirc-2.12 {mode self} -body { contextReset ":anonymous MODE anonymous :+RZi" callbackResult } -result [list mode {} anonymous +RZi] test picoirc-2.13 {mode channel} -body { contextReset " MODE #tcl-hacks :+ns" callbackResult } -result [list mode {} #tcl-hacks +ns] test picoirc-2.14 {mode channel with parameter} -body { contextReset ":ChanServ!ChanServ@services. MODE #tcl-hacks :+v newbie" callbackResult } -result [list mode ChanServ #tcl-hacks "+v newbie"] test picoirc-2.15 {mode channel with parameter without colon} -body { contextReset ":ChanServ!ChanServ@services. MODE #tcl-hacks +v newbie" callbackResult } -result [list mode ChanServ #tcl-hacks "+v newbie"] test picoirc-2.16 {mode channel with trailing space and without colon} -body { contextReset ":ChanServ!ChanServ@services. MODE #tcl-hacks -s " callbackResult } -result [list mode ChanServ #tcl-hacks "-s "] test picoirc-2.17 {channel notice} -body { contextReset ":ChanServ!ChanServ@services. NOTICE #tcl :Tcl is the productive programming language." callbackResult } -result [list chat #tcl ChanServ {Tcl is the productive programming language.} NOTICE] test picoirc-2.18 {private notice} -body { contextReset ":NickServ!NickServ@services. NOTICE anonymous :This nickname is registered." callbackResult } -result [list chat {} NickServ {This nickname is registered.} NOTICE] test picoirc-2.19 {global notice} -body { contextReset " NOTICE * :*** Checking Ident" callbackResult } -result [list chat {} {} {*** Checking Ident} NOTICE] test picoirc-3.0 {/me} -body { contextReset send #tcl "/me testing picoirc" list [contextResult] [callbackResult] } -result [list "PRIVMSG #tcl :\001ACTION testing picoirc\001" \ [list chat #tcl anonymous "testing picoirc" ACTION]] test picoirc-3.1 {/nick} -body { contextReset send #tcl "/nick anon" contextResult } -result "NICK anon" test picoirc-3.2 {/quit} -body { contextReset send #tcl "/quit" contextResult } -result "QUIT" test picoirc-3.3 {/part} -body { contextReset send #tcl "/part" contextResult } -result "PART #tcl" test picoirc-3.4 {/names} -body { contextReset send #tcl "/names" contextResult } -result "NAMES #tcl" test picoirc-3.5 {/whois inside channel} -body { contextReset send #tcl "/whois aku" contextResult } -result "WHOIS aku" test picoirc-3.6 {/whois} -body { contextReset send {} "/whois aku" contextResult } -result "WHOIS aku" test picoirc-3.7 {/kick} -body { contextReset send #tcl "/kick bastard too much spamming" contextResult } -result "KICK #tcl bastard :too much spamming" test picoirc-3.8 {/kick no reason} -body { contextReset send #tcl "/kick bastard" contextResult } -result "KICK #tcl bastard :" test picoirc-3.9 {/mode} -body { contextReset send #tcl "/mode #tcl-hacks +s" contextResult } -result "MODE #tcl-hacks +s" test picoirc-3.10 {/topic} -body { contextReset send #tcl "/topic Tcl is the best scripting language in the world!" contextResult } -result "TOPIC #tcl :Tcl is the best scripting language in the world!" test picoirc-3.11 {/quote} -body { contextReset send #tcl "/quote JOIN #go-nuts" contextResult } -result "JOIN #go-nuts" test picoirc-3.12 {/part} -body { contextReset send #tcl "/join #haskell" contextResult } -result "JOIN #haskell" test picoirc-3.13 {/version} -body { contextReset send #tcl "/version #haskell" contextResult } -result "PRIVMSG #haskell :\001VERSION\001" test picoirc-3.14 {/msg} -body { contextReset send #tcl "/msg NickServ help me please" list [contextResult] [callbackResult] } -result [list "PRIVMSG NickServ :help me please" \ [list chat NickServ anonymous "help me please" {}]] test picoirc-3.15 {/notice} -body { contextReset send #tcl "/notice #haskell declarative programming is amazing" list [contextResult] [callbackResult] } -result [list "NOTICE #haskell :declarative programming is amazing" \ [list chat #haskell anonymous "declarative programming is amazing" "NOTICE"]] test picoirc-3.16 {unknown command} -body { contextReset send #tcl "/compile chromium" callbackResult } -result [list system #tcl {unknown command /compile}] test picoirc-4.0 {channel message ipv6} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@fd0a:7439:215b:fd8f:0:1:2:3 PRIVMSG #tcl :hello #tcl" callbackResult } -result [list chat #tcl tcler {hello #tcl} {}] test picoirc-4.1 {channel message with action ipv6} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@fd0a:7439:215b:fd8f:0:1:2:3 PRIVMSG #tcl :\001ACTION fixing scripts\001" callbackResult } -result [list chat #tcl tcler {fixing scripts} ACTION] test picoirc-4.2 {channel message with version ipv6} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@fd0a:7439:215b:fd8f:0:1:2:3 PRIVMSG #tcl :\001VERSION\001" contextResult } -result "NOTICE tcler :\001VERSION PicoIRC:1.0:Tcl 8.6 tls 1.7.22\001" test picoirc-4.3 {private message ipv6} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@fd0a:7439:215b:fd8f:0:1:2:3 PRIVMSG anonymous :hey there" callbackResult } -result [list chat anonymous tcler {hey there} {}] test picoirc-4.4 {private message with action ipv6} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@fd0a:7439:215b:fd8f:0:1:2:3 PRIVMSG anonymous :\001ACTION feels good\001" callbackResult } -result [list chat anonymous tcler {feels good} ACTION] test picoirc-4.5 {private message with version ipv6} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@fd0a:7439:215b:fd8f:0:1:2:3 PRIVMSG anonymous :\001VERSION\001" contextResult } -result "NOTICE tcler :\001VERSION PicoIRC:1.0:Tcl 8.6 tls 1.7.22\001" # picoirc-4.6 : not ipv6 specific test picoirc-4.7 {whois ipv6} -body { contextReset [join [list \ " 311 tcler anonymous ~anon * :PicoIRC 1.0 user" \ " 319 tcler anonymous :#tcl #tcltest" \ " 312 tcler anonymous :Espoo, FI" \ " 338 tcler anonymous fd0a:7439:215b:fd8f:0:1:2:3 :actually using host" \ " 317 tcler anonymous 149 1624142406 :seconds idle, signon time" \ " 330 tcler anonymous anonymous :is logged in as" \ " 318 tcler anonymous :End of /WHOIS list." \ ] "\n"] callbackResult } -result [list userinfo anonymous \ [list name ~anon \ host \ userinfo {PicoIRC 1.0 user} \ channels {#tcl #tcltest}]] test picoirc-4.8 {join channel ipv6} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@fd0a:7439:215b:fd8f:0:1:2:3 JOIN #tcl" callbackResult } -result {traffic entered #tcl tcler} test picoirc-4.9 {change nick ipv6} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@fd0a:7439:215b:fd8f:0:1:2:3 NICK :gopher" callbackResult } -result {traffic nickchange {} tcler gopher} test picoirc-4.10 {quit channel ipv6} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@fd0a:7439:215b:fd8f:0:1:2:3 PART #tcl" callbackResult } -result {traffic left #tcl tcler} test picoirc-4.11 {quit server ipv6} -body { contextReset ":tcler!~anon@fd0a:7439:215b:fd8f:0:1:2:3 QUIT" callbackResult } -result {traffic left {} tcler} test picoirc-5.0 {capabilities list} -body { contextReset " CAP tcler LS :multi-prefix tls sasl" contextItemResult caps } -result {multi-prefix tls sasl} testsuiteCleanup