Test inline Elements === Emphasis --- This one is *emphasized* with `*`. This one is __strongly emphasized__ with `__`. This one has its delimiter *e\*s\*c\*a\*p\*e\*d* as content. This is a free * asterisk and a free _ underscore. This is a **strong one**. Links --- Use [Google][] and [Yahoo] [] for search and read [News for Nerds][Slashdot] and [Hacker News] [HN]. Watch videos at [Youtube](http://www.youtube.com "Youtube"). [News for Nerds][Slashdot]. [Google]: http://www.google.de "Google Homepage" [Yahoo]: http://www.yahoo.com [Slashdot]: (News for Nerds) [HN]: http://news.ycombinator.com 'Hacker News' Unknown ref: [bla][foo] Code --- An XML declaration looks like this: ``. The `printf()` function is used for printing to the screen. Show a single `` ` ``. Images --- Here comes an inline graphic ![Inline Image](/path/to/some.jpg "Inline title"). Here comes a reference ![Ref Image][SomeImage]. [SomeImage]: /path/to/some.png "Ref image title" Entities --- Here is a copyright symbol: ©. AT&T operator talk. 4 < 5 or 5 > 4. Automatic Links --- Write to and visit . This is an auto-link with ampersand: . Inline HTML --- Here is some text in bold. An image tag no
such file. And here comes a table:
Column AColumn B
Here comes some text. Here comes some text. Here comes some text. Here comes some text. Here comes some text. Here comes some text. Here comes some text. Here is an inline email link with mailto: . And here is an inline email link without mailto: . This is not a valid email link neither is this <@example.com>.