[manpage_begin md5crypt n 1.1.0] [see_also md5] [keywords hashing] [keywords md5] [keywords md5crypt] [keywords message-digest] [keywords security] [moddesc {MD5-based password encryption}] [copyright {2003, Pat Thoyts }] [titledesc {MD5-based password encryption}] [category {Hashes, checksums, and encryption}] [require Tcl 8.2] [require md5 2.0] [require md5crypt [opt 1.1.0]] [description] [para] This package provides an implementation of the MD5-crypt password encryption algorithm as pioneered by FreeBSD and currently in use as a replacement for the unix crypt(3) function in many modern systems. An implementation of the closely related Apache MD5-crypt is also available. The output of these commands are compatible with the BSD and OpenSSL implementation of md5crypt and the Apache 2 htpasswd program. [section {COMMANDS}] [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd "::md5crypt::md5crypt"] \ [arg "password"] \ [arg "salt"]] Generate a BSD compatible md5-encoded password hash from the plaintext password and a random salt (see SALT). [call [cmd "::md5crypt::aprcrypt"] \ [arg "password"] \ [arg "salt"]] Generate an Apache compatible md5-encoded password hash from the plaintext password and a random salt (see SALT). [call [cmd "::md5crypt::salt"] [opt [arg "length"]]] Generate a random salt string suitable for use with the [cmd md5crypt] and [cmd aprcrypt] commands. [list_end] [section {SALT}] The salt passed to either of the encryption schemes implemented here is checked to see if it begins with the encryption scheme magic string (either "$1$" for MD5-crypt or "$apr1$" for Apache crypt). If so, this is removed. The remaining characters up to the next $ and up to a maximum of 8 characters are then used as the salt. The salt text should probably be restricted the set of ASCII alphanumeric characters plus "./" (dot and forward-slash) - this is to preserve maximum compatability with the unix password file format. [para] If a password is being generated rather than checked from a password file then the [cmd salt] command may be used to generate a random salt. [section {EXAMPLES}] [example { % md5crypt::md5crypt password 01234567 $1$01234567$b5lh2mHyD2PdJjFfALlEz1 }] [example { % md5crypt::aprcrypt password 01234567 $apr1$01234567$IXBaQywhAhc0d75ZbaSDp/ }] [example { % md5crypt::md5crypt password [md5crypt::salt] $1$dFmvyRmO$T.V3OmzqeEf3hqJp2WFcb. }] [vset CATEGORY md5crypt] [include ../common-text/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]