[vset VERSION 1.5.1] [comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [manpage_begin smtp n [vset VERSION]] [see_also ftp] [see_also http] [see_also mime] [see_also pop3] [copyright {1999-2000 Marshall T. Rose and others}] [moddesc {smtp client}] [titledesc {Client-side tcl implementation of the smtp protocol}] [category Networking] [require Tcl] [require mime [opt 1.5.4]] [require smtp [opt [vset VERSION]]] [description] [para] The [package smtp] library package provides the client side of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) (1) (2). [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd ::smtp::sendmessage] [arg token] [arg option]...] This command sends the MIME part (see package [package mime]) represented by [arg token] to an SMTP server. [arg options] is a list of options and their associated values. The recognized options are: [list_begin definitions] [def [option -servers]] A list of SMTP servers. The default is [const localhost]. [para] If multiple servers are specified they are tried in sequence. Note that the [option -ports] are iterated over in tandem with the servers. If there are not enough ports for the number of servers the default port (see below) is used. If there are more ports than servers the superfluous ports are ignored. [def [option -ports]] A list of SMTP ports. The default is [const 25]. [para] See option [option -servers] above regardig the behaviour for then multiple servers and ports are specified. [def [option -client]] The name to use as our hostname when connecting to the server. By default this is either localhost if one of the servers is localhost, or is set to the string returned by [cmd "info hostname"]. [def [option -queue]] Indicates that the SMTP server should be asked to queue the message for later processing. A boolean value. [def [option -atleastone]] Indicates that the SMTP server must find at least one recipient acceptable for the message to be sent. A boolean value. [def [option -originator]] A string containing an 822-style address specification. If present the header isn't examined for an originator address. [def [option -recipients]] A string containing one or more 822-style address specifications. If present the header isn't examined for recipient addresses). If the string contains more than one address they will be separated by commas. [def [option -header]] A list containing two elements, an smtp header and its associated value (the -header option may occur zero or more times). [def [option -usetls]] This package supports the RFC 3207 TLS extension (3) by default provided the tls package is available. You can turn this off with this boolean option. [def [option -tlsimport]] This boolean flag is [const false] by default. When this flag is set the package will import TLS on a sucessfully opened channel. This is needed for connections using native TLS negotiation instead of [const STARTTLS]. The [package tls] package is automatically required when needed. [def [option -tlspolicy]] This option lets you specify a command to be called if an error occurs during TLS setup. The command is called with the SMTP code and diagnostic message appended. The command should return 'secure' or 'insecure' where insecure will cause the package to continue on the unencrypted channel. Returning 'secure' will cause the socket to be closed and the next server in the [option -servers] list to be tried. [def [option -username]] [def [option -password]] If your SMTP server requires authentication (RFC 2554 (4)) before accepting mail you can use [option -username] and [option -password] to provide your authentication details to the server. Currently this package supports DIGEST-MD5, CRAM-MD5, LOGIN and PLAIN authentication methods. The most secure method will be tried first and each method tried in turn until we are either authorized or we run out of methods. Note that if the server permits a TLS connection, then the authorization will occur after we begin using the secure channel. [para] Please also read the section on [sectref Authentication], it details the necessary prequisites, i.e. packages needed to support these options and authentication. [list_end] [para] If the [option -originator] option is not present, the originator address is taken from [const From] (or [const Resent-From]); similarly, if the [option -recipients] option is not present, recipient addresses are taken from [const To], [const cc], and [const Bcc] (or [const Resent-To], and so on). Note that the header key/values supplied by the [option -header] option (not those present in the MIME part) are consulted. Regardless, header key/values are added to the outgoing message as necessary to ensure that a valid 822-style message is sent. [para] The command returns a list indicating which recipients were unacceptable to the SMTP server. Each element of the list is another list, containing the address, an SMTP error code, and a textual diagnostic. Depending on the [option -atleastone] option and the intended recipients, a non-empty list may still indicate that the message was accepted by the server. [list_end] [section Authentication] Beware. SMTP authentication uses [package SASL]. I.e. if the user has to authenticate a connection, i.e. use the options [option -user] and [option -password] (see above) it is necessary to have the [package sasl] package available so that [package smtp] can load it. [para] This is a soft dependency because not everybody requires authentication, and [package sasl] depends on a lot of the cryptographic (secure) hashes, i.e. all of [package md5], [package otp], [package md4], [package sha1], and [package ripemd160]. [section EXAMPLE] [example { proc send_simple_message {recipient email_server subject body} { package require smtp package require mime set token [mime::initialize -canonical text/plain \\ -string $body] mime::setheader $token Subject $subject smtp::sendmessage $token \\ -recipients $recipient -servers $email_server mime::finalize $token } send_simple_message someone@somewhere.com localhost \\ "This is the subject." "This is the message." }] [include ../common-text/tls-security-notes.inc] [section {REFERENCES}] [list_begin enumerated] [enum] Jonathan B. Postel, "SIMPLE MAIL TRANSFER PROTOCOL", RFC 821, August 1982. ([uri http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc821.txt]) [enum] J. Klensin, "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", RFC 2821, April 2001. ([uri http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2821.txt]) [enum] P. Hoffman, "SMTP Service Extension for Secure SMTP over Transport Layer Security", RFC 3207, February 2002. ([uri http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3207.txt]) [enum] J. Myers, "SMTP Service Extension for Authentication", RFC 2554, March 1999. ([uri http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2554.txt]) [list_end] [vset CATEGORY smtp] [include ../common-text/feedback.inc] [keywords mail mail email smtp mime tls \ {rfc 821} {rfc 822} {rfc 2821} {rfc 3207} {rfc 2554} internet net] [manpage_end]