# Markdown *Markdown* is a Markdown to XHTML processor. It supports the original basic syntax as defined by John Gruber on his homepage at [http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax). # Markdown Dialect Tcl-markdown is intended to support the same range of inputs and outputs as John Gruber's original Markdown processor. Common extensions are not supported at this time. ## Known Bugs Per Markdown.mdtest, reflink text can contain brackets. This input should produce a link to the "/url/"; at present it does not (see Tcl-markdown test mdtest-1.3): ``` With [embedded [brackets]] [b]. [b]: /url/ ``` Simple reference links are ignored. The following link should be expanded, but it isn't (see Tcl-markdown test mdtest-1.4): ``` Simple link [this]. [this]: /url/ ``` Oddly, a line beginning and ending with brackets can contain reference links within it. The following links should be expanded, but are not (see Tcl-markdown tests mdtest-1.5 and 1.6): ``` [Links can be [embedded][] in brackets] [Links can be [embedded] in brackets] [embedded]: /url/ ``` Simple reflinks can have line breaks in them; these are currently not supported (see Tcl-markdown tests mdtest-1.7 and 1.8): ``` The [link breaks] across lines. The [link breaks] across lines, but with a line-ending space. [link breaks]: /url/ ``` ## Mdtest Results Tcl-markdown has been run against the Markdown.mdtest test set provided by [mdtest](https://github.com/michelf/mdtest) test suite, with mixed results. * Running the test suite on OSX 10.8.5, using PHP 5.3.28, most tests fail. Examination of the results reveals that most of the "failures" involve whitespace differences with no effect on the rendered appearance of the output. * Running the test suite on OSX 10.9, using PHP 5.4.30, most tests pass. The test files and Tcl-markdown outputs are identical on both platforms. My conjecture is that an XML-parser is used to compare the actual and expected results, and that the comparison is a little more forgiving on PHP 5.4.30. I am trying to fix substantive bugs; but see the mdtest-\*.\* tests in test/markdown/markdown.test that are tagged with the constraint "knownbug". ## CommonMark Results Tcl-markdown has not been run against the CommonMark test suite as yet. I would like to evolve it into a CommonMark compliant processor, but that will take some time. # Provenance This module originated as the Tcl-Markdown project by Tobias Koch and Danyil Bohdan, as part of the Caius Test Tool. [https://github.com/tobijk/caius/](https://github.com/tobijk/caius/) The module incorporated into Tcllib is based on a version that was modifed and enhanced by Will Duquette. [https://github.com/wduquette/tcl-markdown](https://github.com/wduquette/tcl-markdown)