[comment {-*- text -*- doctools manpage}] [manpage_begin pt_parse_peg i 1] [include include/module.inc] [titledesc {Parser Tools PEG Parser}] [require pt::parse::peg 1] [description] [include include/ref_intro.inc] This package provides a class whose instances are parsers for parsing expression grammars in textual form. [section {Class API}] [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd pt::parse::peg] [opt [arg objectName]]] The class command constructs parser instances, i.e. objects. The result of the command is the fully-qualified name of the instance command. [para] If no [arg objectName] is specified the class will generate and use an automatic name. If the [arg objectName] was specified, but is not fully qualified the command will be created in the current namespace. [list_end] [section {Instances API}] All parser instances provide at least the methods shown below: [list_begin definitions] [include include/std_parser_object_api.inc] [list_end] [include include/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]