# Tests for combinatorics functions in math library -*- tcl -*- # # This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcllib # procedures. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and # generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found. # # Copyright (c) 2001 by Kevin B. Kenny # All rights reserved. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: combinatorics.test,v 1.14 2006/10/09 21:41:41 andreas_kupries Exp $ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 1.0 testing { useLocal math.tcl math } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fake [lset] for Tcl releases that don't have it. We need only # lset into a flat list. if { [string compare lset [info commands lset]] } { proc K { x y } { set x } proc lset { listVar index var } { upvar 1 $listVar list set list [lreplace [K $list [set list {}]] $index $index $var] } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test combinatorics-1.1 { math::ln_Gamma, wrong num args } { catch { math::ln_Gamma } msg set msg } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs math::ln_Gamma x 0] test combinatorics-1.2 { math::ln_Gamma, main line code } { set maxerror 0. set f 1. for { set i 1 } { $i < 171 } { set i $ip1 } { set f [expr { $f * $i }] set ip1 [expr { $i + 1 }] set f2 [expr { exp( [math::ln_Gamma $ip1] ) }] set error [expr { abs( $f2 - $f ) / $f }] if { $error > $maxerror } { set maxerror $error } } if { $maxerror > 5e-10 } { error "max error of factorials computed using math::ln_Gamma\ specified to be 5e-10, was $maxerror" } concat } {} test combinatorics-1.3 { math::ln_Gamma, half integer args } { set maxerror 0. set z 0.5 set pi 3.1415926535897932 set g [expr { sqrt( $pi ) }] while { $z < 170. } { set g2 [expr { exp( [::math::ln_Gamma $z] ) }] set error [expr { abs( $g2 - $g ) / $g }] if { $error > $maxerror } { set maxerror $error } set g [expr { $g * $z }] set z [expr { $z + 1. }] } if { $maxerror > 5e-10 } { error "max error of half integer gamma computed using math::ln_Gamma\ specified to be 5e-10, was $maxerror" } concat } {} test combinatorics-1.4 { math::ln_Gamma, bogus arg } { catch { math::ln_Gamma bogus } msg set msg } {expected a floating-point number but found "bogus"} test combinatorics-1.5 { math::ln_Gamma, evaluate at pole } { catch { math::ln_Gamma 0.0 } msg list $msg $::errorCode } {{argument to math::ln_Gamma must be positive} {ARITH DOMAIN {argument to math::ln_Gamma must be positive}}} test combinatorics-1.6 { math::ln_Gamma, exponent overflow } { catch { math::ln_Gamma 2.556348163871691e+305 } msg list $msg $::errorCode } {{floating-point value too large to represent} {ARITH OVERFLOW {floating-point value too large to represent}}} test combinatorics-2.1 { math::factorial, wrong num args } { catch { math::factorial } msg set msg } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs math::factorial x 0] test combinatorics-2.2 { math::factorial 0 } { math::factorial 0 } 1 test combinatorics-2.3 { math::factorial, main line } { set maxerror 0. set f 1. for { set i 1 } { $i < 171 } { set i $ip1 } { set f [expr { $f * $i }] set ip1 [expr { $i + 1 }] set f2 [math::factorial $i] set error [expr { abs( $f2 - $f ) / $f }] if { $error > $maxerror } { set maxerror $error } } if { $maxerror > 1e-16 } { error "max error of factorials computed using math::factorial\ specified to be 1e-16, was $maxerror" } concat } {} test combinatorics-2.4 { math::factorial, half integer args } { set maxerror 0. set z -0.5 set pi 3.1415926535897932 set g [expr { sqrt( $pi ) }] while { $z < 169. } { set g2 [math::factorial $z] set error [expr { abs( $g2 - $g ) / $g }] if { $error > $maxerror } { set maxerror $error } set z [expr { $z + 1. }] set g [expr { $g * $z }] } if { $maxerror > 1e-9 } { error "max error of half integer factorial\ specified to be 1e-9, was $maxerror" } concat } {} test combinatorics-2.5 { math::factorial, bogus arg } { catch { math::factorial bogus } msg set msg } {expected a floating-point number but found "bogus"} test combinatorics-2.6 { math::factorial, evaluate at pole } { catch { math::factorial -1.0 } msg list $msg $::errorCode } {{argument to math::factorial must be greater than -1.0} {ARITH DOMAIN {argument to math::factorial must be greater than -1.0}}} test combinatorics-2.7 { math::factorial, exponent overflow } { if {![catch { math::factorial 171 } msg]} { if { [string equal $msg Infinity] || [string equal $msg Inf] } { set result ok } else { set result "result of factorial was [list $msg],\ should be Infinity" } } else { if { [string equal [lrange $::errorCode 0 1] {ARITH OVERFLOW}] } { set result ok } else { set result "error from factorial was [list $::errorCode],\ should be {ARITH IOVERFLOW *}" } } set result } ok test combinatorics-2.8 { math::factorial, "" arg } { catch { math::factorial "" } msg list $msg } {{expected a floating-point number but found ""}} test combinatorics-3.1 { math::choose, wrong num args } { catch { math::choose } msg set msg } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs math::choose {n k} 0] test combinatorics-3.2 { math::choose, wrong num args } { catch { math::choose 1 } msg set msg } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs math::choose {n k} 1] test combinatorics-3.3 { math::choose, precomputed table and gamma evals } { set maxError 0 set l {} for { set n 0 } { $n < 100 } { incr n } { lappend l 1. for { set k [expr { $n - 1 }] } { $k > 0 } { set k $km1 } { set km1 [expr { $k - 1 }] set cnk [expr { [lindex $l $k] + [lindex $l $km1] }] lset l $k $cnk set ccnk [math::choose $n $k] set error [expr { abs( $ccnk - $cnk ) / $cnk }] if { $error > $maxError } { set maxError $error } } } if { $maxError > 5e-10 } { error "max error in math::choose was $maxError, specified to be 5e-10" } concat } {} test combinatorics-3.4 { math::choose, bogus n } { catch { math::choose bogus 0 } msg set msg } {expected a floating-point number but found "bogus"} test combinatorics-3.5 { math::choose bogus k } { catch { math::choose 0 bogus } msg set msg } {expected a floating-point number but found "bogus"} test combinatorics-3.6 { match::choose negative n } { catch { math::choose -1 0 } msg list $msg $::errorCode } {{first argument to math::choose must be non-negative} {ARITH DOMAIN {first argument to math::choose must be non-negative}}} test combinatorics-3.7 { math::choose negative k } { math::choose 17 -1 } 0 test combinatorics-3.8 { math::choose excess k } { math::choose 17 18 } 0 test combinatorics-3.9 {math::choose negative fraction } { catch { math::choose 17 -0.5 } msg list $msg $::errorCode } {{second argument to math::choose must be non-negative, or both must be integers} {ARITH DOMAIN {second argument to math::choose must be non-negative, or both must be integers}}} test combinatorics-3.10 { math::choose big args } { if {![catch { math::choose 1500 750 } msg]} { if { [string equal $msg Infinity] || [string equal $msg Inf] } { set result ok } else { set result "result of choose was [list $msg],\ should be Infinity" } } else { if { [string equal [lrange $::errorCode 0 1] {ARITH OVERFLOW}] } { set result ok } else { set result "error from choose was [list $::errorCode],\ should be {ARITH IOVERFLOW *}" } } set result } ok test combinatorics-4.1 { math::Beta, wrong num args } { catch { math::Beta } msg set msg } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs math::Beta {z w} 0] test combinatorics-4.2 { math::Beta, wrong num args } { catch { math::Beta 1 } msg set msg } [tcltest::wrongNumArgs math::Beta {z w} 1] test combinatorics-4.3 { math::Beta, bogus z } { catch { math::Beta bogus 1 } msg set msg } {expected a floating-point number but found "bogus"} test combinatorics-4.4 { math::Beta, bogus w } { catch { math::Beta 1 bogus } msg set msg } {expected a floating-point number but found "bogus"} test combinatorics-4.5 { math::Beta, negative z } { catch { math::Beta 0 1 } msg list $msg $::errorCode } {{first argument to math::Beta must be positive} {ARITH DOMAIN {first argument to math::Beta must be positive}}} test combinatorics-4.6 { math::Beta, negative w } { catch { math::Beta 1 0 } msg list $msg $::errorCode } {{second argument to math::Beta must be positive} {ARITH DOMAIN {second argument to math::Beta must be positive}}} test combinatorics-4.7 { math::Beta, test with Pascal } { set maxError 0 set l {} for { set n 0 } { $n < 100 } { incr n } { lappend l 1. for { set k [expr { $n - 1 }] } { $k > 0 } { set k $km1 } { set km1 [expr { $k - 1 }] set cnk [expr { [lindex $l $k] + [lindex $l $km1] }] lset l $k $cnk set w [expr { $k + 1 }] set z [expr { $n - $k + 1 }] set beta [expr { 1.0 / $cnk / ( $z + $w - 1 )}] set cbeta [math::Beta $z $w] set error [expr { abs( $cbeta - $beta ) / $beta }] if { $error > $maxError } { set maxError $error } } } if { $maxError > 5e-10 } { error "max error in math::Beta was $maxError, specified to be 5e-10" } concat } {} testsuiteCleanup