[list_begin options] [include options_std.inc] [opt_def -template string] The value of this option is a string into which to put the generated text and the other configuration settings. The various locations for user-data are expected to be specified with the placeholders listed below. The default value is "[const @code@]". [list_begin definitions] [def [const @user@]] To be replaced with the value of the option [option -user]. [def [const @format@]] To be replaced with the the constant [const C/PARAM]. [def [const @file@]] To be replaced with the value of the option [option -file]. [def [const @name@]] To be replaced with the value of the option [option -name]. [def [const @code@]] To be replaced with the generated Tcl code. [list_end] The following options are special, in that they will occur within the generated code, and are replaced there as well. [list_begin definitions] [def [const @statedecl@]] To be replaced with the value of the option [option state-decl]. [def [const @stateref@]] To be replaced with the value of the option [option state-ref]. [def [const @strings@]] To be replaced with the value of the option [option string-varname]. [def [const @self@]] To be replaced with the value of the option [option self-command]. [def [const @def@]] To be replaced with the value of the option [option fun-qualifier]. [def [const @ns@]] To be replaced with the value of the option [option namespace]. [def [const @main@]] To be replaced with the value of the option [option main]. [def [const @prelude@]] To be replaced with the value of the option [option prelude]. [list_end] [opt_def -state-decl string] A C string representing the argument declaration to use in the generated parsing functions to refer to the parsing state. In essence type and argument name. The default value is the string [const {RDE_PARAM p}]. [opt_def -state-ref string] A C string representing the argument named used in the generated parsing functions to refer to the parsing state. The default value is the string [const p]. [opt_def -self-command string] A C string representing the reference needed to call the generated parser function (methods ...) from another parser fonction, per the chosen framework (template). The default value is the empty string. [opt_def -fun-qualifier string] A C string containing the attributes to give to the generated functions (methods ...), per the chosen framework (template). The default value is [const static]. [opt_def -namespace string] The name of the C namespace the parser functions (methods, ...) shall reside in, or a general prefix to add to the function names. The default value is the empty string. [opt_def -main string] The name of the main function (method, ...) to be called by the chosen framework (template) to start parsing input. The default value is [const __main]. [opt_def -string-varname string] The name of the variable used for the table of strings used by the generated parser, i.e. error messages, symbol names, etc. The default value is [const p_string]. [opt_def -prelude string] A snippet of code to be inserted at the head of each generated parsing function. The default value is the empty string. [opt_def -indent integer] The number of characters to indent each line of the generated code by. The default value is [const 0]. [opt_def -comments boolean] A flag controlling the generation of code comments containing the original parsing expression a parsing function is for. The default value is [const on]. [list_end]